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C链表 插入排序的实现

2007-05-17 13:07 363 查看

* File Name  : insert_sort.c          *

* Created   : 2007/05/08                                            *

* Author   :    SunYonggao                                          *

* Description  :  插入排序的实现 非递减排序             *

/*    如果是顺序表的化可以用二份插入排序提高效率


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <time.h>

//定义类型 所有的排序例子中都是用的int作为data

typedef int elemType;     


#define RET_SUCCESS   ( 1  ) 

#define RET_FAILED   ( 0  )  


#define  LIST_MAX_SIZE      (10)


#define NO_MEMORY   printf("Error! Not enough memory!/n");exit(1)


typedef struct tagNode_t


 elemType data;     

 struct tagNode_t * pstNext; 


// 初始化链表 链表在外部定义 node_t * pstHead

// 调用时要用 initList(&pstHead)的形式 注意头节点的内容为空仅仅为了操作方便

// 随机产生0-LIST_MAX_SIZE的数字作为链表的data

int initList(node_t ** pstHead)


 int iRet = RET_SUCCESS;

 int iCir = 0;

 node_t * pstTmp1 = NULL;

 node_t * pstTmp2 = NULL;



 * pstHead = (node_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_t));

 if ( !pstHead )




 pstTmp1 = * pstHead;


 srand( time(NULL) );//随机数

    for( iCir = 0; iCir < LIST_MAX_SIZE; iCir++ )


  pstTmp2 = (node_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_t));

  if ( !pstTmp2 )





  pstTmp2->data = rand() % LIST_MAX_SIZE;

  pstTmp2->pstNext = NULL;

  pstTmp1->pstNext = pstTmp2;

  pstTmp1 = pstTmp2;


 return iRet;


// 打印链表 链表的data元素是可打印的整形    

int showList(node_t * pstHead)


 int iRet = RET_SUCCESS;

 node_t * pstTmp = pstHead->pstNext;

 if ( NULL == pstHead )



  iRet = RET_FAILED;




  while ( pstTmp )


   printf("%d ", pstTmp->data);

   pstTmp = pstTmp->pstNext;




 return iRet;


/* 删除包括头节点在内的所有的节点. 07/04/28  */

int destroyList(node_t * pstHead)


 node_t * pstTmp = NULL;   /* Temp pointer for circle  */

 int iRet = RET_SUCCESS;

 if ( !pstHead )


  printf("Error! pstHead is null/n");

  iRet = RET_FAILED;




  while ( pstHead )  /* Free  nodes      */


   pstTmp = pstHead;

   pstHead = pstHead->pstNext;



  pstHead = NULL;


 return iRet;

}/* End of destroyList----------------------------------------------*/


void insert_sort(node_t * pstHead)


 node_t * pstToSort = NULL;

 node_t * pstTmpHead = NULL;

 node_t * pstTmp = NULL;

 if ( !pstHead )





 if ( pstHead->pstNext && pstHead->pstNext->pstNext )//如果只有一个元素则不用排序


  pstToSort = pstHead->pstNext->pstNext;//要排序的部分的头节点 第一个不用排序

  pstTmpHead = pstHead;

  pstTmpHead->pstNext->pstNext = NULL; //将第一个元素先挂上

  while ( pstToSort )


   while ( pstTmpHead->pstNext && pstToSort->data > pstTmpHead->pstNext->data )


    pstTmpHead = pstTmpHead->pstNext;


   pstTmp = pstToSort; //将带排序的最前面的节点取出

   pstToSort = pstToSort->pstNext; //带排序链表头节点后移

   pstTmp->pstNext = pstTmpHead->pstNext;//插入pstTmp

   pstTmpHead->pstNext = pstTmp;

   pstTmpHead = pstHead;//pstTmpHead指向头节点进行新一轮插入





void main()


 node_t * pstHead = NULL;


 printf("pai qian /n");



 printf("pai hou/n");



 pstHead = NULL;


/* End of file ----------------------------------------------------*/

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标签:  c null insert struct list file