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2007-03-31 15:31 197 查看

RIM Opens New BlackBerry APIs to Support Growth in Mobile Applications

意思就是说RIM开放新的BlackBerry API以支持移动应用程序的增长。



移动多媒体API 这年头这个都不支持的话,那也就有点太落伍了,什么听音乐和看电影就得要。不然让你死的难看。

摄像机API 你说现在有哪一款移动设备不带摄像头。流行!

支持MP3,WAV,AAC,AMR音频格式的API 这个更加不用说了

XML以及Web Services 无语,还记得那个时候想调用一个web service,那简直晕菜。差点没写个库来调用web service和XML,想想今天都后悔,要不然我自己写好了去卖,:).

BlackBerry Messenger API IM大行其道,不做不行

文件系统 BB的文件格式可真的保密,专业人员都不知道,更加不用说非专业的人员了。大家看了都是一头雾水。很多网友都问我文件格式的问题,说实话我也无语。

3D图形API BB的图像界面还是可以的,至于3D,有点夸张,至少对现在的机器而言。不过开放了好。促进他的发展。

MMS Java API 这种东西就好像在中国通过GPRS上网一样。毕竟MMS在国外不太流行,不过中国则是大行其道。我以前还发过几个呢。对于我这种不爱发短信的人来说,也是一个福音。

从以上可以看出,RIM的CEO Jim Balsillie 看来是越来越前卫了,大脑也是开窍了。我是举双手赞成。当然,开放这些API的最主要API恐怕是其他对手的竞争压力,看看Windows Mobile,iPhone, Palm,还有巨头Nokia,一款E系列的手机就足以让Jim紧张一下。



Mobile Multi-Media API for Java (JSR 135) allowing developers to
embed custom audio and video content into applications; invoke the
BlackBerry Media Player to play video or audio content; record audio or
voice and save recorded files to the handset or send it over the

Camera APIs that allow developers to invoke the camera application
and access pictures taken with the camera; support for registering
listeners with the Camera application that enable an application to be
notified when a new picture is taken

Support for MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC and AMR audio formats with support
for routing audio playback to the external speaker, connected headset
and Bluetooth® headset

XML and Web Services support to help simplify communications with existing Internet applications

BlackBerry Messenger APIs allowing access to presence and contact information and the ability to send peer-to-peer messages

File System Access APIs (JSR 75) to provide access to documents and
other files stored locally on the smartphone or on the microSD
expansion memory; support for registering listeners with the file
system that enable an application to be notified when a new files are
added or removed

GPS APIs (JSR 179) that provide access to location information from
local GPS chip or external GPS receiver connected over Bluetooth

BlackBerry Maps API providing access to the map application to
display an address or a route with BlackBerry Maps providing all of the
geo-coding and mapping data for free

Wallpaper and Ringtone Customization Java APIs to enable custom
applications to add new wallpapers and ringtones to the smartphone

Planned support for 3D Graphics API (JSR 184) and SVG API (JSR 226) to enable more powerful gaming and rich-media content

Planned support for MMS Java APIs (JSR 205) to complement the
existing SMS and Phone APIs which enable third party applications to
listen for incoming phone calls and SMS messages, invoke the phone
application to place a call, and compose SMS messages for peer-to-peer


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