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2007-08-01 11:30 162 查看
BadBoy 手册
Badboy监控internet explorer的活动,提供录制/回放功能.

1 创建 suites,tests以及steps
测试与网站的交互过程,可以在逻辑上划分为几个步骤.例如第一个步骤为登陆雅虎邮箱,第二步为浏览收件箱,第三步为发送邮件.每一个步骤可以包含一到多次的网站交互动作.badBoy中点击new step创建新的步骤.

.同理,可以创建suites 以及tests.

2 自动化测试脚本
A 页面参数唯一性要求,例如:注册页面,需要对用户的注册名进行唯一性校验.
B 测试的server地址不同.

Remark:建议选择linking variables,同一个参数,往往脚本会发送多次,选择linking variables后,badboy会查找所有的与参数有关的值.并统一替换.

1 录制模式
Badboy提供两种录制模式:一 request 模式(默认模式) 二 navigation 模式.点击下图N,切换模式.

Navigation模式将会记录网站交互过程中browser中的元素的点击动作.当回放navigation模式脚本时候,不但回放http request,同时badboy会模拟brower中点击动作.navigation模式的缺点是 :无法使用navigation脚本进行性能测试,因为性能测试引擎运行时候不显示任何用户界面,所以无法执行navigation中模拟点击等动作.

2 navigation模式
1 链接点击
2 按钮点击
3 其他点击,例如引发javaScript的操作.
3 表单提交
1 如果页面表单中某些参数是依赖于某些参数的输入,比如field B 由javascript根据field A的输入值计算,使用request模式将无法录制正确的参数.

2 request模式下,表单中的所有参数都将发送.包括一些预定义的元素.

自动录制form的方法:点击form中某一field,按"Ctrl-Alt-f"录制form,如果每次提交的form名字不同的话,可以使用正则表达式来表示: logonForm[0-9]{4}

4 断言
1 content 检查
检查页面中是否包含指定的text.断言可以使用正则表达式,比如要检查一个正确登陆的例子,需要检查”welcome [A-z0-9]*/.”
问题:例子,比如”tree frog”在browser中显示,在html中显示为"tree frog",因为badboy测试实际的html source,因此将找不到这个断言.避免这个问题的方法是在page中高亮显示text,并使用easy assertion button.如果使用复杂断言,需要精确匹配html source中的text.
5 截屏

6 timeout

7 弹出框
使用断言检查弹出框,邮件选择断言,打开"Check against Message Boxes"选项.

8 Badboyjmeter使用注意事项:
1 导出jmeter脚本的时候,jscript不被导出,因为jmeter无内迁browser,jscript元素无法执行.
2 data sources不被导出.

9 快捷方式
F2 Toggles Record Mode On/Off
F3 Displays the search/replace dialog, or searches if the dialog is already open.
Ctrl-Alt-Right Starts playing from the current item.
Ctrl-Alt-Space Stops Playing
Ctrl+F5 Plays entire hierarchy from the current item. (Note: if focus is inside the browser, IE will intercept as "Refresh").
F6 Single steps (plays next single item in script.)
F8 Shows/Hides Script Tree
F9 Shows/Hides Summary Tab View
F12 Shows/Hides both Script and Summary Views together (gives browser full window space)
Ctrl+Enter Replays the item current item in the script
Ctrl+Shift+Enter Replays the current step in the script
Ctrl+Shift+Left Rewinds the play marker to the previous step.
Ctrl+Alt+Up Moves the play marker to the previous item in script.
Ctrl+Alt+Down Moves the play marker to the previous item in script.
Ctrl+L Displays the lines Server Log File related to the most recent browsing activity.
Ctrl+K Clears all responses from the Script.
Ctrl+J Attempts to find and edit the source code file for the current page and/or frame that has focus in the browser.
Ctrl+Shift+J Attempts to find and edit the source code file for the current page and/or frame that has focus in the browser and also adds the URL for the frame to your script as a Monitored request.
Ctrl+Shift+M Adds URLs for all frames in the current browser as Monitored requests.
Ctrl+D Toggles DOM View On/Off for the active window.
Ctrl+Page Up While in DOM View changes to previous frame in frame list
Ctrl+Page Down While in DOM View changes to next frame in frame list
Ctrl+Alt Changes Record Mode temporarily to Navigation Mode while held down
Ctrl+Alt+N Toggles record mode between Navigation and Request mode
Ctrl+Shift+D Opens the documentation editor for the item currently selected in the Script Tree.
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