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2007-07-26 09:52 459 查看
下面公布阻力位核心源码, 在此感谢江老师的教导!

因使用本算法导致投资失败, 本人概不付任何责任(包括法律责任)! 切记!!

# -*- coding: gb2312 -*-

import logging

__version__ = "1.6"

def GetKeyPositions (AllEnabled = True):

Ret = []

n = 2

for ix in range (1, 9 * n):

if ix % 2 == 0:


# left-top corner line


val = ix**2 + 1

if AllEnabled: Ret.append (val - ix/2)

Ret.append (val)


# left-bottom corner line


val = (ix + 1)**2 - ix

if AllEnabled: Ret.append (val - ix/2)

Ret.append (val)

#end for

for ix in range (1, 10 * n):

if ix % 2 <> 0:


# rith-bottom corner line


val = ix**2

if AllEnabled and (val > 1): Ret.append (val - ix/2)

Ret.append (val)


# right-top corner line


val = (ix + 1)**2 - ix

if AllEnabled: Ret.append (val - (ix + 1)/2)

Ret.append (val)

#end for

Ret.sort ()

return Ret

#end def

def CompDiffPrice (ImpPrice, DiffRate, DynPrice):

if (ImpPrice * (1 - DiffRate) <= DynPrice) and

(ImpPrice * (1 + DiffRate) >= DynPrice):

return True

return False

#end def

def Succeeded (PointsFound):

Count = 0

for ix in range (len (PointsFound)):

if PointsFound[ix]:

Count += 1

#end for

if Count == len (PointsFound):

return True

return False

#end def

def PrintPrices (KeyPos, Prices):

PriceStr = ''

Mark = '#'

PrevDiff, CurrDiff = 0, 0

for ix in KeyPos:

if ix == KeyPos[len (KeyPos)-1]:

PriceStr = '%s %s%-8s' % (PriceStr, Mark, Prices[ix-1])


NextPricePos = KeyPos[KeyPos.index (ix)+1]

CurrDiff = int (1000 * round (Prices[NextPricePos] - Prices[ix-1], 2))

if PrevDiff == CurrDiff:

PriceStr = '%s%-8s' % (PriceStr, Prices[ix-1])


PrevDiff = CurrDiff

PriceStr = '%s %s%-8s' % (PriceStr, Mark, Prices[ix-1])

#end for

print '[Prices(%d)] %s ' % (len (KeyPos), PriceStr)

#end def

def IsPosAtMiddlePrice (CurrentPrice, KeyPos, Prices):

Start = KeyPos[20]

End = KeyPos[23]

if (CurrentPrice >= Prices[Start]) and (CurrentPrice <= Prices[End]):

return True

return False

#end def

def ScanPrices (CurrPrice, InitVal, ImpPoints, StepBeginVal,

StepEndVal, StepSpinVal = 0.01, AllPos = True):

if (InitVal < 0) or (StepBeginVal < 0) or

(StepEndVal < 0) or (len (ImpPoints) == 0):

logging.warning ('Invalid parameters, pls try again!')


ValTimes = 1000

stepBegin = int (StepBeginVal * ValTimes)

stepEnd = int (StepEndVal * ValTimes)

stepSpin = int (StepSpinVal * ValTimes)

AllKeyPos = GetKeyPositions ()

ImptKeyPos = GetKeyPositions (False)

PointsCount = len (ImpPoints)

PointsFound = []

for ix in range (PointsCount): PointsFound.append (False)

for OffsetRate in range (1, 50, 1):

for Step in range (stepBegin, stepEnd, stepSpin):

Prices = []

PointsFound = []

for ix in range (PointsCount): PointsFound.append (False)

for ix in range (1, 9**2*5):

Prices.append (round (InitVal + (ix-1)*Step*1.0/ValTimes, 3))

#end for

for PntIx in range (PointsCount):

for iy in AllKeyPos:

if (not PointsFound[PntIx]) and

CompDiffPrice (ImpPoints[PntIx], OffsetRate/1000.0, Prices[iy - 1]):

PointsFound[PntIx] = True


#end for

#end for

if not Succeeded (PointsFound):


if not IsPosAtMiddlePrice (CurrPrice, ImptKeyPos, Prices):


print '[Params] InitPrice=%.3f, Step=%.3f, OffsetRatio=%.5f'

% (InitVal, Step*1.0/ValTimes, OffsetRate/1000.0)

print '[Points] ', ImpPoints

PrintPrices (ImptKeyPos, Prices)


#end for

#end for

#end def

if __name__ == "__main__":


Step1. Input the lowest price in its hitory

Step2. In the light of historical prices,

input those trough prices you could see

Step3. Retrieves them

Step4. Copy all of those prices to UltraEdit

Step5. Find out the accurate date by these important key prices

Step6. Draw the horizen-line


while raw_input ('Continue? (0: Quit; Enter: go ahead): ') <> '0':


CurrPrice = input ('Current price: ')


logging.warn ('Invalid current price!')



InitPrice = input ('Historical lowest price: ')


InitPrice = 0.0

logging.warn ('Invalid initial price, default is %.2f', InitPrice)


Computing dynamic step length according to the price level


StepBegin = int(CurrPrice/10)

if StepBegin == 0:

StepBegin = 0.01


StepBegin = StepBegin * 10 * 0.005

StepEnd = 5.0


ImpPoints = input ('A set of important points: ')


ImpPoints = []

logging.warn ('Invalid important points, default is none')

ScanPrices (CurrPrice, InitPrice, ImpPoints, StepBegin, StepEnd)

# enf of file



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