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API mixerGetNumDevs He was posd1

2007-06-23 17:06 537 查看
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He was possessed of a handsome person and pleasing manners, and was a general favorite in the factory.(Windows API Declare Function mixerGetNumDevs Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mixerGetNumDevs" () As Long) Nevertheless, as this young man was in the eye of the law not a man, but a thing, all these superior qualifications were subject to the control of a vulgar, narrow-minded, tyrannical master.(Windows API Declare Function mixerGetNumDevs Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mixerGetNumDevs" () As Long) This same gentleman, having heard of the fame of Georges invention, took a ride over to the factory, to see what this intelligent chattel had been about.(Windows API Declare Function mixerGetNumDevs Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mixerGetNumDevs" () As Long) He was received with great enthusiasm by the employer, who congratulated him on possessing so valuable a slave.He was waited upon over the factory, shown the machinery by George, who, in high spirits, talked so fluently, held himself so erect, looked so handsome and manly, that his master began to feel an uneasy consciousness of inferiority. What business had his slave to be marching round the country, inventing machines, and holding up his head among gentlemen? Hed soon put a stop to it. Hed take him back, and put him to hoeing and digging, and see if hed step about so smart. Accordingly, the manufacturer and all hands concerned were astounded when he suddenly demanded Georges wages, and announced his intention of taking him home.d1
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