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《王者之心》 主题曲 我们属于彼此

2007-07-02 21:20 295 查看
     一直很喜欢中世纪欧洲背景的故事,是战争片也好爱情片也好,痴迷于那样的骑士精神。欧洲人有句话,足以说明这段爱情的景点与震撼:Before Romeo and Juliet, there was Tristan and Isolde。也许,果真只有不完美的爱情才能成就经典,因为缺失,留下难以抚平的伤痛。而这痛,往往阴阳两隔往往无法泯灭、深入骨髓。不知人类是不是对痛觉比较敏感,亦或是生而痴迷于在悲痛中让人窒息的无力感,才让那么多那么多的经典爱情故事以悲剧收场。其实不用这样,我们也能看到完美的爱情——历史上或是身边。只是,每当静下来时,无论现在的你身处爱情还是孑然一人,都会悄悄不自觉地回想起那些曾经吧。不算悲剧却是属于你的曾经。才发现,原来,在我们内心最柔软的地方,有些东西,不曾离开。
My face in thine eyes, thine in mine appears.
And true plain hearts do in the faces rest.
where can we find two better hemispheres...
without sharp North,
without declining West?
Whatever dies was not mixed equally.
If our two loves be one...
and thou and I love so alike that none can slacken...
none can die.
  Tristan: What's your name?
  Isolde: Oh, I think it's better if we don't bother with names.
  Tristan: Come with me. Come with me!
  Isolde: I can't!
  Tristan: Why not? Please!
  Isolde: Tristan, we both know this can't be, we've known it from the start. That doesn't
mean it isn't true, it is, it just cannot be. I want to know that you're alive somewhere
thinking of me from time to time. I want to know that there's more to this life and I can't
know that if they kill you. Please! Go.
  Isolde: You risked your life to give me to another man.
  Tristan: You said your name was Bragnae. Why did you do that?
  Isolde: Oh, what have I done? Stop this thing, Tristan, say something.
  Tristan: I can't. I won you in my King's name.
  Isolde: But I'm your's. You touched me and I knew.
  Tristan: It doesn't matter.
  Isolde: It's the only thing that matters, Tristan. Leave with me, I'll go anywhere!
  Tristan: Your marriage will end a hundred years of bloodshed.
  Isolde: [crying] My marriage to *another* man!
  Tristan: Isode, we will live with this, we must.
  Isolde: If things were different, if we lived in a place without duty, would you be with
  Tristan: That place does not exist.
  Isolde: [sobs] I'll pretend it's you.
  Isolde:I'm leaving with this, Tristan, as you said we must.
  Tristan[to Isolde]: I live in torture, thinking of these moments. With every look he gives you, I get sicker and sicker. There is a burning in me I feel on fire, and there's guilt I can't comidify. Does it make you happy to know that?
  Isolde: How many have you loved before me?
  Tristan: None.
  Isolde: And after me?
  Tristan: None.
  Lord Marke: [on the affair] How long?
  Isolde: Since you thought he was dead.
  Isolde: ...if we do this.
  Tristan: Our love will be forever remembered as brought down a kingdom. Remember us.
  Isolde: Know that I love you Tristan. Wherever you go, whatever you see. I'll be there
with you.


  [His Last Words]
  Tristan: You were right. Life is greater than death. But love is greater than either.
  Their love did not bring down a kingdom
  Isolde laid Tristan beneath the ashes of the Roman ruin,planted his grave with two willows that grew forever intertwined ,then disappeared
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