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List sessions and some details about them

2007-02-14 13:18 495 查看
set linesize 145
set pagesize 1000
set trimout on
set trimspool on
Set Feedback off
set timing off
set verify off


prompt -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---

prompt -- List of oracle's processes ---

prompt -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---


Set linesize 145
Set Pagesize 50

column username heading "Utilis." format A10
column commande heading "Fonction" format A13
column status heading "Etat" format A4
column logon heading "Date|Connexion" format A14
column command heading "C" format 99
column sid heading "Id" format 9999
column serial heading "Serial#" format 99999
column spid heading "Unix" format A7
column terminal heading "Terminal" format A11
column lockwait heading "Lockwait" format A8
column program heading "Programme" format A35 word_wrapped
column nb_sess heading "Nb. Sess." format 9999999
column last_call_et heading "Last|Call" format A9

, s.serial# serial
, p.spid
, substr(s.username,1,8) username
, s.terminal
, s.command
, decode(s.command, 1,'Create table' , 2,'Insert'
, 3,'Select' , 6,'Update'
, 7,'Delete' , 9,'Create index'
,10,'Drop index' ,11,'Alter index'
,12,'Drop table' ,13,'Create seq'
,14,'Alter sequence' ,15,'Alter table'
,16,'Drop sequ.' ,17,'Grant'
,19,'Create syn.' ,20,'Drop syn.'
,21,'Create view' ,22,'Drop view'
,23,'Validate index' ,24,'create proced.'
,25,'Alter procedure' ,26,'Lock table'
,42,'Alter session' ,44,'Commit'
,45,'Rollback' ,46,'Savepoint'
,47,'PL/SQL Exec' ,48,'Set Transaction'
,60,'Alter trigger' ,62,'Analyse Table'
,63,'Analyse index' ,71,'Create Snapshot Log'
,72,'Alter Snapshot Log' ,73,'Drop Snapshot Log'
,74,'Create Snapshot' ,75,'Alter Snapshot'
,76,'drop Snapshot' ,85,'Truncate table'
, 0,'No command', '? : '||s.command) commande
, to_char(s.logon_time,'DD-MM-YY HH24:MI') logon
, substr(s.status,1,4) status
, floor(s.last_call_et/3600)||':'||
mod(mod(s.last_call_et,3600),60) last_call_et
, s.lockwait
, Substr(s.program,1,20) program
v$session s
, v$process p
s.paddr = p.addr
by s.status desc
, s.last_call_et desc
, P.spid



prompt -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---

prompt -- Active / Inactive Sessions ---

prompt -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---

Set Heading Off

Column Status heading "Utilis." format A50

'-- Time : '||Time||' - Process : '||Proc||' - Session '||Sess Status
( Select To_Char(Sysdate, 'HH24:MI') Time
From Dual
, ( Select Count(*) Proc
From V$Process
, ( Select Count(*) Sess
From V$Session

Set Heading On


column status heading "Etat" format A10

Initcap(S.Status) status
, Count(*) nb_sess
V$Session S
By Initcap(S.Status)



prompt -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---

prompt -- Active / Sessions In Progress ... ---

prompt -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---

column pct heading "Pro.|(%)" format 9999
column username heading "Utilis." format A8
column machine heading "Machine" format A12
column program heading "Program" format A12
column modu heading "Module" format A15
column sql heading "Sql" format A60 word_wrapped
column Sta_Time heading "Start|Time" format A18
column LUTime heading "Last|Update|Time" format A18
column Time_Left heading "Time|Left" format A10

, substr(sn.username,1,8) username
, Trunc(sl.sofar/sl.totalwork * 100) pct
, sn.machine machine
, sn.program program
, sn.module modu
, to_char(start_time,'DD-MON-YY HH:MI:SS') Sta_Time
, to_char(last_update_time,'DD-MON-YY HH:MI:SS') LUTime
, To_Char(To_Date(TIME_REMAINING,'SSSSS'),'HH24:MI:SS') Time_Left
v$session_longops sl
, v$session sn
sn.status = 'ACTIVE'
sl.sid = sn.sid
sl.sofar != sl.totalwork

-- Select
-- substr(sn.username,1,8) username
-- , Trunc(sl.sofar/sl.totalwork * 100) pct
-- , sn.machine machine
-- , sn.program program
-- , sn.module modu
-- , sa.sql_text sql
-- From
-- v$session_longops sl
-- , v$session sn
-- , v$sqlarea sa
-- where
-- sn.status = 'ACTIVE'
-- and
-- sl.sid = sn.sid
-- and
-- sn.sql_address = sa.address (+)
-- and
-- sl.sofar != sl.totalwork
-- ;




-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- List of oracle's processes --
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --

Date Last
Id Serial# Unix Utilis. Terminal C Fonction Connexion Etat Call Lockwait Programme
----- ------- ------- ---------- ----------- --- ------------- -------------- ---- --------- -------- -----------------------------------
13 13 770212 SAPEUR 0 No command 04-02-07 20:40 INAC 110:43:30 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@
19 6 2224320 SAPEUR 3 Select 04-02-07 20:40 INAC 110:43:28 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@
14 9 2490590 SAPEUR 0 No command 04-02-07 20:40 INAC 65:15:48 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@
12 10 1941726 SAPEUR 0 No command 04-02-07 20:40 INAC 18:11:24 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@
18 7 2416786 SAPEUR 0 No command 04-02-07 20:40 INAC 17:45:7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@
9 19 381058 SAPEUR 0 No command 04-02-07 20:40 INAC 17:45:6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@
10 64 2625622 SAPEUR 0 No command 06-02-07 17:21 INAC 17:44:54 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@
15 5 2302022 SAPEUR 0 No command 04-02-07 20:40 INAC 17:42:14 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@
23 7 2166848 SAPEUR 0 No command 04-02-07 20:40 INAC 4:53:3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@
24 4 2195658 SAPEUR 0 No command 04-02-07 20:40 INAC 1:52:55 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@
17 10 2474038 SAPEUR 0 No command 04-02-07 20:40 INAC 0:53:3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@
26 54473 2596880 SAPEUR 0 No command 08-02-07 16:11 INAC 0:53:3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@
33 12270 585862 SAPEUR 0 No command 08-02-07 16:04 INAC 0:53:3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@
30 5 2457792 SAPEUR 0 No command 04-02-07 20:40 INAC 0:18:3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@
34 62098 2027740 SAPEUR 0 No command 09-02-07 11:08 INAC 0:15:2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@
41 17482 2146464 SAPEUR 0 No command 08-02-07 17:44 INAC 0:13:3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@
29 3 2199712 SAPEUR 0 No command 04-02-07 20:40 INAC 0:3:3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@
40 29264 2654462 SAPEUR 0 No command 09-02-07 09:49 INAC 0:3:3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@
16 4 2027740 SAPEUR 0 No command 04-02-07 20:40 INAC 0:1:12 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@
25 15 2330720 SAPEUR 0 No command 04-02-07 20:40 INAC 0:0:3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@
48 11950 2588908 SYS pts/0 3 Select 09-02-07 11:23 ACTI 0:0:0 sqlplus@xxxxxxxx (

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Active / Inactive Sessions --
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --

-- Time : 11:23 - Process : 30 - Session 30

Etat Nb. Sess.
---------- ---------
Active 9
Inactive 21

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Active / Sessions In Progress ... --
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --
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