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javascript object oriented 面向对象编程初步

2007-03-14 17:44 477 查看
首先提供如下参考链接: http://www.80x86.cn/article.asp?id=1078  javascript声明function的详细说明 http://www.itlearner.com/article/2005/2416.shtml  一个很不错的oo初步介绍 http://www.klstudio.com/post/52.html 简单oo http://www.sitepoint.com/article/oriented-programming-1    http://www.sitepoint.com/article/oriented-programming-2 http://www.javascriptkit.com/javatutors/oopjs.shtml   这个文章, 第二篇文章是翻译的这个!!!!!
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用 new Object() 来创建对象

在javascript里有几种创建对象的方法,在不同的场合可用不同的方法.最简单的就是用 new 操作符,例如:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

person = new Object()
person.name = "Tim Scarfe"
person.height = "6Ft"

person.run = function() {
this.state = "running"
this.speed = "4ms^-1"



用文字记号Literal Notation创建对象

用文字记号也可以创建对象,但要javascript 1.2以上版本.它的创建形式是多样的.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

// Object Literals

timObject = {
property1 : "Hello",
property2 : "MmmMMm",
property3 : ["mmm", 2, 3, 6, "kkk"],
method1 : function(){alert("Method had been called" + this.property1)}

alert(timObject.property3[2]) // will yield 3

var circle = { x : 0, y : 0, radius: 2 } // another example

// nesting is no problem.
var rectangle = {
upperLeft : { x : 2, y : 2 },
lowerRight : { x : 4, y : 4}

alert(rectangle.upperLeft.x) // will yield 2



用 new 操作符或文字记号创建一个自定义对象都是简单的,也是符合逻辑的.但它最大的缺点就是结果不可复用.也不能很容易的用不同的版本初始化创建对象.例如上面 的第一个例子,如果 person 的 name 不是 "Tim Scarfe",那样我们不得不重新定义整个对象,仅仅为了适应它的一点点改变.



   一个对象构造器只不过是个有规则的javascript函数,它就象一个容器(定义参数,调用其他函数等等).它们两者所不同的是构造器函数是由 new 操作符调用的.(你将在下面的例子中看到).基于函数语法形式的对象定义,我们可以使它工作得最好.

让我们用现实世界中的猫来举个例子.猫的 name 和 color 是猫的属性.meeyow(猫叫)是它的一个方法.重要的是任何不同的猫都可能有不同的 name 和 meeyow 的叫声.为了建立适应这些特征的对象类,我们将使用对象构造器.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

function cat(name) {
this.name = name;
this.talk = function() {
alert( this.name + " say meeow!" )

cat1 = new cat("felix")
cat1.talk() //alerts "felix says meeow!"

cat2 = new cat("ginger")
cat2.talk() //alerts "ginger says meeow!"


在这里,函数 cat() 是一个对象构造器,它的属性和方法在函数体里用this来定义,用对象构造器定义的对象用 new 来实例化.主意我们如何非常容易的定义多个cat 的实例.每一个都有自己的名字,这就是对象构造器带给我们的灵活性.


让我们来扩展最初的 cat 对象.增加一个改名的方法.用 prototype 的方式.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

cat.prototype.changeName = function(name) {
this.name = name;

firstCat = new cat("pursur")
firstCat.talk() //alerts "Bill says meeow!"


就象你所看到的.我们仅只用了 关键字 prototype 实现了在对象定义后马上增加了changeName方法.这个方法被所有的实例共享.

用原型(prototype) 重载 javascript 对象

原型 在自定义对象和有选择性的重载对象上都可以工作.比如 Date() 或 String


在JAVA 和C++里,有关于类层次的外在概念.每一个类能有一个角色.
In Java and C++, there is an explicit concept of the class hierarchy. i.e. Every class can have a super class from which it inherits properties and methods. Any class can be extended, or sub-classed so the resulting subclass can inherit its parent's behavior. As we have seen, javascript supports prototype inheritance instead of class based. It's possible for inheritance to happen other ways, however.

The following is an example of inheritance through functions.

下面一个例子演示了如何继承通过function .
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

// thanks to webreference

function superClass() {
this.supertest = superTest; //attach method superTest

function subClass() {
this.inheritFrom = superClass;
this.subtest = subTest; //attach method subTest

function superTest() {
return "superTest";

function subTest() {
return "subTest";

var newClass = new subClass();

alert(newClass.subtest()); // yields "subTest"
alert(newClass.supertest()); // yields "superTest"


基于继承的原型是遥远的.为 javascript 应用程序在许多场合.

正如你所知, (.)操作符能够用来存储.[] 操作符用来操作数组.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

// These are the same


<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
function Circle (xPoint, yPoint, radius) {
this.x = xPoint;
this.y = yPoint;
this.r = radius;

var aCircle = new Circle(5, 11, 99);


How do I loop through properties in an object?
You need to use a for/in loop.
我们可以通过for in循环来遍历对象的属性。

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

var testObj = {

prop1 : "hello",
prop2 : "hello2",
prop3 : new Array("hello",1,2)

for(x in testObj) alert( x + "-" + testObj[ x ] )


<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
var Circle = { x : 0, y : 1, radius: 2 } // another example

for(p in Circle)
alert( p + "-" + Circle[ p ] )


The important thing to notice is that in the object syntax the property is an identifier, whereas in the array syntax, it's a string. The obvious benefits of using an array syntax to access an object is because of the literal data type, you can easily concat strings and play around with them to access an object. For this to work with the standard syntax, an eval() would need to be used.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

testObj = {

prop1 : "hello",
prop2 : "hello2",
prop3 : new Array("helloa",1,2)

for(x in testObj) alert( x + "-" + testObj[ x ] )
var prop3 = testObj["prop3"];


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