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触摸屏的工作模式探寻 in search touchscreen inside

2007-07-01 22:50 501 查看
实验平台: 深圳Embest EduKit II





rEXTINT = (rEXTINT & 0x7FFFFFF0) | 0x2; // falling edge trigger

2、利用示例程序实现在LCD上描绘曲线的功能(用折线迭代逼近的方式) ;


此处,touchscreen_init() lcd_init()两个初始化过程不能连续行进,为此在lcd_init()后加入一条welcome()语句,相当于延时后再开始touchscreen的初始化可以成功启动touchscreen和lcd。



The 8 external interrupts can be requested by various signaling methods. The EXTINT register configures the
signaling method between the level trigger and edge trigger for the external interrupt request, and also configures the
signal polarity.
Register Address R/W Description Reset Value
EXTINT 0x01D20050 R/W External Interrupt control Register 0x000000
Table 8-10. External Interrupt Control Register (EXTINT)
EXTINT Bit Description
EINT7 [30:28] Setting the signaling method of the EINT7.
000 = Low level interrupt 001 = High level interrupt
01x = Falling edge triggered 10x = Rising edge triggered
11x = Both edge triggered
EINT6 [26:24] Setting the signaling method of the EINT6.
000 = Low level interrupt 001 = High level interrupt
01x = Falling edge triggered 10x = Rising edge triggered
11x = Both edge triggered
EINT5 [22:20] Setting the signaling method of the EINT5.
000 = Low level interrupt 001 = High level interrupt
01x = Falling edge triggered 10x = Rising edge triggered
11x = Both edge triggered
EINT4 [18:16] Setting the signaling method of the EINT4.
000 = Low level interrupt 001 = High level interrupt
01x = Falling edge triggered 10x = Rising edge triggered
11x = Both edge triggered
EINT3 [14:12] Setting the signaling method of the EINT3.
000 = Low level interrupt 001 = High level interrupt
01x = Falling edge triggered 10x = Rising edge triggered
11x = Both edge triggered
EINT2 [10:8] Setting the signaling method of the EINT2.
000 = Low level interrupt 001 = High level interrupt
01x = Falling edge triggered 10x = Rising edge triggered
11x = Both edge triggered
EINT1 [6:4] Setting the signaling method of the EINT1.
000 = Low level interrupt 001 = High level interrupt
01x = Falling edge triggered 10x = Rising edge triggered
11x = Both edge triggered
EINT0 [2:0] Setting the signaling method of the EINT0.
000 = Low level interrupt 001 = High level interrupt
01x = Falling edge triggered 10x = Rising edge triggered
11x = Both edge triggered
NOTE: Because each external interrupt pin has a digital filter, the interrupt controller can recognize a request signal
that is longer than 3 clocks.

修改touchscreen_init() 如下:

void touchscreen_init(void)


#ifndef S3CEV40

// TSPX(GPC1_Q4(-)) TSPY(GPC3_Q3(-)) TSMY(GPC0_Q2(-)) TSMX(GPC2_Q1(+))

// 1 1 0 1

rPCONC = (rPCONC & 0xffffff00) | 0x55;

rPUPC = (rPUPE & 0xfff0); // Pull up

rPDATC = (rPDATC & 0xfff0 ) | 0xe; // should be enabled


// S3CEV40

// TSPX(GPE4_Q4(+)) TSPY(GPE5_Q3(-)) TSMY(GPE6_Q2(+)) TSMX(GPE7_Q1(-))

// 0 1 1 0

rPCONE = (rPCONE & 0x300ff) | 0x5500;

rPUPE = (rPUPE & 0xF);

rPDATE = 0xb8;



// set interrupt

#ifndef S3CEV40

rPUPG = (rPUPG & 0xFE) | 0x1;

pISR_EINT0=(int)touchscreen_int; // set interrupt handler

//rEXTINT = (rEXTINT & 0x7FFFFFF0) | 0x2; // falling edge trigger

rEXTINT = (rEXTINT & 0x7FFFFFF0) | 0x0; // both edge trigger

rI_ISPC |= BIT_EINT0; // clear pending_bit



pISR_EINT2=(int)touchscreen_int; // set interrupt handler

rEXTINT = (rEXTINT & 0x7FFFF0FF) | 0x200; // falling edge trigger

rI_ISPC |= BIT_EINT2; // clear pending_bit



rCLKCON = (rCLKCON & 0x6FFF) | 0x1000; // enable clock

rADCPSR = 24; // A/D prescaler



void touchscreen_int(void)


UINT32T unPointX[5], unPointY[6];

int i;

int X,Y;

static int cnt=0;

static int oldX,oldY;

#ifndef S3CEV40

// <X-Position Read>

// TSPX(GPC1_Q4(+)) TSPY(GPC3_Q3(-)) TSMY(GPC0_Q2(+)) TSMX(GPC2_Q1(-))

// 0 1 1 0

rPDATC = (rPDATC & 0xfff0 ) | 0x9;

rADCCON= 0x0014; // AIN5


// TSPX(GPE4_Q4(+)) TSPY(GPE5_Q3(-)) TSMY(GPE6_Q2(+)) TSMX(GPE7_Q1(-))

// 0 1 1 0

rPDATE =0x68;

rADCCON=0x1<<2; // AIN1


delay(100); // delay to set up the next channel

for(i=0; i<5; i++)


rADCCON |= 0x1; // Start X-position A/D conversion

while(rADCCON & 0x1 == 1); // Check if AD conversion starts

while((rADCCON & 0x40) == 0); // Check end of AD conversion

unPointX[i] = (0x3ff&rADCDAT);


// read X-position average value

unPosX = (unPointX[0]+unPointX[1]+unPointX[2]+unPointX[3]+unPointX[4])/5;

f_unPosX = unPosX;

#ifndef S3CEV40

// <Y-Position Read>

// TSPX(GPC1_Q4(-)) TSPY(GPC3_Q3(+)) TSMY(GPC0_Q2(-)) TSMX(GPC2_Q1(+))

// 1 0 0 1

rPDATC = (rPDATC & 0xfff0 ) | 0x6;

rADCCON= 0x001C; // AIN70


// TSPX(GPE4_Q4(-)) TSPY(GPE5_Q3(+)) TSMY(GPE6_Q2(-)) TSMX(GPE7_Q1(+))

// 1 0 0 1

rPDATE =0x98;

rADCCON=0x0<<2; // AIN0


delay(100); // delay to set up the next channel

for(i=0; i<5; i++)


rADCCON |= 0x1; // Start Y-position conversion

while(rADCCON & 0x1 == 1); // Check if AD conversion starts

while((rADCCON & 0x40) == 0); // Check end of AD conversion

unPointY[i] = (0x3ff&rADCDAT);


// read Y-position average value

unPosY = (unPointY[0]+unPointY[1]+unPointY[2]+unPointY[3]+unPointY[4])/5;

f_unPosY = unPosY;

#ifndef S3CEV40

rPDATC = (rPDATC & 0xfff0 ) | 0xe; // should be enabled


rPDATE = 0xb8; // should be enabled






...{ if(f_unPosX<f_unMaxX && f_unPosX>f_unMinX && f_unPosY<f_unMaxY && f_unPosY>f_unMinY)


X = 320*(f_unPosX - f_unMinX)/(f_unMaxX - f_unMinX);

Y = 240-240*(f_unPosY - f_unMinY)/(f_unMaxY - f_unMinY);

uart_printf("%d : X=%04d, Y=%04d ", ++cnt, X, Y);

lcd_draw_line(oldX, oldY, X, Y, RED, 1);

oldX = X,oldY = Y;



f_unTouched = 1;


#ifndef S3CEV40

rI_ISPC |= BIT_EINT0; // clear pending_bit


rI_ISPC |= BIT_EINT2; // clear pending_bit



实验总结:电阻式触摸屏连续地将感受到的触摸点以模拟电压的方式输入到ARM7的ADC模块,而ADC模块又在ARM7的时钟配合下将模拟信号转换为串行的数字信号输出,同时以中断方式通知CPU。中断触发的方式定义了5种:高电平触发、低电平触发、上跳沿触发、下跳沿触发和双边沿触发。示例里面采用的是功能最简单的下跳沿触发方式,可以在触摸笔接触和离开触摸屏的两个时刻触发中断;而要实现连续采点以便在LCD上跟踪触摸笔的位置画点,可以采用双边沿触发方式(both edge trigger)。

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