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Oracle 创建存储过程

2007-04-16 10:40 330 查看
create or replace procedure DongjieToTable                             --创建一个名为donjietotable的存储过程
as                                                                                                        --定义数据区
  cursor c_qydjsx                                                                              --定义一个游标
    is select nbxh from aqydjsx;
  cursor c_sttzqk
    is select tznbxh from asttzqk;

  V_nbxh varchar2(40);                                                                  --定义一个变量
  V_tznbxh varchar2(40);
begin                                                                                                --代码块开始区
     open c_qydjsx();                                                                       --打开一个游标
     fetch c_qydjsx into V_nbxh;   
     while c_qydjsx%found loop
       update aqydjsx set djlx = '01'
       where '1' in
       (select sfjd from qydongjie where qynbxh=V_nbxh and djjdjzsj = (select max(djjdjzsj) from qydongjie where qynbxh=V_nbxh))
       and '0' not in
       (select sfjd from qydongjie where qynbxh=V_nbxh and djjdjzsj = (select max(djjdjzsj) from qydongjie where qynbxh=V_nbxh))
       and nbxh = V_nbxh;         
     fetch c_qydjsx into V_nbxh;
     end loop;
     open c_sttzqk();
     fetch c_sttzqk into V_tznbxh;   
     while c_sttzqk%found loop
       update asttzqk set djlx = '01'
       where '1' in
       (select sfjd from qydongjie where qynbxh=V_tznbxh and djjdjzsj = (select max(djjdjzsj) from qydongjie where qynbxh=V_tznbxh))
       and '0' not in
       (select sfjd from qydongjie where qynbxh=V_tznbxh and djjdjzsj = (select max(djjdjzsj) from qydongjie where qynbxh=V_tznbxh))
       and tznbxh = V_tznbxh;          
     fetch c_sttzqk into V_tznbxh;
     end loop;
  EXCEPTION                                                                           --异常块,当以上代码执行有异常时将执行这里
  WHEN others THEN
end;                                                                                            --结束代码块

 要执行创建好的存储过程在Command中exec dongjietotable;




cursor c_qynjjbqk(EpNbxh varchar2)                                         --变量名为EpNbxh,类型为varchar2
   is select max(nd) from qynjjbqk where nbxh=EpNbxh;


open c_qynjjbqk(nbxh);                                                               --"()"内为要传入的参数值

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