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2007-04-01 17:21 274 查看

就拿新闻发布系统来说,如果新闻的数据更新太快,势必涉及一个问题,这些新闻不能由人工的去发布,应该让系统自己发布,这就需要用到定时定制任务了,以前定制任务无非就是设计一个Thread,并且设置运行时间片,让它到了那个时间执行一次,就ok了,让系统启动的时候启动它,想来也够简单的。不过有了 spring,我想这事情就更简单了。


# <bean id="infoCenterAutoBuildTask"

# class="com.teesoo.teanet.scheduling.InfoCenterAutoBuildTask">

# <property name="baseService" ref="baseService" />

# <property name="htmlCreator" ref="htmlCreator" />

# bean>


# <bean id="scheduledTask"

# class="org.springframework.scheduling.timer.ScheduledTimerTask">


# <property name="delay" value="10000" />


# <property name="period" value="1000000" />

# <property name="timerTask" ref="infoCenterAutoBuildTask" />

# bean>



# <bean id="timerFactory" class="org.springframework.scheduling.timer.TimerFactoryBean">

# <property name="scheduledTimerTasks">

# <list>


# <ref bean="scheduledTask" />

# list>

# property>

# bean>



1. BaseTask extends java.util.TimerTask ...{

2. //用户只需要实现这个方面,把自己的任务放到这里

3. public void run()...{

4. }

5. }

下面让我们来看看 spring的源代码

1. /**//*

2. * Copyright 2002-2005 the original author or authors.

3. *

4. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

5. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

6. * You may obtain a copy of the License at

7. *

8. * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

9. *

10. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

11. * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

12. * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

13. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

14. * limitations under the License.

15. */


17. package org.springframework.scheduling.timer;


19. import java.util.TimerTask;


21. /** *//**

22. * JavaBean that describes a scheduled TimerTask, consisting of

23. * the TimerTask itself (or a Runnable to create a TimerTask for)

24. * and a delay plus period. Period needs to be specified;

25. * there is no point in a default for it.

26. *

27. *

The JDK Timer does not offer more sophisticated scheduling

28. * options such as cron expressions. Consider using Quartz for

29. * such advanced needs.

30. *

31. *

Note that Timer uses a TimerTask instance that is shared

32. * between repeated executions, in contrast to Quartz which

33. * instantiates a new Job for each execution.

34. *

35. * @author Juergen Hoeller

36. * @since 19.02.2004

37. * @see java.util.TimerTask

38. * @see java.util.Timer#schedule(TimerTask, long, long)

39. * @see java.util.Timer#scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask, long, long)

40. */

41. public class ScheduledTimerTask ...{


43. private TimerTask timerTask;


45. private long delay = 0;


47. private long period = 0;


49. private boolean fixedRate = false;



52. /** *//**

53. * Create a new ScheduledTimerTask,

54. * to be populated via bean properties.

55. * @see #setTimerTask

56. * @see #setDelay

57. * @see #setPeriod

58. * @see #setFixedRate

59. */

60. public ScheduledTimerTask() ...{

61. }


63. /** *//**

64. * Create a new ScheduledTimerTask, with default

65. * one-time execution without delay.

66. * @param timerTask the TimerTask to schedule

67. */

68. public ScheduledTimerTask(TimerTask timerTask) ...{

69. this.timerTask = timerTask;

70. }


72. /** *//**

73. * Create a new ScheduledTimerTask, with default

74. * one-time execution with the given delay.

75. * @param timerTask the TimerTask to schedule

76. * @param delay the delay before starting the task for the first time (ms)

77. */

78. public ScheduledTimerTask(TimerTask timerTask, long delay) ...{

79. this.timerTask = timerTask;

80. this.delay = delay;

81. }


83. /** *//**

84. * Create a new ScheduledTimerTask.

85. * @param timerTask the TimerTask to schedule

86. * @param delay the delay before starting the task for the first time (ms)

87. * @param period the period between repeated task executions (ms)

88. * @param fixedRate whether to schedule as fixed-rate execution

89. */

90. public ScheduledTimerTask(TimerTask timerTask, long delay, long period, boolean fixedRate) ...{

91. this.timerTask = timerTask;

92. this.delay = delay;

93. this.period = period;

94. this.fixedRate = fixedRate;

95. }


97. /** *//**

98. * Create a new ScheduledTimerTask, with default

99. * one-time execution without delay.

100. * @param timerTask the Runnable to schedule as TimerTask

101. */

102. public ScheduledTimerTask(Runnable timerTask) ...{

103. setRunnable(timerTask);

104. }


106. /** *//**

107. * Create a new ScheduledTimerTask, with default

108. * one-time execution with the given delay.

109. * @param timerTask the Runnable to schedule as TimerTask

110. * @param delay the delay before starting the task for the first time (ms)

111. */

112. public ScheduledTimerTask(Runnable timerTask, long delay) ...{

113. setRunnable(timerTask);

114. this.delay = delay;

115. }


117. /** *//**

118. * Create a new ScheduledTimerTask.

119. * @param timerTask the Runnable to schedule as TimerTask

120. * @param delay the delay before starting the task for the first time (ms)

121. * @param period the period between repeated task executions (ms)

122. * @param fixedRate whether to schedule as fixed-rate execution

123. */

124. public ScheduledTimerTask(Runnable timerTask, long delay, long period, boolean fixedRate) ...{

125. setRunnable(timerTask);

126. this.delay = delay;

127. this.period = period;

128. this.fixedRate = fixedRate;

129. }



132. /** *//**

133. * Set the Runnable to schedule as TimerTask.

134. * @see DelegatingTimerTask

135. */

136. public void setRunnable(Runnable timerTask) ...{

137. this.timerTask = new DelegatingTimerTask(timerTask);

138. }


140. /** *//**

141. * Set the TimerTask to schedule.

142. */

143. public void setTimerTask(TimerTask timerTask) ...{

144. this.timerTask = timerTask;

145. }


147. /** *//**

148. * Return the TimerTask to schedule.

149. */

150. public TimerTask getTimerTask() ...{

151. return timerTask;

152. }


154. /** *//**

155. * Set the delay before starting the task for the first time,

156. * in milliseconds. Default is 0, immediately starting the

157. * task after successful scheduling.

158. */

159. public void setDelay(long delay) ...{

160. this.delay = delay;

161. }


163. /** *//**

164. * Return the delay before starting the job for the first time.

165. */

166. public long getDelay() ...{

167. return delay;

168. }


170. /** *//**

171. * Set the period between repeated task executions, in milliseconds.

172. * Default is 0, leading to one-time execution. In case of a positive

173. * value, the task will be executed repeatedly, with the given interval

174. * inbetween executions.

175. *

Note that the semantics of the period vary between fixed-rate

176. * and fixed-delay execution.

177. * @see #setFixedRate

178. */

179. public void setPeriod(long period) ...{

180. this.period = period;

181. }


183. /** *//**

184. * Return the period between repeated task executions.

185. */

186. public long getPeriod() ...{

187. return period;

188. }


190. /** *//**

191. * Set whether to schedule as fixed-rate execution, rather than

192. * fixed-delay execution. Default is "false", i.e. fixed delay.

193. *

See Timer javadoc for details on those execution modes.

194. * @see java.util.Timer#schedule(TimerTask, long, long)

195. * @see java.util.Timer#scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask, long, long)

196. */

197. public void setFixedRate(boolean fixedRate) ...{

198. this.fixedRate = fixedRate;

199. }


201. /** *//**

202. * Return whether to schedule as fixed-rate execution.

203. */

204. public boolean isFixedRate() ...{

205. return fixedRate;

206. }


208. }



java 代码



# package org.springframework.scheduling.timer;


# import java.util.Timer;


# import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;

# import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;


# import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean;

# import org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean;

# import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;


# /** *//**

# * FactoryBean that sets up a JDK 1.3+ Timer and exposes it for bean references.

# *

# *

Allows for registration of ScheduledTimerTasks, automatically starting

# * the Timer on initialization and cancelling it on destruction of the context.

# * In scenarios that just require static registration of tasks at startup,

# * there is no need to access the Timer instance itself in application code.

# *

# *

Note that Timer uses a TimerTask instance that is shared between

# * repeated executions, in contrast to Quartz which instantiates a new

# * Job for each execution.

# *

# * @author Juergen Hoeller

# * @since 19.02.2004

# * @see ScheduledTimerTask

# * @see java.util.Timer

# * @see java.util.TimerTask

# */

# public class TimerFactoryBean implements FactoryBean, InitializingBean, DisposableBean ...{


# protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());


# private ScheduledTimerTask[] scheduledTimerTasks;


# private boolean daemon = false;


# private Timer timer;



# /** *//**

# * Register a list of ScheduledTimerTask objects with the Timer that

# * this FactoryBean creates. Depending on each SchedulerTimerTask's

# * settings, it will be registered via one of Timer's schedule methods.

# * @see java.util.Timer#schedule(java.util.TimerTask, long)

# * @see java.util.Timer#schedule(java.util.TimerTask, long, long)

# * @see java.util.Timer#scheduleAtFixedRate(java.util.TimerTask, long, long)

# */

# public void setScheduledTimerTasks(ScheduledTimerTask[] scheduledTimerTasks) ...{

# this.scheduledTimerTasks = scheduledTimerTasks;

# }


# /** *//**

# * Set whether the timer should use a daemon thread,

# * just executing as long as the application itself is running.

# *

Default is "false": The timer will automatically get cancelled on

# * destruction of this FactoryBean. Hence, if the application shuts down,

# * tasks will by default finish their execution. Specify "true" for eager

# * shutdown of threads that execute tasks.

# * @see java.util.Timer#Timer(boolean)

# */

# public void setDaemon(boolean daemon) ...{

# this.daemon = daemon;

# }



# public void afterPropertiesSet() ...{

# logger.info("Initializing Timer");

# this.timer = createTimer(this.daemon);


# // Register all ScheduledTimerTasks.

# if (this.scheduledTimerTasks != null) ...{

# for (int i = 0; i < this.scheduledTimerTasks.length; i++) ...{

# ScheduledTimerTask scheduledTask = this.scheduledTimerTasks[i];

# if (scheduledTask.getPeriod() > 0) ...{

# // repeated task execution

# if (scheduledTask.isFixedRate()) ...{

# this.timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(

# scheduledTask.getTimerTask(), scheduledTask.getDelay(), scheduledTask.getPeriod());

# }

# else ...{

# this.timer.schedule(

# scheduledTask.getTimerTask(), scheduledTask.getDelay(), scheduledTask.getPeriod());

# }

# }

# else ...{

# // One-time task execution.

# this.timer.schedule(scheduledTask.getTimerTask(), scheduledTask.getDelay());

# }

# }

# }

# }


# /** *//**

# * Create a new Timer instance. Called by afterPropertiesSet.

# * Can be overridden in subclasses to provide custom Timer subclasses.

# * @param daemon whether to create a Timer that runs as daemon thread

# * @return a new Timer instance

# * @see #afterPropertiesSet()

# * @see java.util.Timer#Timer(boolean)

# */

# protected Timer createTimer(boolean daemon) ...{

# return new Timer(daemon);

# }



# public Object getObject() ...{

# return this.timer;

# }


# public Class getObjectType() ...{

# return Timer.class;

# }


# public boolean isSingleton() ...{

# return true;

# }



# /** *//**

# * Cancel the Timer on bean factory shutdown, stopping all scheduled tasks.

# * @see java.util.Timer#cancel()

# */

# public void destroy() ...{

# logger.info("Cancelling Timer");

# this.timer.cancel();

# }


# }

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