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2007-09-06 03:54 357 查看
1、The New York Times
The New York Times用的标题是:Panel Rejects Microsoft's Open Format.
CNN所用的标题是:Microsoft fails to win global standard approval.
MSNBC所用的标题是:Microsoft fails to win global standard approval. 和CNN一样。有意思的是,MSNBC所用的新闻稿除了个别词汇外,与CNN的几乎完全一样,CNN注明来自于AP(美联社),而MSNBC没有注明出处。
仔细想想,The New York Times所用标题是比较中性的,而CNN和MSNBC的标题有点点过头。因为此次投票并不是最终结果,明年2月份还有一轮投票,所以现在就说“fails to win global standard approval”有点为时尚早。
1、The New York Times
A panel of software experts yesterday unexpectedly rebuffed Microsoft’s bid to have its open document format, Office Open XML, recognized as an international standard. The decision complicates the company’s effort to extend its dominance to the emerging field of open documents.
"unexpectedly rebuffed",这两个词用的很重!
BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- Microsoft Corp (Charts, Fortune 500). has failed in a first step to win enough support to make the data format behind its flagship Office software a global standard, the International Standards Organization said Tuesday.
“has failed in a first step to win enough support to make ... a global standard”,这个表述就比较准确了,因为是引用ISO的官方说法。
BRUSSELS, Belgium - Microsoft Corp. has failed in a first step to win enough support to make the data format behind its flagship Office software a global standard, the International Standards Organization said Tuesday.
Microsoft在这轮两次投票(一次是panel of ISO,另一次是panel of ISO and IEC)中都没有达到ISO的要求:
此前OOXML已经通过ECMA的批准,成为ECMA Standard。此次的反对意见主要集中于OOXML仍然不够开放,Office Open XML Specification共分五个部分,合计6036页PDF文本,以前只是大概看了一下第4部分Markup Language Reference,也没仔细研究,no comment........
还是来看看The New York Times报道中的一段话:
The fight over the standard, while technically arcane, is commercially important because more governments are demanding interchangeable open document formats for their vast amounts of records, instead of proprietary formats tied to one company’s software. The only standardized format now available to government buyers is OpenDocument Format, developed by a consortium led by I.B.M., which the I.S.O. approved in May 2006.
这段话对M$至关重要。一旦OOXML最后被rebuffed掉,则Office将被各国政府所拒绝,这意味着Office将退出“江湖”,而一旦Office disappeared,M$的夕阳将升出地平线……
所以,此次的reject,对Microsoft而言,会促使其认真考虑各国代表提出的Comments,对OOXML作出修订,使其真正成为Open Format。对用户而言,假如OOXML最终获得通过,则省去了很多麻烦,也会节省很多的成本(至少是学习成本)。而对ISV而言,International Standard是唯一可以参照的规范,而软件本身却是可以proprietary,而且ODF和OOXML(还可以再加上UOF)之间的转换工具的开发也是一种可为的生计。
总体来讲,此次的reject,是一件好事,而不是坏事,无论对谁。所以,大可不必像某些人那样,时而咬牙切齿,时而欢呼雀跃。我们所要做的事情,恐怕还是老老实实地研究ODF和OOXML specifications罢……
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