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Open source-fantastic!

2007-03-26 13:33 197 查看
Last night, I installed Ubuntu(a version of gnu/linux OS) in my computer, with the great help of my classmate Pip. Acturally it was him that aroused my interest in using Linux. He himself is a fan of Linux, and he is one of the big amount of supporters of linux and open source spirit. He gave great support to me when I told him that I wanted to use a Linux. The second thing is that I want to do some deeper exploration into the computer. Of course, the first I encountered is operating system. As everybody knows, understanding how an operating system is designed and implemented will benefit a developer a lot. Also, one can get a better knowledge of the computer inside. Linux is open sourced, so it is the best tuition for learning os.

Now I am writing this archive in the Linux environment. It is a little fresh and funny. I still remember last night, while installing the os, he showed me a movie named "Revolution of os". It was so great. Almost the most excellent developers are interviewed in that movie, giving comments and thoughts on the os and the most great words, Open Source. I am quite sure if you saw that movie or some other ones just like that one, you would have been as excited as I was. The main spirit is to form a very good community, in which everyone can share the knowledge and the work, so things will be much better.

I have already become a supporter of the open source spirit. Pip was so glad when he heard that. I believe, in the community with the atmosphere of open source, people are always ready to help each other, to make the better things, together. And they act like that on their own will, which is the most important. How wonderful!
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