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2007-02-01 20:00 218 查看



//error class

class BadOccur



BadOccur(int nErrorNum)


ErrorNum = nErrorNum;


void BadOccurPrint()


cout << ErrorNum << " error occurs!" << endl;



int ErrorNum;


//matrix class

class CMatrix



CMatrix(int Row = 0, int Col = 0)


if ( Row < 0 || Col < 0)


throw BadOccur(2);




nRows = Row;

nCols = Col;

pValueArray = new int [Row * Col];



int operator()(int Row, int Col) const //get the element from the position you have given


if ( Row < 1 || Row > nRows || Col < 1 || Col > nCols)


throw BadOccur(1);//cause error 1


return pValueArray[(Row - 1) * nCols + Col - 1];


int& SetData(int i, int j)//abstract the position for you to set data


return pValueArray[(i - 1)* nCols + j - 1];


int nRows;

int nCols;

int* pValueArray;



* Function Name :MultiplyMatrix

* function :multiply two matrices

* detail :none

* author :weixiong

* time :2007-2-1

* return type :bool

* return description : true two matrices has multiplied

* false two matrices can't be multiplied

* function parameters :CMatrix& MatrixA multiply matrix A and B

* CMatrix& MatrixB



bool MultiplyMatrix(CMatrix& MatrixA, CMatrix& MatrixB, CMatrix& ResultMatrix)


if (MatrixA.nCols != MatrixB.nRows)


return false;




int Sum = 0;

for (int Row = 1; Row <= MatrixA.nRows; Row++)


for (int Col = 1; Col <= MatrixB.nCols; Col++)


for (int i = 1; i <= MatrixA.nCols; i++)


Sum = Sum + MatrixA(Row, i) * MatrixB(i, Col);


ResultMatrix.pValueArray[(Row - 1) * MatrixB.nCols + Col - 1] = Sum;



return true;



int main()




//CMatrix ErrorMatrix(-1, 0);//example of cause error 2

int Row1 = 0;

int Col1 = 0;

cout << "Please enter the row and col for the first matrix." << endl;

cin >> Row1 >> Col1;

int Num = 1;

CMatrix MatrixA(Row1, Col1);

for (int i = 1; i <= Row1; i++)


for (int j = 1; j <= Col1; j++)


MatrixA.SetData(i, j) = Num++;



//int a = MatrixA(0, 2);//example of cause error 1

int Row2 = 0;

int Col2 = 0;

cout << "Please enter the row and col for the second matrix." << endl;

cin >> Row2 >> Col2;

Num = 1;

CMatrix MatrixB(Row2, Col2);

for (int i = 1; i <= Row2; i++)


for (int j = 1; j <= Col2; j++)


MatrixB.SetData(i, j) = Num++;



CMatrix ResultMatrix(Row1, Col2);

MultiplyMatrix(MatrixA, MatrixB, ResultMatrix);



catch(BadOccur m)




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