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Static Linking vs Dynamic Linking

2007-09-22 21:50 197 查看
quote 'Expert C programming' written by Peter Van Der Linden

If a copy of the libraries is physically part of the executable, then we say the executable has been statically linked; if the executable merely contains filenames that enable the loader to find the program's library references at runtime, then we say it has been dynamically linked. The canonical names for the three phases of collecting modules together and preparing them for execution are linkediting, loading, and runtime linking. Statically linked modules are link edited and then loaded to run them. Dynamically linked modules are link-edited and then loaded and runtime-linked to run them. At execution, before main() is called, the runtime loader brings the shared data objects into the process address space. It doesn't resolve external function calls until the call is actually made, so there's no penalty to linking against a library that you may not call.

Although an individual executable has a slightly greater start-up cost, dynamic linking helps overall performance in two ways:

1. A dynamically linked executable is smaller than its statically linked counterpart. It saves disk and virtual memory, as libraries are only mapped in to the process when needed. Formerly, the only way to avoid binding a library copy into each executable was to put the service in the kernel instead of a library, contributing to the dreaded "kernel bloat."

2. All executables dynamically linked to a particular library share a single copy of the library at runtime. The kernel ensures that libraries mapped into memory are shared by all processes using them. This provides better I/O and swap space utilization and is sparing of physical memory, improving overall system throughput. If the executables were statically linked, each would wastefully contain its own complete duplicate copy of the library.

Dynamic linking permits easy versioning of libraries. New libraries can be shipped; once installed on the system, old programs automatically get the benefit of the new versions without needing to be relinked.

Finally (much less common, but still possible), dynamic linking allows users to select at runtime which library to execute against. It's possible to create library versions that are tuned for speed, or for memory efficiency, or that contain extra debugging information, and to allow the user to express a preference when execution takes place by substituting one library file for another.

Dynamic linking is "just-in-time" linking. It does mean that programs need to be able to find their libraries at runtime. The linker accomplishes this by putting library filenames or pathnames into the executable; and this in turn, means that libraries cannot be moved completely arbitrarily. If you linked your program against library /usr/lib/libthread.so, you cannot move the library to a different directory unless you specified it to the linker. Otherwise, the program will fail at runtime when it calls a function in the library, with an error message like:

ld.so.1: main: fatal: libthread.so: can't open file: errno=2

This is also an issue when you are executing on a different machine than the one on which you compiled. The execution machine must have all the libraries that you linked with, and must have them in the directories where you told the linker they would be. For the standard system libraries, this isn't a problem.

Static libraries are known as archives and they are created and updated by the ar—for archive—utility. The ar utility is misnamed; if truth in advertising applied to software, it would really be called something like glue_files_together or even static_library_updater.

Convention dictates that static libraries have a ".a" extension on their filename. There isn't an example of creating a static library here, because they are obsolete now, and we don't want to encourage anyone to communicate with the spirit world.

There was an interim kind of linking used in SVR3, midway between static linking and dynamic linking, known as "static shared libraries". Their addresses were fixed throughout their life, and thus could be bound to without the indirection required with dynamic linking. On the other hand, they were inflexible and required a lot of special support in the system. We won't consider them further.

A dynamically linked library is created by the link editor, ld. The conventional file extension for a dynamic library is ".so" meaning "shared object"—every program linked against this library shares the same one copy, in contrast to static linking, in which everyone is (wastefully) given their own copy of the contents of the library. In its simplest form, a dynamic library can be created by using the –G option to cc, like this:

% cat tomato.c

my_lib_function() {printf("library routine called\n"); }

% cc -o libfruit.so -G tomato.c

You can then write routines that use this library, and link with it in this manner:

% cat test.c

main() { my_lib_function(); }

% cc test.c -L/home/linden -R/home/linden -lfruit

% a.out

library routine called

The -L/home/linden -R/home/linden options tell the linker in which directories to look for libraries at linktime and at runtime, respectively.

You will probably also want to use the -K pic compiler option to produce position-independent code for your libraries. Position-independent code means that the generated code makes sure that every global data access is done through an extra indirection. This makes it easy to relocate the data simply by changing one value in the table of global offsets. Similarly, every function call is generated as a call through an indirect address in a procedure linkage table. The text can thus easily be relocated to anywhere, simply by fixing up the offset tables. So when the code is mapped in at runtime, the runtime linker can directly put it wherever there is room, and the code itself doesn't have to be changed.

By default, the compilers don't generate PICode as the additional pointer dereference is a fraction slower at runtime. However, if you don't use PICode, the generated code is tied to a fixed address— fine for an executable, but slower for a shared library, since every global reference now has to be fixed up at runtime by page modification, in turn making the page unshareable.

The runtime linker will fix up the page references anyway, but the task is greatly simplified with position-independent code. It is a trade-off whether PICode is slower or faster than letting the runtime linker fix up the code. A rule of thumb is to always use PICode for libraries.

Position-independent code is especially useful for shared libraries because each process that uses a shared library will generally map it at a different virtual address (though sharing one physical copy).

A related term is "pure code." A pure executable is one that contains only code (no static or initialized data). It is "pure" in the sense that it doesn't have to be modified to be executed by any specific process. It references its data off the stack or from another (impure) segment. A pure code segment can be shared. If you are generating PIcode (indicating sharing) you usually want it to be pure, too.
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