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Infragistics NetAdvantage Samples 在.net 2.0和1.x共存的环境下不能运行时,采取的办法

2007-03-14 20:36 555 查看
由于重装了操作系统,换成win2003 sp1,就装了visual studiio 2005,于是NetAdvantage版本就从clr 1.0 到了clr 2.0。(Infragistics 2006 for clr 2.0 is my edition)。我的系统里也装了vs.net 2003的版本,因为有原来的工程要用它。但是在运行Samples的时候却出现如下的错误在左侧的导航栏里:

There was an error processing the requested sample.

If you are running multiple versions of the .NET Framework on the computer hosting these samples, please ensure that this virtual directory is mapped to the correct version of the .NET Framework (2.0).

To change the version of the .NET Framework an application is bound to, or to change the version for all applications on a given site, you can use the Microsoft aspnet_regiis.exe utility, or the "Internet Information Services" administration console.

To configure the version of the .NET Framework a specific application uses

Open up the Internet Information Services console.
Navigate to your application in the tree on the left, and right-click.
Choose Properties from the right-click menu.
Your dialog should look like the one below. Simply choose the proper framework version (in this case, 2.0.50727), and click the OK button.
Repeat these steps for the WebSchedule Forms folder ([wwwroot]/ig_common/20061clr2/forms

按着提示的方法去做,怎么也是行不通了,怎么办呢?搞来搞去,看看它的Samples目录吧,一看有一个vs.net的解决方案文件!哦,原来是用vs 编写的呀!那就行了,打开它看看,用vs2005在里找呀找,先找到default.html,然后再找到leftNavigation.aspx,想到到上面的提示页呀,可惜没有找到呀!(要是谁找到了,不要忘记在这里回我一下哦!)
其实这也不是一个什么解决办法,想想也是很土的方法啦。没有去深究什么原因的,只要是解决问题就可以了!这里面隐含着一个道理,就是既然是用我们用的开发工具做的东西,我们就不怕去动动它,看看它里面是什么东西,不要去问啊问的。要去看看它的原理么?比如说今天没有去看看它的文件夹,那就不知道Infragistics原来也是用vs.net 做的呢,只是知道个用。以后要是有了问题了,可以直接来这里面,把它打开,查查原因什么,说不好还要学到更多的从code samples里学不到的东西呢。
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