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细读《Effective C++》之三

2007-05-29 13:44 323 查看

Chapter 3. Resource Management

Scott说:这儿的resource包括dynamically allocated memory、file descriptors、mutex locks、GUI objects、database connections和network sockets。


Item 13 - 17

条款13:Use objects to manage resources

void f()


Investment *pInv = createInvestment(); // call factory function

... // use pInv

delete pInv; // release object


为了防止程序在delete之前return或因exception中断而无法调用delete,可使用smart pointer auto_ptr(a pointer-like object, its destructor automatically calls delete on what it points to):

// Resource Acquisition Is Initialization(RAII)

void f()


std::auto_ptr<Investment> pInv(createInvestment()); // call factory function

... // use pInv as before

} // automatically delete pInv via auto_ptr's dtor


如果希望多个指针指向同一资源,可使用引用计数智能指针(reference-counting smart pointer, RCSP)TR1的tr1::shared_ptr指针。


条款14:Think carefully about copying behavior in resource-managing classes


void lock(Mutex *pm); // lock mutex pointed to by pm

void unlock(Mutex *pm); // unlock the mutex

借用条款13的RAII思想,设计class Lock:

class Lock : private Uncopyable // prohibit copying



explicit Lock(Mutex *pm) : mutexPtr(pm)

...{ lock(mutexPtr); } // acquire resource

~Lock() ...{ unlock(mutexPtr); } // release resource


Mutex *mutexPtr;


对于申请类似critical resources,同样可借用RCSP的思想实现,对critical resources的申请和分配进行计数。这里的一个问题是在tr1::shared_ptr析构时如果counter为0将delete掉mutex,因此可以使用function object实现如下:

class Lock ...{


explicit Lock(Mutex *pm) // init shared_ptr with the Mutex

: mutexPtr(pm, unlock) // to point to and the unlock func

...{ // as the deleter

lock(mutexPtr.get()); // see Item 15 for info on "get"

// no longer declares a destructor



std::tr1::shared_ptr<Mutex> mutexPtr; // use shared_ptr

}; // instead of raw pointer

条款15:Provide access to raw resources in resource-managing classes

为了能使资源顺利释放,Scott提倡我们使用auto_ptr和tr1::shared_ptr,友情提示:智能指针auto_ptr和tr1::shared_ptr不是指针,而是pointer-like object。因此如果要访问原始资源,需要从其中取出。

std::tr1::shared_ptr<Investment> pInv(createInvestment()); // from Item 13

int daysHeld(const Investment *pi); // return number of days investment has been held

int days = daysHeld(pInv.get()); // fine, passes the raw pointer in pInv to daysHeld



string str("Hello");

char *pstr = str.c_str();

除了类似的explicit convertion,也有implicit convertion:

class Font ...{



operator FontHandle() const ...{ return f; } // implicit conversion function



Font f(getFont());

int newFontSize;


changeFontSize(f, newFontSize); // implicitly convert Font to FontHandle

诚如Scott所言:The best design is likely to be the one that adheres to make interfaces easy to use correctly and hard to use incorrectly.

至于对原始资源访问所造成的contrary to encapsulation,则可以通过design使client取其所取,避其所避。



条款16:Use the same form in corresponding uses of new and delete




typedef string addresslines[4];

string *pal = new addresslines; // 这个typedef使用的太有创意了!

delete pal; // 错误!

delete [] pal; // 正确

条款17:Store newed objects in smart pointers in standalone statements

int priority();

void processWidget(std::tr1::shared_ptr<Widget> pw, int priority);

// tr1::shared_ptr's constructor taking a raw pointer is explicit

processWidget(new Widget, priority()); // error!

processWidget(std::tr1::shared_ptr<Widget>(new Widget), priority()); // OK!

对于初次看到Scott的Resource Management这一章的coders,我不知道大家看过之后能领会多少,反正我自己心里没有底,各种智能指针的使用,想必也和个人的智商成一定正比。总觉得看过之后,再去写代码,难保不是邯郸学步。

这时候,Scott又说:although we're using object-managing resources everywhere here, this call may leak resources……

Before processWidget can be called, then, compilers must generate code to do these three things:

1) Call priority.

2) Execute "new Widget".

3) Call the tr1::shared_ptr constructor.

然而,the call to priority can be performed first, second, or third. 如果不幸的成了这样:

1) Execute "new Widget".

2) Call priority.

3) Call the tr1::shared_ptr constructor.

如果更加不幸的是:the call to priority yields an exception。不要因为这种可能只有不到0.01%,如果被你的客户和老板抓到,那就是100%。

std::tr1::shared_ptr<Widget> pw(new Widget); // store newed object in a smart pointer in a standalone statement

processWidget(pw, priority()); // this call won't leak

Scott建议:Store newed objects in smart pointers in standalone statements. Failure to do this can lead to subtle resource leaks when exceptions are thrown.

粗略地看完这一章,Scott带我们实现了Resources Management:

1) Use objects(smart pointers objects) to manage resources: auto_ptr, tr1::shared_ptr and boost::shared_array;

2) Think carefully about copying behavior in resource-managing classes: prohibit copying or reference-count, delete or unlock;

3) Provide access to raw resources in resource-managing classes: explicit or implicit, safer or more convenient;

4) Use the same form in corresponding uses of new and delete: new and delete, new [] and delete [];

5) Store newed objects in smart pointers in standalone statements: avoid exception thrown between new and copy to tr1::shared_ptr.
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