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2007-07-18 13:00 597 查看
1.自定义 表名属性 TableNameAttribute
2.自定义 主键属性 PrimaryKeyAttribute
3.自定义 列名属性 TableColumnAttribute
5.获得person.cs类型实体 对应的表名及字段名
下面的属性代码文件 都直接建立在App_Code下 以方便使用
1.自定义 表名属性 TableNameAttribute

using System;

/**//// <summary>

/// TableNameAttribute 的摘要说明

/// </summary>

[AttributeUsage( AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple=false, Inherited=true )]

public sealed class TableNameAttribute : Attribute


private string name;

private string schema;

//private CacheStrategy cacheStrategy = GentleSettings.DefaultCacheStrategy;

/**//// <summary>

/// The constructor for the TableName attribute.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="name">The name of the database table used to store instances of this class.</param>

public TableNameAttribute( string name )


this.name = name;


/**//// <summary>

/// The constructor for the TableName attribute.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="name">The name of the database table used to store instances of this class.</param>

/// <param name="strategy">The cache stratgey to use for instances of this type. <see

/// cref="CacheStrategy"/> for a list of available options.</param>

//public TableNameAttribute( string name, CacheStrategy strategy )


// this.name = name;

// this.cacheStrategy = strategy;


/**//// <summary>

/// The name of the database table used to store instances of this class.

/// </summary>

public string Name



{ return name; }


/**//// <summary>

/// The optional schema name with which to prefix the table name in queries.

/// This value overrides the default schema definition (if present) in the

/// configuration file. Note: this property is currently unused.

/// </summary>

public string Schema



{ return schema; }


{ schema = value; }


/**////// <summary>

///// The cache behavior for objects of this type. <see cref="CacheStrategy"/>

///// for a list of available options.

///// </summary>

//public CacheStrategy CacheStrategy


// get { return cacheStrategy; }

// set { cacheStrategy = value; }



2.自定义 主键属性 PrimaryKeyAttribute

using System;

/**//// <summary>

/// PrimaryKeyAttribute 的摘要说明

/// </summary>

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)]

public sealed class PrimaryKeyAttribute : Attribute


private bool autoGenerated = false;

/**//// <summary>

/// Set this property to true for primary keys that are automatically assigned

/// by the database on insert (identity columns in SQL server terminology).

/// </summary>

public bool AutoGenerated



{ return autoGenerated; }


{ autoGenerated = value; }



3.自定义 列名属性 TableColumnAttribute

using System;

using System.Data;

/**//// <summary>

/// TableColumnAttribute 的摘要说明

/// </summary>

[AttributeUsage( AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple=false, Inherited=true )]

public class TableColumnAttribute : Attribute


private string name;

private bool notNull;

private int size;

private bool hasDbType = false; // true when DbType property has been set

private long dbType;

private object nullValue = null;

private bool handleEnumAsString = false;

private bool isReadOnly = false;

private bool isUpdateAfterWrite = false;

/**//// <summary>

/// Constructor for table columns that are named after their property counterpart

/// and whose value cannot be null.

/// </summary>

public TableColumnAttribute()

: this(null, true)



/**//// <summary>

/// Constructor for table columns that are named after their property counterpart.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="notNull">A boolean telling whether null values are allowed in the database</param>

public TableColumnAttribute(bool notNull)

: this(null, notNull)



/**//// <summary>

/// Constructor for table columns whose value cannot be null.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="name">The name of the database column</param>

public TableColumnAttribute(string name)

: this(name, true)



/**//// <summary>

/// Constructor for table columns.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="name">The name of the database column</param>

/// <param name="notNull">A boolean telling whether null values are allowed in the database</param>

public TableColumnAttribute(string name, bool notNull)


this.name = name;

this.notNull = notNull;


/**//// <summary>

/// The name of the database column for storing the property decorated with this attribute.

/// </summary>

public string Name



{ return name; }


/**//// <summary>

/// This property (defaults to true) can be used to specify whether NULL values are

/// allowed in the database. This allows the framework to fail early if a constraint

/// is violated.

/// </summary>

public bool NotNull



{ return notNull; }


{ notNull = value; }


/**//// <summary>

/// The database type of the field in the database. Beware that the DbType enumeration

/// values are NOT the ones used by the individual providers. Gentle does NOT convert

/// the DbType to a "best match" for the provider. It is therefore recommended that

/// you use the DatabaseType below until a better type definition system is available.

/// </summary>

[Obsolete("Please use DatabaseType instead.")]

public DbType DbType



{ return (DbType)dbType; }



hasDbType = true;

dbType = (long)value;



/**//// <summary>

/// The database type of the field in the database. Convert the actual database type

/// enumeration to a long by casting it in the declaration.

/// </summary>

public long DatabaseType



{ return dbType; }



hasDbType = true;

dbType = value;



/**//// <summary>

/// The size or length of the field in the database. String properties will be clipped

/// to fit.

/// This feature will obsoleted once Gentle is capable of extracting type and size

/// information directly from the database. If specified, the values must match

/// those extracted from the database (when implemented).

/// </summary>

public int Size



{ return size; }


{ size = value; }


/**//// <summary>

/// This property indicates whether a DbType was specified. This construct is necessary

/// because the DbType enum has no value for undefined.

/// </summary>

public bool HasDbType



{ return hasDbType; }


/**//// <summary>

/// Obsolete, use NullValue instead.

/// </summary>

[Obsolete("Use NullValue instead.")]

public object MagicValue



{ return nullValue; }


{ nullValue = value; }


/**//// <summary>

/// This value of this property is used when a column is NotNull and the property value

/// is null. If this is undefined the framework will throw an error for NotNull columns

/// whose values are null.

/// </summary>

public object NullValue



{ return nullValue; }


{ nullValue = value; }


NullValue Helper Properties for VB.NET Users#region NullValue Helper Properties for VB.NET Users

/**//// <summary>

/// This property allows type-safe setting of the NullValue for VB users.

/// </summary>

public int NullValue_int



{ NullValue = value; }


/**//// <summary>

/// This property allows type-safe setting of the NullValue for VB users.

/// </summary>

public NullOption NullValue_opt



{ NullValue = value; }



/**//// <summary>

/// This value indicates that the column should not be set on insert and update. It is

/// primarily useful for columns that are set internally by the database.

/// </summary>

public bool IsReadOnly



{ return isReadOnly; }


{ isReadOnly = value; }


/**//// <summary>

/// This value indicates that the column must be read after each insert and update. It is

/// primarily useful for columns that are set internally by the database. Note that using

/// this feature (by setting this to true for any column) will significantly impact

/// performance for the worse, as for every update/insert another select will be

/// performed. Also, fields will be updated using reflection after select, which is also

/// quite slow (depending on the number of columns).

/// </summary>

public bool IsUpdateAfterWrite



{ return isUpdateAfterWrite; }


{ isUpdateAfterWrite = value; }


/**//// <summary>

/// If member which has this attribute attached is enum then this property

/// indicates wheter framework saves it as string or as integer.

/// Default is false, ie enums are saved as integers

/// </summary>

public bool HandleEnumAsString



{ return handleEnumAsString; }


{ handleEnumAsString = value; }



public enum NullOption


/**//// <summary>

/// <type>.MinValue will be stored as NULL, and NULL will be read as <type>.MinValue.

/// </summary>


/**//// <summary>

/// <type>.MaxValue will be stored as NULL, and NULL will be read as <type>.MaxValue.

/// </summary>


/**//// <summary>

/// 0 (or the equivalent for other numeric types) will be stored as NULL, and NULL will be read as 0.

/// </summary> This value can only be used with numeric types (such as decimal).


/**//// <summary>

/// Guid.Empty will be stored as NULL, and NULL will be read as Guid.Empty. This value can only be

/// used with Guid fields.

/// </summary>




using System;

using System.Data;

using System.Configuration;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.Security;

using System.Web.UI;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;

using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

/**//// <summary>

/// person 的摘要说明

/// </summary>


public class person


public person()



//[TableColumn("personID", NotNull = true), PrimaryKey]

protected int _personID;

//[TableColumn("personName", NotNull = true)]

protected string _personName = String.Empty;

[TableColumn("personID", NotNull = true), PrimaryKey]

public int PersonID



{ return _personID; }


{ _personID = value; }


[TableColumn("personName", NotNull = true)]

public string PersonName



{ return _personName; }


{ _personName = value; }



5.获得person.cs类型实体 对应的表名及字段名

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


person aPerson = new person();

aPerson.PersonID = 22;

aPerson.PersonName = "zhangsan";

Type aType = aPerson.GetType();


PropertyInfo[] aPropertyInfos = aType.GetProperties();

string strPublicProperty = " ";

for (int i = 0; i < aPropertyInfos.Length; i++)


PropertyInfo aPropertyInfo = (PropertyInfo)aPropertyInfos[i];

strPublicProperty += i.ToString() + " : 实体属性名 " + aPropertyInfo.Name;

strPublicProperty += " 对应值 " + aPropertyInfo.GetValue(aPerson, null).ToString() + " ";

object[] attrs = aPropertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TableColumnAttribute), true);

for (int m = 0; m < attrs.Length; m++)


strPublicProperty += " 对应列名 " + ((TableColumnAttribute)attrs[m]).Name;



this.TextBox1.Text = strPublicProperty;

//FieldInfo[] aFieldInfos = aType.GetFields();

//string strPublicField = " ";

//for (int j = 0; j < aFieldInfos.Length; j++)


// FieldInfo aFieldInfo = (FieldInfo)aFieldInfos[j];

// strPublicField += j.ToString() + " : " + aFieldInfo.Name + " ";


//this.TextBox2.Text = strPublicField;


string strTablePKName = " ";

object[] attrsAA = aType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TableNameAttribute), true);

for (int n = 0; n < attrsAA.Length; n++)


strTablePKName += " " + ((TableNameAttribute)attrsAA



MemberInfo[] aMemberInfos = aType.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

string strMemberInfo = " ";

for (int k = 0; k < aMemberInfos.Length; k++)


MemberInfo aM = aMemberInfos[k];

object[] attrs = aM.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PrimaryKeyAttribute), true);

for (int m = 0; m < attrs.Length; m++)


strTablePKName += " 主键 " + aM.Name;



this.TextBox2.Text = strTablePKName;

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