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API mixerGetNumDevs Why, the d1

2007-06-23 16:11 363 查看
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Why, the fact is, Haley, Tom is an uncommon fellow; he is certainly worth that sum anywhere,steady, honest, capable, manages my whole farm like a clock.(Windows API Declare Function mixerGetNumDevs Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mixerGetNumDevs" () As Long)You mean honest, as niggers go, said Haley, helping himself to a glass of brandy.(Windows API Declare Function mixerGetNumDevs Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mixerGetNumDevs" () As Long)No; I mean, really, Tom is a good, steady, sensible, pious fellow.(Windows API Declare Function mixerGetNumDevs Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mixerGetNumDevs" () As Long) He got religion at a camp-meeting, four years ago; and I believe he really did get it. Ive trusted him, since then, with everything I have,money, house, horses,and let him come and go round the country; and I always found him true and square in everything.Some folks dont believe there is pious niggers Shelby, said Haley, with a candid flourish of his hand, but I do. I had a fellow, now, in this yer last lot I took to Orleanst was as good as a meetin, now, really, to hear that critter pray; and he was quite gentle and quiet like. He fetched me a good sum, too, for I bought him cheap of a man that was bliged to sell out; so I realized six hundred on him. Yes, I consider religion a valeyable thing in a nigger, when its the genuine article, and no mistake.d1
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