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Java Puzzlers笔记--puzzle 13: Animal Farm 优先级以及对象引用问题

2007-03-04 11:00 639 查看
public class AnimalFarm{
 publi static void main(String[] args){
  final String pig = "length: 10";
  final Stirng dog = "length: " + pig.length();
  System.out.println("Animals are equal: " + pig==dog);



                因为 "Animals are equal: " + pig==dog实际上是("Animals are equal: " + pig)==dog;




              The == operator, howerver, does not test whether two objects are equal; it tests whether two object references are identical.

               You may be aware that compile-time constants of type Stirng are interned. In other words, any two contant expressions of type String that designate the same character sequence are represented by identical object references.

                The + operator, whether used for addition or string concatenation, binds more tightly than the == operator.

                 When using the string concatenation operator, always parenthesize nontrivial operands.


                System.out.println("Animals are equal: " +  pig.equals(dog));
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