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细读《Effective C++》之四

2007-05-02 09:52 162 查看

Chapter 4. Designs and Declarations


If an attempted use of an interface won't do what the client expects, the code won't compile; and if the code does compile, it will do what the client wants.


Item 18 - 25

条款18:Make interfaces easy to use correctly and hard to use incorrectly


条款19:Treat class design as type design

How should objects of your new type be created and destroyed? 构造、析构、分配、释放。

How should object initialization differ from object assignment? 初始化 != 赋值,因为构造 != 赋值。

What does it mean for objects of your new type to be passed by value? 这基本意味着你要重写copy constructor。

What are the restrictions on legal values for your new type? 我们的codes在大多数情况下就是为了验证和处理约束条件及其引发的异常,这些工作应该在构造、赋值时被很好地完成。

Does your new type fit into an inheritance graph? 主要是要考虑virtual function和virtual destructor。

What kind of type conversions are allowed for your new type?

What operators and functions make sense for the new type? 成员、友元、静态?

What standard functions should be disallowed? 要么将其声明为private(不是万无一失的),要么就private继承一个Uncopable类。

Who should have access to the members of your new type? private、protected、public、friend?

What is the "undeclared interface" of your new type?

How general is your new type? 要想充分一般化,就用class template。

Is a new type really what you need? 冷静,看看GoF的DP。

条款20:Prefer pass-by-reference-to-const to pass-by-value

by value还是by reference的根本区别在于效率和安全。所谓效率体现在by reference避免了copy,而安全则体现在避免了slicing(对象切割)。将一个derived class iobject以by value传给base class object将发生slicing。

需要注意的是,对于build-in type、STL迭代器和函数对象最好还是用by value。

条款21:Don't try to return a reference when you must return an object

const Rational& operator*(const Rational& lhs, // warning! bad code!

const Rational& rhs)


Rational result(lhs.n * rhs.n, lhs.d * rhs.d);

return result;


const Rational& operator*(const Rational& lhs, // warning! more bad

const Rational& rhs) // code!


Rational *result = new Rational(lhs.n * rhs.n, lhs.d * rhs.d);

return *result;


Rational w, x, y, z;

w = x * y * z; // same as operator*(operator*(x, y), z)

const Rational& operator*(const Rational& lhs, // warning! yet more

const Rational& rhs) // bad code!


static Rational result; // static object to which a

// reference will be returned

result = ... ; // multiply lhs by rhs and put the

// product inside result

return result;


bool operator==(const Rational& lhs, // an operator==

const Rational& rhs); // for Rationals

Rational a, b, c, d;


if ((a * b) == (c * d)) ...{

do whatever's appropriate when the products are equal;

} else ...{

do whatever's appropriate when they're not;


if (operator==(operator*(a, b), operator*(c, d)))

// the right way

inline const Rational operator*(const Rational& lhs, const Rational& rhs)


return Rational(lhs.n * rhs.n, lhs.d * rhs.d);


条款22:Declare data members private


条款23:Prefer non-member non-friend functions to member functions

自从开始用C++,我自己在写代码的时候,几乎再没用过non-member non-friend函数。有时候coding纯粹是coding,没有任何比较和规划,写哪儿是哪儿。Scott提醒了我:coding的时候要记得什么才是真正的OO。

条款24:Declare non-member functions when type conversions should apply to all parameters

If you need type conversions on all parameters to a function (including the one pointed to by the this pointer), the function must be a non-member.



所谓friend,就是可以帮你的忙,但是有代价:代价就是他了解了你的情况,can access your resources. 破坏了封装性,故称“白箱复用”。

如果实在不能通过自身的class实现功能,就用:Adaptor(具体参考GoF的<Design Patterns>).



条款25:Consider support for a non-throwing swap

namespace std ...{

template<typename T> // typical implementation of std::swap;

void swap(T& a, T& b) // swaps a's and b's values


T temp(a);

a = b;

b = temp;



class Widget ...{ // same as above, except for the

public: // addition of the swap mem func


void swap(Widget& other)


using std::swap; // the need for this declaration

// is explained later in this Item

swap(pImpl, other.pImpl); // to swap Widgets, swap their

} // pImpl pointers



namespace std ...{

template<> // revised specialization of

void swap<Widget>(Widget& a, // std::swap

Widget& b)


a.swap(b); // to swap Widgets, call their

} // swap member function


namespace WidgetStuff ...{

... // templatized WidgetImpl, etc.

template<typename T> // as before, including the swap

class Widget ...{ ... }; // member function


template<typename T> // non-member swap function;

void swap(Widget<T>& a, // not part of the std namespace

Widget<T>& b)





template<typename T>

void doSomething(T& obj1, T& obj2)


using std::swap; // make std::swap available in this function


swap(obj1, obj2); // call the best swap for objects of type T


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