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John Carmack博客文章的翻译(一)

2007-07-10 23:57 218 查看
I get a pretty steady trickle of emails from people hoping for .plan file updates. There were two main factors involved in my not doing updates for a long time – a good chunk of my time and interest was sucked into Armadillo Aerospace, and the fact that the work I had been doing at Id for the last half of Doom 3 development was basically pretty damn boring.
我收到一连串希望我更新计划文件(姑且这样译吧)的Email。我之所以长时间没有更新,主要有两个原因——我大量的时间和兴趣投入到了Armadillo Aerospace,同时我在Id从事的Doom3的后半部分的开发工作是十分无聊的。
The Armadillo work has been very rewarding from a learning-lots-of-new-stuff perspective, and I’m still committed to the vehicle development, even post X-Prize, but the work at Id is back to a high level of interest now that we are working on a new game with new technology. I keep running across topics that are interesting to talk about, and the Armadillo updates have been a pretty good way for me to organize my thoughts, so I’m going to give it a more general try here. .plan files were appropriate ten years ago, and sort of retro-cute several years ago, but I’ll be sensible and use the web.
从学习新事物的观点来看,在Armadillo的工作是十分有益的。同时,我还致力于车辆开发(其实我也不是很懂什么意思),even post X-Prize(这就就更不懂了)。但是因为我们正在使用新技术开发一个新游戏,所以在Id的工作使我重新感到有很高的兴趣。而且Armadillo的更新资料,对于我来说,是一个组织思维的很好的方法,所以我准备更加全面地尝试使用这个blog。计划文件在十年前是合适的,retro-cute的分类是几年前的东西,但是我要跟上时代,使用网络(大概这个意思吧)。
I’m not quite sure what the tone is going to be – there will probably be some general interest stuff, but a bunch of things will only be of interest to hardcore graphics geeks.
I have had some hesitation about doing this because there are a hundred times as many people interested in listening to me talk about games / graphics / computers as there are people interested in rocket fabrication, and my mailbox is already rather time consuming to get through.
If you really, really want to email me, add a “[JC]” in the subject header so the mail gets filtered to a mailbox that isn’t clogged with spam. I can’t respond to most of the email I get, but I do read everything that doesn’t immediately scan as spam. Unfortunately, the probability of getting an answer from me doesn’t have a lot of correlation with the quality of the question, because what I am doing at the instant I read it is more dominant, and there is even a negative correlation for “deep” questions that I don’t want to make an off-the-cuff response to.
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息