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Some words about Computer

2007-04-30 19:46 477 查看
designdesign cycle 设计周期
All the phases involved in developing and producing new hardware or software.

compoment (组成)部分,部[构,组]件
A discrete part of a larger system or structure.

transfer : The movement of data from one location to another.
transform : To change the appearance or format of data without altering its content.
Transmit : To send information over a communications line or a circuit.

significant figure 有效数字
internal interrupt 内部中断
EBCDIC : Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
parity bit 奇偶(检验)位

Monitor :
The term monitor usually refers to a display and its housing.The visual output device of a computer,which is commonly a CRT-based video display. With portable and notebook computers, the display is usually an LCD-based or a gas plasma-based flat-panel display

timer 定时器 :
A feature often built into evaluation versions of software that renders the software unusable after a certain period of time.

release 释放;发布 :
1/ To relinquish control of a block of memory, a device, or another system resource to the operating system.
2/ To formally make a product available to the marketplace.

pulse 脉冲 :
A transient signal,usually brief and with a discrete onset and offset.

latency 等待时间 :
The time required for a signal to travel from one point on a network to another.

cache 高速缓冲区 :
A special memory subsystem in which frequently used data values are duplicated for quick access.

bandwidth 带宽 :
The difference between the highest and lowest frequencies that an analog communications system can pass.

page 页 :
A fixed-size block of memory.

allocation (资源)分配 :
In operating systems, the process of reserving memory for use by a program.

PROM - programmable ROM 可编程ROM

hardwired 硬连线 :
Built into a system using hardware such as logic circuits, rather than accomplished through programming.

Hard disk : Magnetic disk
Hard return : 硬回车

VM virtual memory 虚拟存储器
virtual hosting 虚拟主机

reference n. 引用 :
To access a variable, such as an element in an array or a field in a record.

block 块;内存块
expansion slot 扩展槽

chip 芯片 :
Types of integrated circuit
VLSI: very-large-scale intrgration 极大规模集成
ULSI: ultra-large-scale intrgration 超大规模集成

ROM BIOS 存于ROM的基本输入输出系统 :
On PC-compatible computers, the set of essential software routines that tests hardware at startup,starts the operating system, and supports the transfer of data among hardware devices.

laser 激光器 :
light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.

intermediate language 中间语言
A computer language used as an intermediate step between the original source language,usually a high-level language, and the target language,usually machine code.

sink 接收器 :
A device or part of a device that receives something from another device.

graphic a. 图的,图形的
graphics tablet / processor / interface 图形界面

light pen 光笔
light – emitting diode 发光二极管

DMA direct memory access 直接存储器存取
coprocessor 协处理器
accumulator 累加器
peripheral n. 外(围)设(备)
map v. 映射 n. 映像、映射
pattern 模式 pattern recognition 模式识别
modem 调制解调器 (modulator/demodulator)
sharpness 清晰度
resolution 分辨率
speech recognition 语音识别 / synthesis
image 图像
pixel 像素(picture(pix) element)
portable a. 便携式;可移植 / ~ language
pin 引脚,插针
ribbon cable 带状电缆
ribbon cartridge 色带盒

dedicated a. 专用 dedicated channel 专用信道
centralized control 集中式控制 / processing
decentralized control 分散式控制
daisy chain 菊花链

distributed processing 分布式处理
arbitration 判优(原则),仲裁(法)
bridge n. 网桥,桥接程序
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