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Effective C# 原则5:始终提供ToString()(翻译)

2007-02-13 19:49 344 查看
Effective C# 原则5:始终提供ToString()(部分翻译)
Always Provide ToString()

在.Net世界里,用得最多的方法之一就是System.Object.ToStrying()了。你应该为你所有的客户写一个“通情达理”的类(译注:这里是指这个类应该对用户友好)。要么,你就迫使所用类的用户,去使用类的属性并添加一些合理的易读的说明。这个以字符串形式存在,关于你设计的类的说明,可以很容易的向你的用户显示一些关于对象的信息到:Windows Form里,Web Form里,控制台输出。这些字符说明可以用于调试。你写的任何一种类型,都应该合理的重写这个方法。当你设计更多的复杂的类型时,你应该实现应变能力更强的IFormattable.ToString(). 承认这个:如果你不重写(override)这个常规的方法,或者只是写一个很糟糕的,你的客户将不得不为你修正它。



public class Customer
private string _name;
private decimal _revenue;
private string _contactPhone;

public override string ToString()
return _name;
当你负责任的为Object.ToString()方法实现了重写时,这个类的对象可以更容易的被添加到Windows Form里,Web Form里,或者打印输出。 .NET的FCL使用重载的Object.ToString()在控件中显示对象:组合框,列表框,文本框,以及其它一些控件。如果你一个Windows Form或者Web Form里添加一个Customer对象的链表,你将会得到它们的名字(以文本)显示出来(译注:而不是每个对象都是同样的类型名)。

string System.IFormattable.ToString( string format,
IFormatProvider formatProvider )


#region IFormattable Members
// supported formats:
// substitute n for name.
// substitute r for revenue
// substitute p for contact phone.
// Combos are supported: nr, np, npr, etc
// "G" is general.
string System.IFormattable.ToString( string format,
IFormatProvider formatProvider )
if ( formatProvider != null )
ICustomFormatter fmt = formatProvider.GetFormat(
this.GetType( ) )
as ICustomFormatter;
if ( fmt != null )
return fmt.Format( format, this, formatProvider );

switch ( format )
case "r":
return _revenue.ToString( );
case "p":
return _contactPhone;
case "nr":
return string.Format( "{0,20}, {1,10:C}",
_name, _revenue );
case "np":
return string.Format( "{0,20}, {1,15}",
_name, _contactPhone );
case "pr":
return string.Format( "{0,15}, {1,10:C}",
_contactPhone, _revenue );
case "pn":
return string.Format( "{0,15}, {1,20}",
_contactPhone, _name );
case "rn":
return string.Format( "{0,10:C}, {1,20}",
_revenue, _name );
case "rp":
return string.Format( "{0,10:C}, {1,20}",
_revenue, _contactPhone );
case "nrp":
return string.Format( "{0,20}, {1,10:C}, {2,15}",
_name, _revenue, _contactPhone );
case "npr":
return string.Format( "{0,20}, {1,15}, {2,10:C}",
_name, _contactPhone, _revenue );
case "pnr":
return string.Format( "{0,15}, {1,20}, {2,10:C}",
_contactPhone, _name, _revenue );
case "prn":
return string.Format( "{0,15}, {1,10:C}, {2,15}",
_contactPhone, _revenue, _name );
case "rpn":
return string.Format( "{0,10:C}, {1,15}, {2,20}",
_revenue, _contactPhone, _name );
case "rnp":
return string.Format( "{0,10:C}, {1,20}, {2,15}",
_revenue, _name, _contactPhone );
case "n":
case "G":
return _name;

IFormattable c1 = new Customer();
Console.WriteLine( "Customer record: {0}",
c1.ToString( "nrp", null ) );



// Example IFormatProvider:
public class CustomFormatter : IFormatProvider
#region IFormatProvider Members
// IFormatProvider contains one method.
// This method returns an object that
// formats using the requested interface.
// Typically, only the ICustomFormatter
// is implemented
public object GetFormat( Type formatType )
if ( formatType == typeof( ICustomFormatter ))
return new CustomerFormatProvider( );
return null;

// Nested class to provide the
// custom formatting for the Customer class.
private class CustomerFormatProvider : ICustomFormatter
#region ICustomFormatter Members
public string Format( string format, object arg,
IFormatProvider formatProvider )
Customer c = arg as Customer;
if ( c == null )
return arg.ToString( );
return string.Format( "{0,50}, {1,15}, {2,10:C}",
c.Name, c.ContactPhone, c.Revenue );


Console.WriteLine( string.Format( new CustomFormatter(), "", c1 ));

你可以设计一个类,让它实现IFormatProvider和ICustomFormatter接口,再实现或者不实现IFormattable 接口。因此,即使这个类的作者没有提供合理的ToStrying行为,你可以自己来完成。当然,从类的外面来实现,你只能访问公共属性成数据来取得字符串。实现两个接口,IFormatProvider 和 IcustomFormatter, 只做一些文字输出,并不需要很多工作。但在.Net框架里,你所实现的指定的文字输出在哪里都可以得到很好的支持。




Item 5: Always Provide ToString()
System.Object.ToString() is one of the most used methods in the .NET environment. You should write a reasonable version for all the clients of your class. Otherwise, you force every user of your class to use the properties in your class and create a reasonable human-readable representation. This string representation of your type can be used to easily display information about an object to users: in Windows Forms, web forms, or console output. The string representation can also be useful for debugging. Every type that you create should provide a reasonable override of this method. When you create more complicated types, you should implement the more sophisticated IFormattable.ToString(). Face it: If you don't override this routine, or if you write a poor one, your clients are forced to fix it for you.

The System.Object version returns the name of the type. It's useless information: "Rect", "Point", "Size" is not what you want to display to your users. But that's what you get when you don't override ToString() in your classes. You write a class once, but your clients use it many times. A little more work when you write the class pays off every time you or someone else uses it.

Let's consider the simplest requirement: overriding System.Object.ToString(). Every type you create should override ToString() to provide the most common textual representation of the type. Consider a Customer class with three fields:

public class Customer
private string _name;
private decimal _revenue;
private string _contactPhone;

The inherited version of Object.ToString() returns "Customer". That is never useful to anyone. Even if ToString() will be used only for debugging purposes, it should be more sophisticated than that. Your override of Object.ToString() should return the textual representation most likely to be used by clients of that class. In the Customer example, that's the name:

public override string ToString()
return _name;

If you don't follow any of the other recommendations in this item, follow that exercise for all the types you define. It will save everyone time immediately. When you provide a reasonable implementation for the Object.ToString() method, objects of this class can be more easily added to Windows Forms controls, web form controls, or printed output. The .NET FCL uses the override of Object.ToString() to display objects in any of the controls: combo boxes, list boxes, text boxes, and other controls. If you create a list of customer objects in a Windows Form or a web form, you get the name displayed as the text. System.Console.WriteLine() and System.String.Format(), as well as ToString() internally. Anytime the .NET FCL wants to get the string representation of a customer, your customer type supplies that customer's name. One simple three-line method handles all those basic requirements.

This one simple method, ToString(), satisfies many of the requirements for displaying user-defined types as text. But sometimes, you need more. The previous customer type has three fields: the name, the revenue, and a contact phone. The System.ToString() override uses only the name. You can address that deficiency by implementing the IFormattable interface on your type. IFormattable contains an overloaded ToString() method that lets you specify formatting information for your type. It's the interface you use when you need to create different forms of string output. The customer class is one of those instances. Users will want to create a report that contains the customer name and last year's revenue in a tabular format. The IFormattable.ToString() method provides the means for you to let users format string output from your type. The IFormattable.ToString() method signature contains a format string and a format provider:

string System.IFormattable.ToString( string format,
IFormatProvider formatProvider )

You can use the format string to specify your own formats for the types you create. You can specify your own key characters for the format strings. In the customer example, you could specify n to mean the name, r for the revenue, and p for the phone. By allowing the user to specify combinations as well, you would create this version of IFormattable.ToString():

#region IFormattable Members
// supported formats:
// substitute n for name.
// substitute r for revenue
// substitute p for contact phone.
// Combos are supported: nr, np, npr, etc
// "G" is general.
string System.IFormattable.ToString( string format,
IFormatProvider formatProvider )
if ( formatProvider != null )
ICustomFormatter fmt = formatProvider.GetFormat(
this.GetType( ) )
as ICustomFormatter;
if ( fmt != null )
return fmt.Format( format, this, formatProvider );

switch ( format )
case "r":
return _revenue.ToString( );
case "p":
return _contactPhone;
case "nr":
return string.Format( "{0,20}, {1,10:C}",
_name, _revenue );
case "np":
return string.Format( "{0,20}, {1,15}",
_name, _contactPhone );
case "pr":
return string.Format( "{0,15}, {1,10:C}",
_contactPhone, _revenue );
case "pn":
return string.Format( "{0,15}, {1,20}",
_contactPhone, _name );
case "rn":
return string.Format( "{0,10:C}, {1,20}",
_revenue, _name );
case "rp":
return string.Format( "{0,10:C}, {1,20}",
_revenue, _contactPhone );
case "nrp":
return string.Format( "{0,20}, {1,10:C}, {2,15}",
_name, _revenue, _contactPhone );
case "npr":
return string.Format( "{0,20}, {1,15}, {2,10:C}",
_name, _contactPhone, _revenue );
case "pnr":
return string.Format( "{0,15}, {1,20}, {2,10:C}",
_contactPhone, _name, _revenue );
case "prn":
return string.Format( "{0,15}, {1,10:C}, {2,15}",
_contactPhone, _revenue, _name );
case "rpn":
return string.Format( "{0,10:C}, {1,15}, {2,20}",
_revenue, _contactPhone, _name );
case "rnp":
return string.Format( "{0,10:C}, {1,20}, {2,15}",
_revenue, _name, _contactPhone );
case "n":
case "G":
return _name;

Adding this function gives your clients the capability to specify the presentation of their customer data:

IFormattable c1 = new Customer();
Console.WriteLine( "Customer record: {0}",
c1.ToString( "nrp", null ) );

Any implementation of IFormattable.ToString() isspecific to the type, but you must handle certain cases whenever you implement the IFormattable interface. First, you must support the general format, "G". Second, you must support the empty format in both variations: "" and null. All three format specifiers must return the same string as your override of the Object.ToString() method. The .NET FCL calls IFormattable.ToString() instead of Object.ToString() for every type that implements IFormattable. The .NET FCL usually calls IFormattable.ToString() with a null format string , but a few locations use the "G" format string, to indicate the general format. If you add support for the IFormattable interface and do not support these standard formats, you've broken the automatic string conversions in the FCL.

The second parameter to IFormattable.ToString() is an object that implements the IFormatProvider interface. This object lets clients provide formatting options that you did not anticipate. If you look at the previous implementation of IFormattable.ToString(), you will undoubtedly come up with any number of format options that you would like but that you find lacking. That's the nature of providing human-readable output. No matter how many different formats you support, your users will one day want some format that you did not anticipate. That's why the first few lines of the method look for an object that implements IFormatProvider and delegate the job to its ICustomFormatter.

Shift your focus now from class author to class consumer. You find that you want a format that is not supported. For example, you have customers whose names are longer than 20 characters, and you want to modify the format to provide a 50-character width for the customer name. That's why the IFormatProvider interface is there. You create a class that implements IFormatProvider and a companion class that implements ICustomFormatter to create your custom output formats. The IFormatProvider interface defines one method: GetFormat().GetFormat() returns an object that implements the ICustomFormatter interface. The ICustomFormatter interface specifies the method that does the actual formatting. The following pair creates modified output that uses 50 columns for the customer name:

// Example IFormatProvider:
public class CustomFormatter : IFormatProvider
#region IFormatProvider Members
// IFormatProvider contains one method.
// This method returns an object that
// formats using the requested interface.
// Typically, only the ICustomFormatter
// is implemented
public object GetFormat( Type formatType )
if ( formatType == typeof( ICustomFormatter ))
return new CustomerFormatProvider( );
return null;

// Nested class to provide the
// custom formatting for the Customer class.
private class CustomerFormatProvider : ICustomFormatter
#region ICustomFormatter Members
public string Format( string format, object arg,
IFormatProvider formatProvider )
Customer c = arg as Customer;
if ( c == null )
return arg.ToString( );
return string.Format( "{0,50}, {1,15}, {2,10:C}",
c.Name, c.ContactPhone, c.Revenue );

The GetFormat() method creates the object that implements the ICustomFormatter interface. The ICustomFormatter.Format() method does the actual work of formatting the output in the requested manner. That one method translates the object into a string format. You can define the format strings for ICustomFormatter.Format() so that you can specify multiple formats in one routine. The FormatProvider will be the IFormatProvider object from the GetFormat() method.

To specify your custom format, you need to explicitly call string.Format() with the IFormatProvider object:

Console.WriteLine( string.Format( new CustomFormatter(),
"", c1 ));

You can create IFormatProvider and ICustomFormatter implementations for classes whether or not the class implemented the IFormattable interface. So, even if the class author didn't provide reasonable ToString() behavior, you can make your own. Of course, from outside the class, you have access to only the public properties and data members to construct your strings. Writing two classes, IFormatProvider and IcustomFormatter, is a lot of work just to get text output. But implementing your specific text output using this form means that it is supported everywhere in the .NET Framework.

So now step back into the role of class author again. Overriding Object.ToString() is the simplest way to provide a string representation of your classes. You should provide that every time you create a type. It should be the most obvious, most common representation of your type. On those rarer occasions when your type is expected to provide more sophisticated output, you should take advantage of implementing the IFormattable interface. It provides the standard way for users of your class to customize the text output for your type. If you leave these out, your users are left with implementing custom formatters. Those solutions require more code, and because users are outside of your class, they cannot examine the internal state of the object.

Eventually, people consume the information in your types. People understand text output. Provide it in the simplest fashion possible: Override ToString() in all your types.
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