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RFC3261 Definitions 协议的定义

2007-01-18 15:12 162 查看
Address-of-Record: 记录地址。一个address-of-record(AOR)是一个SIP或者SIPS URI它指向了一个具有定位服务的主机,这个主机可以把URI映射成为用户真正物理位置的URI。通常情况下,定位服务器是通过登记服务来建立的。一个 AOR经常被认为是一个用户的”公共地址”

Back-to-Back UserAgent:背对背的用户代理(B2BUA)是一个逻辑实体,它就像用户代理服务器(UAS)一样接收和处理请求。为了决定该如何应答一个请求, B2BUA就像UAC一样工作,并且发出请求。但是它不像代理服务器(proxy),它维持对话状态,并且参与已经建立的对话中的每一个请求。由于它是直接的UAC和UAS的串连,所以,不需要对他有额外的定义。

Call Leg: 对话的别名;在本规范中没有使用。

Call Stateful: 如果一个代理服务器(proxy)保存一个对话的状态(从最开始的INVITE到对话终结的BYE),那么这个代理服务器就是请求有状态的。一个请求有状态(call stateful)的代理服务器也一定是事务有状态的,但是事务有状态的不一定是请求有状态的。


Conference: 一个包含多个参与方的多媒体会话(见后)。


Dialog:对话,一个对话是持续一段时间的两个UA之间的端到端的SIP关系。一个对话由SIP消息建立,就像用2xx响应INVITE请求。我们用Call identifier,local tag(本地tag),remote tag(对方tag)来标志一个对话,一个对话在RFC 2543中被正式叫做CALL LEG.

Downstream: 它是事务中的消息传递方向。它特指从UAC到UAS的请求流的方向,

Final Response:终结响应。一个响应终端SIP事务的应答,和事务中间的临时响应相反。所有的2xx,3xx,4xx,5xx,6xx响应都是终结响应。


Header Field:头域字段。头域字段是在SIP消息头域的字段。一个头域字段可以由多个头域字段行组成。一个头域字段由一个头域名和(零个或多个)头域值组成。多个头域值用’,’分割。某些头域字段只能有单个值,比如结果域(result)就只能有一个值。

Header Field Value:头域值。一个头域值是一个单个的值,一个头域字段可以有0个或者多个头域值。

Home Domain:宿主机。一个提供SIP服务的主机。一般指的是在登记服务中指明的记录地址中的URI的主机。

Informational Response:提示应答。和临时应答一样。
Initiator, Calling Party, Caller: 用INVITE初始一个会话(和对话)的那方。一个caller从发出INVITE请求建立对话开始,到对话终止都一直是这个角色。

Invitation: 一个INVITE请求。

Invitee,Invited User,Called Party, Callee:被叫方。收到INVITE请求并且建立会话的那方。一个被叫方从收到INVITE请求起,到终止INVITE建立的对话结束,都称作被叫方。

Location Service: 定位服务。定位服务是用来给SIP转发或者代理服务器确定被叫方可能的位置使用的。它包含一张绑定了address-of-record的表,被叫方可能有0到多个记录。绑定的记录可以通过多种渠道添加和删除;本规范定义了REGISTER方法来更新绑定表。

Loop:环路。当请求抵达一个代理服务器,代理服务器转发这个请求,当这个请求再次来到同一个代理服务器,就称之为环路。当第二次抵达的时候, Request-URI中包含了上次抵达的资料,并且由于并没有什么东西可以改变转发的策略,这样就导致这个请求还会再次被转发回来。环路请求是错误的,所以,处理程序需要检测和防止协议中出现的环路请求。

Loose Routing:丢失路由。代理服务器在下述情况下会丢失路由。
A proxy is said to be loose routing if it follows the procedures defined in this specification for processing of the Route header field. These procedures separate the destination of the request (present in the Request-URI) from the set of proxies that need to be visited along the way (present in the Route header field). A proxy compliant to these mechanisms is also known as a loose router.



Outbound Proxy:对外代理服务器。一个代理服务器接收到客户的请求,即使它不是由Request_URI所决定的服务器。通常一个UA会手工配置一个对外的代理服务器,或者可以通过一个自动配置的协议自动配置一个。

Parallel Search: 并行搜索。并行搜索情况下,代理服务器会向多个用户可能存在的地方发起请求,并且等待应答。同串行搜索不同的地方是,并行搜索不会等待上一个请求应答回来之后再发起下一个搜索,而是一个接一个的发起搜索请求。

Provisional Response: 临时应答。服务器用来标志自己正在处理的应答,但是本应答并不结束一个SIP事务。1xx应答就是临时的,其他应答标志着事务的结束。

Proxy,Proxy Server:代理、代理服务器。一个中间的实体。它本身即作为客户端也作为服务端,为其他客户端提供请求的转发服务。一个代理服务器首先提供的是路由服务,也就是说保证请求被发到更加”靠近”目标用户的地方。代理服务器对某些强制政策有用(比如,确认一个用户是否允许建立一个呼叫等)。一个代理服务器翻译,并且,如果有需要的话,再转发前会重写请求消息。

Recursion:回路、递归。一个客户端,在响应请求的时候产生新的到Contract包头域的URI请求的时候,会在3xx响应中陷入递归。 A client recurses on a 3xx response when it generates a new request to one or more of the URIs in the Contact header field in the response.

Redirect Server:重定向服务器。一个重定向服务器是一个产生3xx应答的UAS服务器,指示客户端连接别的URI。

Registrar: 登记员。一个登记员(登记服务器)是一个接收REGISTER请求得服务器。他把请求得信息放到定位服务器中,这样可以让定位服务器很方便得查找位置信息。

Regular Transaction:常规事务。凡不包含INVITE,ACK,或者CANCEL方法得事务就是常规事务。

Request: 请求。 一个由客户端发到服务端得SIP信息,用于执行特定得功能。


Ringback: 回铃音。回铃音是一个信号音。是给呼叫方得一个信号表示被叫方正在振铃(Ringing)。

Route Set: 路由集。路由集合是一个顺序得SIP或者SIPS URI。这些URI描述了传递一个请求所必须经历得代理列表。一个路由集可以是自适应得,因为包头中包含了Record-Route(记录路由),也可以是依赖配置得到得。

Server:服务器。一个server是一个网络元素接收请求并且处理请求并且发送回应给请求方。典型得服务器就是代理服务器(proxies),用户代理服务器(user agent servers),重定向服务器,登记服务器。

Sequential Search:顺序查找。在顺序查找中,代理服务器顺序尝试联系地址,在处理下一个之前必须等待上一个请求已经有一个结束应答。一个2xx或者6xx系列得最终应答总是结束一个顺序查找。

Session:会话。根据SDP得描述:”一个多媒体会话是一个由多媒体发送方和接受方组成得集合,并且包括在发送方和接受方之间得数据流。一个多媒体会议是一个典型得多媒体会话。”(RFC 2327[1])(一个session在SDP订一下可以是一个或者多个RTP sessino)。在定义中,一个被叫方可以被多次邀请,被不同得呼叫方邀请,到同一个会话。在SDP中,一个会话可以被SDP用户名,session id,网络类型,地址类型,地址元素得一个集合串所规定。

SIP 事务:一个SIP事务是在客户端和服务端得事件,包括了从第一个由客户端发送到服务端得请求,到最后一个(非1xx)服务端向客户端发出得终结应答。如果请求是一个INVITE请求,并且终结应答是一个非2xx得应答,那么事务还包括一个ACK给服务器做应答。给INVITE请求的2xx应答的ACK回应,是一个独立的事务。

Spiral:回溯。一个回溯是指一个SIP请求,路由给一个proxy,并且转发,但是又被路由回这个proxy,但是不同于回路(递归)的是,这次路由回来的请求包的包头中,包含了不同于原请求的请求包部分,使得本次proxy决定的路由转发与上次不同。通常,这是说,请求的Request- URI不同于上次的Request_URI。一个回溯不是一个错误,不同于回路(环路loop)。通常导致这样的现象是呼叫转发(call forwarding)。一个用户呼叫joe@example.com。example.com代理服务器转发请求到Joe的PC,并且Joe的pc呼叫转移到bob@example.com。这个请求被转发回example.com代理服务器。可是这个并不是一个环路(loop)。因为请求的目的地址变成了另一个用户,这就是回溯,是一个合法的情况。

Stateful Proxy:有状态的代理服务器。在逻辑上,有状态的代理服务器就是处理一个请求的过程中,维持的一个本规范所定义的客户端和服务端的事务状态机。也是一个事务又状态代理服务器(transaction stateful proxy)。具体的stateful proxy在第16节定义。一个(事务)有状态代理服务器和一个call stateful proxy不是一回事。

Stateless Proxy:无状态的代理服务器。在逻辑上,无状态代理服务器在处理请求中,并不维持客户和服务端的事务状态机。一个无状态的代理服务器直接转发每一个接收到的请求和每一个接收到的响应。

Strict Routing:严格路由。路由处理规则如果复核RFC2543协议(and many prior work in progress versions of this RFC)就是一个严格路由。在这个规则下,如果在包头中包含Route域,那么代理服务器就会删除Request_URI域内容。本文档并不要求一定要有严格路由,本文档只要求松散路由就可以了。支持严格路由的代理服务器也叫严格路由器。

Target Refresh Request: 目标刷新请求。一个Target Refresh Request是一个在对话中发出的请求,用来更改对话目标的请求。

Transaction User(TU):事务用户。在transaction 层之上的协议层。TU包括了UAC 核心,UAS core,和proxy core。



User Agent Client(UAC):用户代理客户端。用户代理客户端是一个逻辑的概念,他创建一个新请求,并且用客户事务状态机发送这个请求。UAC角色只在事务中存在。换句话说,UAC就是一小段代码初始化一个请求,并且在事务中遵循UAC的规则。如果它接下来收到一个请求,那么在那个事务中,它就是作为UAS来处理请求。

UAC Core:UAC核心。在transaction和transport层之上得UAC实现的功能集合。

User Agent Server(UAS): 用户代理服务器.UAS是一个逻辑的实体,对SIP请求做响应的。应答接受、拒绝、或者转发对应的请求。UAS角色在事务中存在。换句话说,是响应请求的一小段软件,在事务中作为UAS存在。如果他发出请求,那么他就在事务中作为UAC存在。

UAS Core:UAS核心。在transaction和transport层智商的UAS实现的功能集合。

User Agent(UA)。一个逻辑实体的概念,包含UAC和UAS。

The following terms have special significance for SIP.

Address-of-Record: An address-of-record (AOR) is a SIP or SIPS URI that points to a domain with a location service that can map the URI to another URI where the user might be available.
Typically, the location service is populated through
registrations. An AOR is frequently thought of as the “public address” of the user.

Back-to-Back User Agent: A back-to-back user agent (B2BUA) is a logical entity that receives a request and processes it as a user agent server (UAS). In order to determine how the request should be answered, it acts as a user agent client (UAC) and generates requests. Unlike a proxy server, it maintains dialog state and must participate in all requests sent on the dialogs it has established. Since it is a concatenation of a UAC and UAS, no explicit definitions are needed for its behavior.

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Call: A call is an informal term that refers to some communication between peers, generally set up for the purposes of a multimedia conversation.

Call Leg: Another name for a dialog [31]; no longer used in this specification.

Call Stateful: A proxy is call stateful if it retains state for a dialog from the initiating INVITE to the terminating BYE request. A call stateful proxy is always transaction stateful, but the converse is not necessarily true.

Client: A client is any network element that sends SIP requests and receives SIP responses. Clients may or may not interact directly with a human user. User agent clients and proxies are clients.

Conference: A multimedia session (see below) that contains multiple participants.

Core: Core designates the functions specific to a particular type of SIP entity, i.e., specific to either a stateful or stateless proxy, a user agent or registrar. All cores, except those for the stateless proxy, are transaction users.

Dialog: A dialog is a peer-to-peer SIP relationship between two UAs that persists for some time. A dialog is established by SIP messages, such as a 2xx response to an INVITE request. A dialog is identified by a call identifier, local tag, and a remote tag. A dialog was formerly known as a call leg in RFC 2543.

Downstream: A direction of message forwarding within a transaction that refers to the direction that requests flow from the user agent client to user agent server.

Final Response: A response that terminates a SIP transaction, as opposed to a provisional response that does not. All 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx and 6xx responses are final.

Header: A header is a component of a SIP message that conveys information about the message. It is structured as a sequence of header fields.

Header Field: A header field is a component of the SIP message header. A header field can appear as one or more header field rows. Header field rows consist of a header field name and zero or more header field values. Multiple header field values on a Rosenberg, et. al. Standards Track [Page 21]

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given header field row are separated by commas. Some header
fields can only have a single header field value, and as a
result, always appear as a single header field row.

Header Field Value: A header field value is a single value; a
header field consists of zero or more header field values.

Home Domain: The domain providing service to a SIP user.
Typically, this is the domain present in the URI in the
address-of-record of a registration.

Informational Response: Same as a provisional response.

Initiator, Calling Party, Caller: The party initiating a session
(and dialog) with an INVITE request. A caller retains this
role from the time it sends the initial INVITE that established
a dialog until the termination of that dialog.

Invitation: An INVITE request.

Invitee, Invited User, Called Party, Callee: The party that
receives an INVITE request for the purpose of establishing a
new session. A callee retains this role from the time it
receives the INVITE until the termination of the dialog
established by that INVITE.

Location Service: A location service is used by a SIP redirect or
proxy server to obtain information about a callee’s possible
location(s). It contains a list of bindings of address-of-
record keys to zero or more contact addresses. The bindings
can be created and removed in many ways; this specification
defines a REGISTER method that updates the bindings.

Loop: A request that arrives at a proxy, is forwarded, and later
arrives back at the same proxy. When it arrives the second
time, its Request-URI is identical to the first time, and other
header fields that affect proxy operation are unchanged, so
that the proxy would make the same processing decision on the
request it made the first time. Looped requests are errors,
and the procedures for detecting them and handling them are
described by the protocol.

Loose Routing: A proxy is said to be loose routing if it follows
the procedures defined in this specification for processing of
the Route header field. These procedures separate the
destination of the request (present in the Request-URI) from

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the set of proxies that need to be visited along the way
(present in the Route header field). A proxy compliant to
these mechanisms is also known as a loose router.

Message: Data sent between SIP elements as part of the protocol.
SIP messages are either requests or responses.

Method: The method is the primary function that a request is meant
to invoke on a server. The method is carried in the request
message itself. Example methods are INVITE and BYE.

Outbound Proxy: A proxy that receives requests from a client, even
though it may not be the server resolved by the Request-URI.
Typically, a UA is manually configured with an outbound proxy,
or can learn about one through auto-configuration protocols.

Parallel Search: In a parallel search, a proxy issues several
requests to possible user locations upon receiving an incoming
request. Rather than issuing one request and then waiting for
the final response before issuing the next request as in a
sequential search, a parallel search issues requests without
waiting for the result of previous requests.

Provisional Response: A response used by the server to indicate
progress, but that does not terminate a SIP transaction. 1xx
responses are provisional, other responses are considered

Proxy, Proxy Server: An intermediary entity that acts as both a
server and a client for the purpose of making requests on
behalf of other clients. A proxy server primarily plays the
role of routing, which means its job is to ensure that a
request is sent to another entity “closer” to the targeted
user. Proxies are also useful for enforcing policy (for
example, making sure a user is allowed to make a call). A
proxy interprets, and, if necessary, rewrites specific parts of
a request message before forwarding it.

Recursion: A client recurses on a 3xx response when it generates a
new request to one or more of the URIs in the Contact header
field in the response.

Redirect Server: A redirect server is a user agent server that
generates 3xx responses to requests it receives, directing the
client to contact an alternate set of URIs.

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Registrar: A registrar is a server that accepts REGISTER requests
and places the information it receives in those requests into
the location service for the domain it handles.

Regular Transaction: A regular transaction is any transaction with
a method other than INVITE, ACK, or CANCEL.

Request: A SIP message sent from a client to a server, for the
purpose of invoking a particular operation.

Response: A SIP message sent from a server to a client, for
indicating the status of a request sent from the client to the

Ringback: Ringback is the signaling tone produced by the calling
party’s application indicating that a called party is being
alerted (ringing).

Route Set: A route set is a collection of ordered SIP or SIPS URI
which represent a list of proxies that must be traversed when
sending a particular request. A route set can be learned,
through headers like Record-Route, or it can be configured.

Server: A server is a network element that receives requests in
order to service them and sends back responses to those
requests. Examples of servers are proxies, user agent servers,
redirect servers, and registrars.

Sequential Search: In a sequential search, a proxy server attempts
each contact address in sequence, proceeding to the next one
only after the previous has generated a final response. A 2xx
or 6xx class final response always terminates a sequential

Session: From the SDP specification: “A multimedia session is a
set of multimedia senders and receivers and the data streams
flowing from senders to receivers. A multimedia conference is
an example of a multimedia session.” (RFC 2327 [1]) (A session
as defined for SDP can comprise one or more RTP sessions.) As
defined, a callee can be invited several times, by different
calls, to the same session. If SDP is used, a session is
defined by the concatenation of the SDP user name, session id,
network type, address type, and address elements in the origin

SIP Transaction: A SIP transaction occurs between a client and a
server and comprises all messages from the first request sent
from the client to the server up to a final (non-1xx) response

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sent from the server to the client. If the request is INVITE
and the final response is a non-2xx, the transaction also
includes an ACK to the response. The ACK for a 2xx response to
an INVITE request is a separate transaction.

Spiral: A spiral is a SIP request that is routed to a proxy,
forwarded onwards, and arrives once again at that proxy, but
this time differs in a way that will result in a different
processing decision than the original request. Typically, this
means that the request’s Request-URI differs from its previous
arrival. A spiral is not an error condition, unlike a loop. A
typical cause for this is call forwarding. A user calls
joe@example.com. The example.com proxy forwards it to Joe’s
PC, which in turn, forwards it to bob@example.com. This
request is proxied back to the example.com proxy. However,
this is not a loop. Since the request is targeted at a
different user, it is considered a spiral, and is a valid

Stateful Proxy: A logical entity that maintains the client and
server transaction state machines defined by this specification
during the processing of a request, also known as a transaction
stateful proxy. The behavior of a stateful proxy is further
defined in Section 16. A (transaction) stateful proxy is not
the same as a call stateful proxy.

Stateless Proxy: A logical entity that does not maintain the
client or server transaction state machines defined in this
specification when it processes requests. A stateless proxy
forwards every request it receives downstream and every
response it receives upstream.

Strict Routing: A proxy is said to be strict routing if it follows
the Route processing rules of RFC 2543 and many prior work in
progress versions of this RFC. That rule caused proxies to
destroy the contents of the Request-URI when a Route header
field was present. Strict routing behavior is not used in this
specification, in favor of a loose routing behavior. Proxies
that perform strict routing are also known as strict routers.

Target Refresh Request: A target refresh request sent within a
dialog is defined as a request that can modify the remote
target of the dialog.

Transaction User (TU): The layer of protocol processing that
resides above the transaction layer. Transaction users include
the UAC core, UAS core, and proxy core.

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Upstream: A direction of message forwarding within a transaction
that refers to the direction that responses flow from the user
agent server back to the user agent client.

URL-encoded: A character string encoded according to RFC 2396,
Section 2.4 [5].

User Agent Client (UAC): A user agent client is a logical entity
that creates a new request, and then uses the client
transaction state machinery to send it. The role of UAC lasts
only for the duration of that transaction. In other words, if
a piece of software initiates a request, it acts as a UAC for
the duration of that transaction. If it receives a request
later, it assumes the role of a user agent server for the
processing of that transaction.

UAC Core: The set of processing functions required of a UAC that
reside above the transaction and transport layers.

User Agent Server (UAS): A user agent server is a logical entity
that generates a response to a SIP request. The response
accepts, rejects, or redirects the request. This role lasts
only for the duration of that transaction. In other words, if
a piece of software responds to a request, it acts as a UAS for
the duration of that transaction. If it generates a request
later, it assumes the role of a user agent client for the
processing of that transaction.

UAS Core: The set of processing functions required at a UAS that
resides above the transaction and transport layers.

User Agent (UA): A logical entity that can act as both a user
agent client and user agent server.

The role of UAC and UAS, as well as proxy and redirect servers, are
defined on a transaction-by-transaction basis. For example, the user
agent initiating a call acts as a UAC when sending the initial INVITE
request and as a UAS when receiving a BYE request from the callee.
Similarly, the same software can act as a proxy server for one
request and as a redirect server for the next request.

Proxy, location, and registrar servers defined above are logical
entities; implementations MAY combine them into a single application

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