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2007-04-19 13:44 225 查看
Step 1:
Stop the SQL Server Analysis Services – Use Management Studio - Connect to Analysis Services - Right click on the Analysis Server and select Stop.
Make a copy of the Analysis Server “data” folder for backup. Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.2\OLAP\Data
Delete the Data Folder
Restart Analysis Services.

Step 2
Run the setupWarehouse command from the application tier:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server\Tools\Setupwarehouse.exe -rebuild -mturl :8080/">http://<APP_TIER>:8080 -c warehouseschema.xml -s <DATA_TIER> -d TfsWarehouse -a <DOMAIN>\<SERVICE_ACCOUNT> -ra <DOMAIN>\<REPORTING_ACCOUNT>

<APP_TIER> is the name of the app tier server.
<DATA_TIER> is the name of the data tier server
<DOMAIN>\<SERVICE_ACCOUNT> is the account used for TFS Services (set in your domain)
<DOMAIN>\<REPORTING_ACCOUNT is the account used for TFS Reporting (set in your domain)

Wait for this process to complete.

Step 3:
From the application tier server
Open http://localhost:8080/Warehouse/v1.0/warehousecontroller.asmx.
Click Run and then click Invoke.
Open http://localhost:8080/Warehouse/v1.0/warehousecontroller.asmx.
Click GetWarehouseStatus, and then click Invoke.
The service should return。
If return value is idle. Congratulations, Your success !
if return value is Running Adapters . You must be go on !

Step 4:
Run this SQL Command:

use TfsWarehouse
select Setting as [Last Cube Processing] from _WarehouseConfig where ID = 'LastProcessTimeStamp'
-- total revisions in the relational warehouse
use TfsWarehouse
select top 1 __LastUpdatedTime as [LastVCWHWrite] from dbo.[Code Churn] with (nolock) order by __LastUpdatedTime desc
select top 1 __LastUpdatedTime as [LastWITWHWrite] from dbo.[Work Item History] with (nolock) order by __LastUpdatedTime desc
use TfsWarehouse
select count(*) as [WH Revisions] from [dbo].[Work Item History] with (nolock)
where [Record Count] <> -1
use TfsWorkitemTracking
select count(*) as [WIT Revisions] from [dbo].[WorkitemsLatestAndWere] with (nolock)
use TfsWarehouse
select max ([Changeset ID]) as [WH Changeset] from [dbo].Changeset with (nolock)
where __DimensionMemberActive = 1
use TfsVersionControl
select max(ChangeSetId) as [VC Changeset] from tbl_Changeset with (nolock)
-- identities
use TfsWarehouse
select Property_Value as [Warehouse Identity Id] from _PropertyBag
where Property_Key = 'CSS Identity Sequence Id'
use TfsIntegration
select max(sequence_Id) as [Integration Identity Id] from tbl_security_identity_cache
-- structure
use TfsWarehouse
select Property_Value as [Warehouse Structure Id] from _PropertyBag
where Property_Key = 'CSS Structure Sequence Id'
use TfsIntegration
select max(sequence_Id) as [Integration Structure Id] from tbl_nodes with (nolock)


Completion go to Step 3 check ! Return value is idle.
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