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2007-02-07 16:46 155 查看
* browser determine;
 var ua = navigator.userAgent;
 var $IE = (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer");
 var $IE5 = $IE && (ua.indexOf('MSIE 5') != -1);
 var $IE5_0 = $IE && (ua.indexOf('MSIE 5.0') != -1);
 var $Gecko = ua.indexOf('Gecko') != -1;
 var $Safari = ua.indexOf('Safari') != -1;
 var $Opera = ua.indexOf('Opera') != -1;
 var $Mac = ua.indexOf('Mac') != -1;
 var $NS7 = ua.indexOf('Netscape/7') != -1;
 var $NS71 = ua.indexOf('Netscape/7.1') != -1;
 if ($Opera) {
  $IE = true;
  $Gecko = false;
  $Safari =  false;
 if ($IE5) {
         $IE = true;
         $Gecko = false;
         $Safari =  false;
function $_t(root,tag,id){
 var ar=root.getElementsByTagName(tag);
 for (var i=0;i<ar.length;i++){
  if (ar[i].id==id) return ar[i];
 return null;
function _(root){
 var ids=arguments;
 var i0=0;
 if (typeof(root) == 'string') root = document;
 else i0=1;
 for (var i=i0;i<ids.length;i++){
  var s=root.getElementsByTagName("*");
  var has=false;
  for (var j=0;j<s.length;j++){
   if (s[j].id==ids[i]){
  if (!has) return null;
 return root;

function $dele(o,fn,rv){
 var r = function (){
  var s=arguments.callee;
  var args = [];
  for (var i=0;i<s.length;i++) args[i]=s[i];
  var argStr = args.join(",");
  if (argStr.length > 0) argStr=","+argStr;
  var callStr="s.thiz[s.fn]("+argStr+")";
  var v=eval(callStr);
  if (s.rv!=null) {
   return s.rv;
  } else {
   return v;
 return r;

function $ge(e){
 if (e!=null) return e;
 if ($IE) {
  return window.event;
 } else return e;

* get event for a element;
function $gte(e,ev){
 if (!e.getElementById) e=e.ownerDocument;
 if ($IE) {
  return ev!=null ? ev : e.parentWindow.event;
 } else {
  return ev;
  throw new Error("this method can only execute in IE");
function $addEL(n,e,l,b){
 if ($IE){
  if (n["$__listener_"+e]==null){
   var lst=function (e){
    var f=arguments.callee;
    var ar=f.fList;
    for (var i=0;i<ar.length;i++){     
  var fList=n["$__listener_"+e].fList;
 } else {
function $cancelEvent (e) {
 if ($IE) {
  e.returnValue = false;
  e.cancelBubble = true;
 } else
function $cpAttr(o,p){
 for (var i in p){
  var s=p[i];
 return o;
function $getValue(v,d){
 return v==null ? d : v;
var $gv=$getValue;

var $dom={
 parseInt : function(s) {
  if (s == null || s == '' || typeof(s)=='undefined')
   return 0;

  return parseInt(s);
 getClientSize : function(n){
  if ($IE){
   //ts("this is ie");
   var s= {x:n.clientLeft,y:n.clientTop};
   //tr("calculated client size");
   return s;
  } else {
   var t=n.style;
   if (t.borderLeftWidth.length==0 || t.borderTopWidth.length==0 || t.borderRightWidth.length==0 || t.borderBottomWidth.length==0){
    var l=n.offsetWidth;
    var r=n.offsetWidth;
    var o=n.offsetHeight;
    var b=n.offsetHeight;
    var s={l:l,r:r,t:o,b:b,x:l,y:o};
    return s;
   } else {
    var s= {
      x: this.parseInt(n.style.borderLeftWidth),
      y: this.parseInt(n.style.borderTopWidth),
      r: this.parseInt(n.style.borderRightWidth),
      b: this.parseInt(n.style.borderBottomWidth)
    return s;
 getSize : function (n,withMargin){
  var c={
   x : n.offsetWidth != null ? n.offsetWidth : 0,
   y : n.offsetHeight != null ? n.offsetHeight : 0
  //tr("get size for : "+n.id);
  if (withMargin) {
   var m=this.getMargin(n);
  //tr("get size for : "+n.id);
  return c;
 setSize : function(elmt,x,y,withMargin){
  //if (elmt==undefined || elmt.style.display=="none") return;
  if ($IE){
   if (withMargin){    
    var m=this.getMargin(elmt);
  } else {
   var clientSize=this.getClientSize(elmt);
   var dx=clientSize.l+clientSize.r;
   var dy=clientSize.t+clientSize.b;
 * get the context position relative to its parent.
 getPosition : function (elmt,withMargin){
  var c;
  if (withMargin){
   var m=this.getMargin(elmt);
  return c;
 setPosition : function (elmt,x,y,withMargin){
  if (withMargin){
   //var m=this.getMargin(elmt);
 setAlpha : function (n,a){
  n.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity="+a*100+");";
  n.style.opacity = a;
  n.style.MozOpacity = a;
var $motion={
 smooth : function (s, e, t){
  if (t>1) t=1;
  return (e - s) * t + s;

// this is a default config object.
var $config={
 width    : 300,
 height    : 200,
 bottom   : 0,
 right   : 10,
 display   : true,
 contentUrl  : "页面Url",
 time : {
  slideIn   : 10,
  hold   : 10,
  slideOut  : 10

* PopUp class used to pop a message up.
* Usage :
* var pp = new PopUp(id, popup_config_obj);
* pp.create();
* ....
* pp.show();
function PopUp(id, config){
 var c = this.config = config;
 c.width  = $gv(c.width,300);
 c.height  = $gv(c.height,200);
 c.bottom  = $gv(c.bottom,0);
 c.right  = $gv(c.right,20);
 c.display  = $gv(c.display,true);
 c.contentUrl= $gv(c.contentUrl,"");
 c.motionFunc= $gv(c.motionFunc,$motion.smooth);
 c.position = {x:0,y:0};
 var t=c.time;
 t.slideIn = $gv(t.slideIn,10);
 t.hold  = $gv(t.hold,10);
 t.slideOut = $gv(t.slideOut,10);
 t.slideIn  *= 1000;
 t.hold  *= 1000;
 t.slideOut *= 1000;
 this.container = document.body;
 this.popup = null;
 this.content = null;
 this.switchButton = null;
 this.moveTargetPosition = 0;
 this.startMoveTime = null;
 this.startPosition = null;
 this.status = PopUp.STOP;
 this.intervalHandle = null;
 this.mm = "max";
 this.imgMin = "最小化按钮图片";
 this.imgMax = "还原按钮图片";

//static members
PopUp.STOP = 0;
PopUp.MOVE_DOWN = 1;
PopUp.MOVE_UP = 2;

var __o={
 create : function (){
  var doc=document;
  var c=this.config; 
  //create popup holder & config it.
  var p = this.popup = doc.createElement("div");
      border:0px solid #f00;/
  $dom.setSize(p, c.width, c.height);
  //create popup content holder & config it.
  var t = this.content = doc.createElement("div");
  t.id = this.id+"_content";
  $dom.setSize(t, c.width, c.height);
  c.position.y = c.height;//add
  //$dom.setPosition(t, 0, c.height);//hide it at first
  // create content holder's content.
  // a close button & an iframe for loading external content.
  t.innerHTML = "<a id='closeButton' href='#'></a>"+
         "<a id='switchButton' href='#'></a>"+
          "<iframe id='"+this.id+"_content_iframe' src="+c.contentUrl+" frameborder=0 scrolling=no width='100%' height='100%'></iframe>";
  var sBtn = this.switchButton = $_t(t,'a',"switchButton");
  var btn = $_t(t,'a',"closeButton");
  $addEL(btn,"mouseover",function (e){
  $addEL(btn,"mouseout",function (e){
  var container=$IE ? document.body : document.documentElement;
  //initialize position at once.
 show : function (){
  if (!this.config.display) return;
  this.moveTargetPosition = 0;
  this.status = PopUp.MOVE_UP;
 hide : function (){
  this.moveTargetPosition = this.config.height;
  this.status = PopUp.MOVE_DOWN;
 minimize : function (){
  this.mm = "min";
  this.moveTargetPosition = this.config.height - 28;
  this.status = PopUp.SWITCH_TO_MIN;
  var s = this.switchButton.style;
  var bg = s.backgroundImage;
  if (bg.indexOf(this.imgMin) > -1) {
   bg = bg.replace(this.imgMin,this.imgMax);
   s.backgroundImage = bg;   
 maximize : function (){
  if (!this.config.display) return;
  this.mm = "max";
  this.moveTargetPosition = 0;
  this.status = PopUp.SWITCH_TO_MAX;
  var s = this.switchButton.style;
  var bg = s.backgroundImage;
  if (bg.indexOf(this.imgMax) > -1) {
   bg = bg.replace(this.imgMax,this.imgMin);
   s.backgroundImage = bg;   
 delayHide : function (){  
 delayMin : function (){
 switchMode : function (){
  if (this.mm == "min"){
  } else {
 startMove : function (){
  this.intervalHandle = window.setInterval("__popup.move()",100);
  this.startMoveTime = new Date().getTime();
  //this.startPosition = $dom.getPosition(this.content).y;//parseInt(this.content.style.top);
  this.startPosition = this.config.position.y;
 stopMove : function (){
  if (this.intervalHandle != null) window.clearInterval(this.intervalHandle);
  this.intervalHandle = null;
 move : function (){
  var t = new Date().getTime();
  t = t - this.startMoveTime;
  var total = this.status & PopUp.MOVE_UP ?
     this.config.time.slideIn :
  var y = this.config.motionFunc(this.startPosition, this.moveTargetPosition, t/total);
  //this.content.style.top = y + "px";
  this.config.position.y = y;
  if (t >= total){
 onFinishMove : function (){
  //this.content.style.top = this.moveTargetPosition + "px";
  if (this.status == PopUp.MOVE_UP && this.config.time.hold > 0 ){
  } else {
   if (this.__hackTimer!=null) window.clearInterval(this.__hackTimer);
  this.status = PopUp.STOP;
 onresize : function (){
  var c=this.config;
  //var t=document.documentElement;
  var t=document.body;
  var dx=t.clientWidth + t.scrollLeft;
  var dy=t.clientHeight + t.scrollTop;
  var x = dx - c.right - c.width ;
  var y = dy - c.bottom - c.height + c.position.y;
  $dom.setPosition(this.popup, x, y); 
  $dom.setSize(this.popup, c.width, c.height-c.position.y);



function readCookie(name)
  var cookieValue = "";
  var search = name + "=";
  if(document.cookie.length > 0)
    offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search);
    if (offset != -1)
      offset += search.length;
      end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset);
      if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length;
      cookieValue = unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end))
  return cookieValue;

function writeCookie(name, value, hours)
  var expire = "";
  if(hours != null)
    expire = new Date((new Date()).getTime() + hours * 3600000);
    expire = "; expires=" + expire.toGMTString();
  document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + expire + ";path=/";

* main function to config the pop-up window & run it.
* web deployer change codes here to manipulte popups performance.
* & should not change codes out of this function.
function job(){

 * config object
 var cfg={
  //width & height of the popup window ,these values should be determined debpended on inner contents.
  width    : 260,
  height    : 190,
  //distance to the bottom & the right edge.
  bottom   : 2,
  right   : 1,
  //switch of displaying the popup
  display   : true,
  //content url
  contentUrl  : "页面Url",
  //time configuration,in seconds
  time : {
   slideIn   : 1,
   hold    : 60,
   slideOut  : 1
 //at what time the popup should display,in hours : 0~23,
 //the number after add symbol means after how many the hours to display popup for the next time.
 var displayTimeList = ["7+7"];
 // the popup displays each time thie page reload or only once at the first time page loaded.
 // once / eachTime
 var displayMode = "once";
 //var displayMode = "eachTime";
 //cookie name storing the next time to display popup
 var cookieName="sina_blog_popup_next_display_time";
 * --------------------- from here below, the codes should NOT be modified.
 var hours={};
 var delays=[];
 for (var i=0;i<displayTimeList.length;i++) {
  var o = displayTimeList[i];
  var ar = o.split("+");
  var t = parseInt(ar[0]);
  for (var m=0;m<ar.length-1;m++){
  for (var j=0;j<ar.length;j++){
   hours[t + parseInt(ar[j])]=true;
 for (var i in hours){
  var s = parseInt(i);
  if (isNaN(s)) continue;
 displayTimeList = displayTimeList.sort();
 var pp = new PopUp("xp", cfg);
 var n=readCookie(cookieName); 
 if (displayMode=="eachTime")
 else {
  var tm=new Date().getTime();
  if (n==null || tm>n) {
   //get next display time
   var hr=new Date().getHours();
   var f = 60*60*1000;
   var l = displayTimeList.concat(), len = l.length;
   for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) l[len + i] = l[i] + 24;
   for (var i = 0; i < l.length && hr >= l[i]; i++);
   var dt = new Date();
   dt.setHours(l[i] > 23 ? l[i] - 24 : l[i]);
   var nextTime = dt.getTime();
   if (l[i] > 23) nextTime += f * 24 ;
   writeCookie(cookieName, nextTime, 24);

function doit(){
 if (document.body == null) {  

//var dbg=document.getElementById("dbg");

//window.alert=function (m){


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