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2007-07-09 14:46 387 查看
State-Driven Game Agent Design

Mat Buckland著
赖勇浩(http://blog.csdn.net/lanphaday) 译
Making the State Base Class Reusable
As the design stands, it’s necessary to create a separate Statebase class for each character type to derive its states from. Instead, let’s make it reusable by turning it into a class template.
template <class entity_type>
class State

virtual void Enter(entity_type*)=0;

virtual void Execute(entity_type*)=0;

virtual void Exit(entity_type*)=0;

virtual ~State(){}

The declaration for a concrete state — using the EnterMineAndDigForNuggetminer state as an example — now looks like this:
class EnterMineAndDigForNugget : public State<Miner>


This, as you will see shortly, makes life easier in the long run.
Global States and State Blips
More often than not, when designing finite state machines you will end up with code that is duplicated in every state. For example, in the popular game The Sims by Maxis, a Sim may feel the urge of nature come upon it and have to visit the bathroom to relieve itself. This urge may occur in any state the Sim may be in and at any time. Given the current design, to bestow the gold miner with this type of behavior, duplicate conditional logic would have to be added to every one of his states, or alternatively, placed into the Miner::Updatefunction. While the latter solution is accept- able, it’s better to create a global statethat is called every time the FSM is updated. That way, all the logic for the FSM is contained within the states and not in the agent class that owns the FSM.
通常当设计有限状态机的时候,你最后都会在所有状态中出现重复代码。例如,在Maxis开发的流行游戏《The Sims(第二人生)》中,Sim可以感受到内急等生理需要,必须去洗手间解决。无论Sim在哪里、在什么时间,内急都可能发生。根据当前的设计,给淘金者加上这样一种行为,重复的条件逻辑就可能增加到每一个状态,或者放到Miner::Update函数里。下面介绍一个可接受的解决方案,它增加了一个全局状态——供FSM更新的时候调用。这样,FSM的所有的逻辑都包含在状态内,而不在智能体类的FSM里。
To implement a global state, an additional member variable is required:
//notice how now that State is a class template we have to declare the entity type
State<Miner>* m_pGlobalState;
In addition to global behavior, occasionally it will be convenient for an agent to enter a state with the condition that when the state is exited, the agent returns to its previous state. I call this behavior a state blip. For example, just as in The Sims, you may insist that your agent can visit the bathroom at any time, yet make sure it always returns to its prior state. To give an FSM this type of functionality it must keep a record of the previous state so the state blip can revert to it. This is easy to do as all that is required is another member variable and some additional logic in the Miner::ChangeStatemethod.
有时智能体从一个状态进入另一个状态,当它退出这个状态时需要回到它的前一个状态,我将之称为状态闪动。例如就像《The Sims》中你可能必须让你的智能体能够在任何时间进入洗手间,之后再回到之前的状态。要实现这样的功能,就必须记录前一个状态,以便在状态闪动时返回。这可以容易地通过增加成员变量和对Miner::ChangeState方法增加一些额外逻辑来实现。

By now though, to implement these additions, the Minerclass has acquired two extra member variables and one additional method. It has ended up looking something like this (extraneous detail omitted):
class Miner : public BaseGameEntity

State<Miner>* m_pCurrentState;
State<Miner>* m_pPreviousState;
State<Miner>* m_pGlobalState;


void ChangeState(State<Miner>* pNewState);
void RevertToPreviousState();
Hmm, looks like it’s time to tidy up a little.
Creating a State Machine Class
The design can be made a lot cleaner by encapsulating all the state related data and methods into a state machine class. This way an agent can own an instance of a state machine and delegate the management of current states, global states, and previous states to it.
With this in mind take a look at the following StateMachineclass template.
template <class entity_type>
class StateMachine

//a pointer to the agent that owns this instance
entity_type* m_pOwner;

State<entity_type>* m_pCurrentState;

//a record of the last state the agent was in
State<entity_type>* m_pPreviousState;

//this state logic is called every time the FSM is updated
State<entity_type>* m_pGlobalState;


StateMachine(entity_type* owner):m_pOwner(owner),

//use these methods to initialize the FSM
void SetCurrentState(State<entity_type>* s){m_pCurrentState = s;}
void SetGlobalState(State<entity_type>* s) {m_pGlobalState = s;}
void SetPreviousState(State<entity_type>* s){m_pPreviousState = s;}

//call this to update the FSM
void Update()const
//if a global state exists, call its execute method
if (m_pGlobalState) m_pGlobalState->Execute(m_pOwner);

//same for the current state
if (m_pCurrentState) m_pCurrentState->Execute(m_pOwner);

//change to a new state
void ChangeState(State<entity_type>* pNewState)
assert(pNewState &&
"<StateMachine::ChangeState>: trying to change to a null state");

//keep a record of the previous state
m_pPreviousState = m_pCurrentState;

//call the exit method of the existing state

//change state to the new state
m_pCurrentState = pNewState;

//call the entry method of the new state

//change state back to the previous state
void RevertToPreviousState()

State<entity_type>* CurrentState() const{return m_pCurrentState;}
State<entity_type>* GlobalState() const{return m_pGlobalState;}
State<entity_type>* PreviousState() const{return m_pPreviousState;}

//returns true if the current state’s type is equal to the type of the
//class passed as a parameter.
bool isInState(const State<entity_type>& st)const;
Now all an agent has to do is to own an instance of a StateMachineand implement a method to update the state machine to get full FSM functionality.
The improved Minerclass now looks like this:
class Miner : public BaseGameEntity

//an instance of the state machine class
StateMachine<Miner>* m_pStateMachine;



Miner(int id):m_Location(shack),

//set up state machine
m_pStateMachine = new StateMachine<Miner>(this);


~Miner(){delete m_pStateMachine;}

void Update()

StateMachine<Miner>* GetFSM()const{return m_pStateMachine;}

Notice how the current and global states must be set explicitly when a StateMachineis instantiated.The class hierarchy is now like that shown in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4. The updated design
Introducing Elsa
To demonstrate these improvements, I’ve created another project: WestWorldWithWoman. In this project, West World has gained another inhabitant, Elsa, the gold miner’s wife. Elsa doesn’t do much; she’s mainly preoccupied with cleaning the shack and emptying her bladder (she drinks way too much cawfee). The state transition diagram for Elsa is shown in Figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5. Elsa’s state transition diagram. The global state is not shown in the figure because its logic is effectively implemented in any state and never changed.
When you boot up the project into your IDE, notice how the VisitBathroomstate is implemented as a blip state (i.e., it always reverts back to the previous state). Also note that a global state has been defined, WifesGlobalState, which contains the logic required for Elsa’s bathroom visits. This logic is contained in a global state because Elsa may feel the call of nature during any state and at any time.
Here is a sample of the output from WestWorldWithWoman.
Miner Bob: Pickin' up a nugget
Miner Bob: Ah'm leavin' the gold mine with mah pockets full o' sweet gold
Miner Bob: Goin' to the bank. Yes siree
Elsa: Walkin' to the can. Need to powda mah pretty li'l nose
Elsa: Ahhhhhh! Sweet relief!
Elsa: Leavin' the john
Miner Bob: Depositin' gold. Total savings now: 4
Miner Bob: Leavin' the bank
Miner Bob: Walkin' to the gold mine
Elsa: Walkin' to the can. Need to powda mah pretty li'l nose
Elsa: Ahhhhhh! Sweet relief!
Elsa: Leavin' the john
Miner Bob: Pickin' up a nugget
Elsa: Moppin' the floor
Miner Bob: Pickin' up a nugget
Miner Bob: Ah'm leavin' the gold mine with mah pockets full o' sweet gold
Miner Bob: Boy, ah sure is thusty! Walkin' to the saloon
Elsa: Moppin' the floor
Miner Bob: That's mighty fine sippin' liquor
Miner Bob: Leavin' the saloon, feelin' good
Miner Bob: Walkin' to the gold mine
Elsa: Makin' the bed
Miner Bob: Pickin' up a nugget
Miner Bob: Ah'm leavin' the gold mine with mah pockets full o' sweet gold
Miner Bob: Goin' to the bank. Yes siree
Elsa: Walkin' to the can. Need to powda mah pretty li'l nose
Elsa: Ahhhhhh! Sweet relief!
Elsa: Leavin' the john
Miner Bob: Depositin' gold. Total savings now: 5
Miner Bob: Woohoo! Rich enough for now. Back home to mah li'l lady
Miner Bob: Leavin' the bank
Miner Bob: Walkin' home
Elsa: Walkin' to the can. Need to powda mah pretty li'l nose
Elsa: Ahhhhhh! Sweet relief!
Elsa: Leavin' the john
Miner Bob: ZZZZ...

Well, that's it folks. The complexity of the behavior you can create with finite state machines is only limited by your imagination. You don’t have to restrict your game agents to just one finite state machine either. Sometimes it may be a good idea to use two FSMs working in parallel: one to control a character’s movement and one to control the weapon selection, aiming, and firing, for example. It’s even possible to have a state itself contain a state machine. This is known as a hierarchical state machine. For instance, your game agent may have the states Explore, Combat, and Patrol. In turn, the Combat state may own a state machine that manages the states required for combat such as Dodge, ChaseEnemy, and Shoot.

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