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2007-07-17 11:27 309 查看


EditPlus 支持强大的、可自定义的语法高亮功能,内置了 HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, Perl, C/C++, Java, JavaScript, VBScript 的语法文件,你也可以创建自己的语法文件来支持其它设计语言。


语法文件是一个扩展名为“.stx”并按预定格式编写的纯文本文件,这种格式非常简单。建议查看用于 JavaScript 的语法文件(js.stx),以它为例来学习创建这种语法文件。

头部信息 Header Information#TITLE=C/C++
































    这里定义语法文件标题,它必须出现在语法文件的首行,否则 EditPlus 将不能正确读取它的信息。
























    指定敏感性。取值为“n”或“n” 默认值为“n”。






    如果是像 PHP 这样的 HTML 植入脚本,指定为“y”。可以参考“php.stx”中的用法。


    指定 HTML 植入脚本的启始标记,仅在“#HTML_EMBEDDED”定义为“y”时发生作用,请参考“php.stx”中的用法。


    指定 HTML 植入脚本的结束标记,仅在“#HTML_EMBEDDED”定义为“y”时发生作用,请参考“php.stx”中的用法。


    指定一个字符串用于 Perl和 PHP 文件中的 heredoc。例如:#HEREDOC=<<EOF.




    'cpp'用于 C/C++数字语法高亮。


    “html”用于 HTML 语法文件,“cpp”用于 C/C++ 语法文件,“perl”用于 Perl 语法文件,留空则可用于其它语法文件。


关键字组 Keyword groups#KEYWORD=Reserved words




#KEYWORD=Compiler directives


每个关键字组以#KEYWORD=启始,之后定义该组的描述。关键字清单从下一行开始,如果需要在关键字里包含“#”,必须以避让字符“^”为前缀,像 “^#”这样。在这种情况下,“#”标记不应该包含在“#DELIMITER”定义中。你最多可以定义 10 个关键字组。


在 EditPlus 网站的用户文件页面上有一个用户文件(stx、ctl、acp 文件)集合。若您愿意与其他用户分享您的文件,您可以提交您自己的语法文件到<submit@editplus.com>。



Syntax Highlighting
EditPlus supports powerful and customizable syntax highlighting for HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, Perl, C/C++, Java, JavaScript and VBScript by default. Also, you can create your own syntax file to support other programming languages.

In order to add your own syntax type, you must create a syntax file and add it on Settings & Syntax page of the Preferences dialog box.

Syntax file is a plain text file which has ".STX" extension and should be written in predefined format. The format is very simple. The fastest way is to look into the sample .STX file such as JS.STX for JavaScript files (*.JS).
































All statements must be prefixed with '#

' sign.


    The title of syntax file. It should be located at the first line of the file. Otherwise, EditPlus cannot load it.

    Specify delimiters for parsing keywords. You don't need to specify the space character and the tab character here, since those are treated as delimiter by default.

    Specify quotation mark. Enter only one character.

    Specify alternate quotation mark. Enter only one character.

    This option allows un-terminated quotation to be continued to next line. 'y' for yes and 'n' for no. 'n' is default value.

    Specify a string which turns on line comment. If you prefix ^! to the line comment string, it works only when located at the beginning of line.

    Specify a string which turns on line comment 2. If you prefix ^! to the line comment string, it works only when located at the beginning of line.

    Specify a string which turns on block comment.

    Specify a string which turns off block comment.

    Specify a string which turns on block comment 2.

    Specify a string which turns off block comment 2.

    Specify escape character. Enter only one character here.

    Specify case sensitivity. 'y' for yes and 'n' for no. Default value is 'n'.

    Specify keyword prefix character. Any word that follows the prefix will be treated as a keyword.

    Specify keyword suffix character. Any word that precedes the suffix will be treated as a keyword.

    Specify 'y' if it is HTML-embedded script such as PHP. See 'PHP.STX' for an example.

    Specify the string which turns on HTML-embedded script. Valid only if #HTML_EMBEDDED is 'y'. See 'PHP.STX' for an example.

    Specify the string which turns off HTML-embedded script. Valid only if #HTML_EMBEDDED is 'y'. See 'PHP.STX' for an example.

    Specify a string for heredoc in Perl and PHP files. For example, #HEREDOC=<<EOF.

    Specify 'y' if you would like to use the automatic keyword case correction feature.

    'cpp' for C/C++ number syntax highlighting.

    'html' for HTML sytax file, 'cpp' for C/C++ syntax file, and 'perl' for Perl syntax file. Leave blank for all other syntax files.

    You can also insert comment line in syntax file. Comment line must begin with semicolon(;). If you need to add a keyword which begins with semicolon, you must prefix an escape character '^' to it.

    Keyword groups


Reserved words


Compiler directives

    Each keyword group begins with #KEYWORD

statement with optional description of the group. Keyword list follows from the next line. If you need to include '#' sign into a keyword, you must prefix an escape character '^' to it like this: '^#'. In this case, the '#' sign should not be included in #DELIMITER statement. You can specify up to 10 keyword groups.

    User files repository

    EditPlus web site has a collection of user files (stx, ctl, acp files) on User Files page

. You can submit your own syntax file to <submit@editplus.com

> if you would like to share your file with other users.

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