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library linking on LINUX

2006-12-01 18:01 405 查看
file list: original files were from chapter 20 of Linux系统分析与高级编程技术

1. hello2.c --test bench for static linking and linking with shared lib

#include "Semaphore.h"

#include <stdio.h>

void print_message_function( void *ptr );

Semaphore child_counter;

Semaphore worlds_turn;

main( )


pthread_t thread1, thread2;

char *message1 = "Hello";

char *message2 = "World " ;

semaphore_init( &child_counter );

semaphore_init( &worlds_turn );

semaphore_down( &worlds_turn ); /**//* world goes second */

semaphore_decrement( &child_counter ); /**//* value now 0 */

semaphore_decrement( &child_counter ); /**//* value now -1 */


* * child_counter now must be up-ed 2 times for a thread blocked on it

* * to be released

* *


pthread_create( &thread1, NULL,(void *) &print_message_function, (void *) message1);

semaphore_down( &worlds_turn );

pthread_create( &thread2, NULL,(void *) &print_message_function, (void *) message2);

semaphore_down( &child_counter );

/**//* not really necessary to destroy since we are exiting anyway */

semaphore_destroy ( &child_counter );

semaphore_destroy ( &worlds_turn );

exit( 0 ) ;


void print_message_function( void *ptr )


char *message;

message = (char *) ptr;

printf("%s ", message);


semaphore_up( &worlds_turn );

semaphore_up( &child_counter );

pthread_exit( 0 ) ;


2. hello2_dl.c -- test bench for dynamic linking

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <dlfcn.h>

#include "Semaphore.h"

void print_message_function( void *ptr );

Semaphore child_counter;

Semaphore worlds_turn;

void (*initfcn)(Semaphore* s);

void (*destroyfcn)(Semaphore* s);

int (*downfcn)(Semaphore* s);

int (*upfcn)(Semaphore* s);

int (*decfcn)(Semaphore* s);

int main( )


pthread_t thread1, thread2;

char *message1 = "Hello";

char *message2 = "World ";

void *handle;

const char *errmsg;

handle = dlopen("libSemaphore.so", RTLD_NOW);

if(handle == NULL) ...{

fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load libSempahore.so: %s ", dlerror());




initfcn = dlsym(handle, "semaphore_init");

if((errmsg = dlerror()) != NULL) ...{

fprintf(stderr, "Didn't find semaphore_init(): %s ", errmsg);



downfcn = dlsym(handle, "semaphore_down");

if((errmsg = dlerror()) != NULL) ...{

fprintf(stderr, "Didn't find semaphore_down(): %s ", errmsg);



upfcn = dlsym(handle, "semaphore_up");

if((errmsg = dlerror()) != NULL) ...{

fprintf(stderr, "Didn't find semaphore_up(): %s ", errmsg);



decfcn = dlsym(handle, "semaphore_decrement");

if((errmsg = dlerror()) != NULL) ...{

fprintf(stderr, "Didn't find semaphore_decrement(): %s ", errmsg);



destroyfcn = dlsym(handle, "semaphore_destroy");

if((errmsg = dlerror()) != NULL) ...{

fprintf(stderr, "Didn't find semaphore_destroy(): %s ", errmsg);



initfcn( &child_counter );

initfcn( &worlds_turn );

downfcn( &worlds_turn ); /**//* world goes second */

decfcn( &child_counter ); /**//* value now 0 */

decfcn( &child_counter ); /**//* value now -1 */


* * child_counter now must be up-ed 2 times for a thread blocked on it

* * to be released

* *


pthread_create( &thread1, NULL,(void *) &print_message_function, (void *) message1);

downfcn( &worlds_turn );

pthread_create( &thread2, NULL,(void *) &print_message_function, (void *) message2);

downfcn( &child_counter );

/**//* not really necessary to destroy since we are exiting anyway */

destroyfcn ( &child_counter );

destroyfcn ( &worlds_turn );


exit( 0 ) ;


void print_message_function( void *ptr )


char *message;

message = (char *) ptr;

printf("%s ", message);


upfcn( &worlds_turn );

upfcn( &child_counter );

pthread_exit( 0 ) ;


3. Semaphore.h Semaphore.c -- lib file



#include <pthread.h>

typedef struct Semaphore


int v;

pthread_mutex_t mutex;

pthread_cond_t cond;

} Semaphore;

int semaphore_down (Semaphore * s);

int semaphore_decrement (Semaphore * s);

int semaphore_up (Semaphore * s);

void semaphore_destroy (Semaphore * s);

void semaphore_init (Semaphore * s);

int semaphore_value (Semaphore * s);

int tw_pthread_cond_signal (pthread_cond_t * c);

int tw_pthread_cond_wait (pthread_cond_t * c, pthread_mutex_t * m);

int tw_pthread_mutex_unlock (pthread_mutex_t * m);

int tw_pthread_mutex_lock (pthread_mutex_t * m);

void do_error (char *msg);

# endif

#include "Semaphore.h"


* function must be called prior to semaphore use.




semaphore_init (Semaphore * s)


s->v = 1;

if (pthread_mutex_init (&(s->mutex), NULL) == -1)

do_error ("Error setting up semaphore mutex");

if (pthread_cond_init (&(s->cond), NULL) == -1)

do_error ("Error setting up semaphore condition signal");



* function should be called when there is no longer a need for

* the semaphore.



semaphore_destroy (Semaphore * s)


if (pthread_mutex_destroy (&(s->mutex)) == -1)

do_error ("Error destroying semaphore mutex");

if (pthread_cond_destroy (&(s->cond)) == -1)

do_error ("Error destroying semaphore condition signal");



* function increments the semaphore and signals any threads that

* * are blocked waiting a change in the semaphore.




semaphore_up (Semaphore * s)


int value_after_op;

tw_pthread_mutex_lock (&(s->mutex));


value_after_op = s->v;

tw_pthread_mutex_unlock (&(s->mutex));

tw_pthread_cond_signal (&(s->cond));

return (value_after_op);



* function decrements the semaphore and blocks if the semaphore is

* * <= 0 until another thread signals a change.




semaphore_down (Semaphore * s)


int value_after_op;

tw_pthread_mutex_lock (&(s->mutex));

while (s->v <= 0)


tw_pthread_cond_wait (&(s->cond), &(s->mutex));



value_after_op = s->v;

tw_pthread_mutex_unlock (&(s->mutex));

return (value_after_op);



* function does NOT block but simply decrements the semaphore.

* should not be used instead of down -- only for programs where

* multiple threads must up on a semaphore before another thread

* can go down, i.e., allows programmer to set the semaphore to

* a negative value prior to using it for synchronization.




semaphore_decrement (Semaphore * s)


int value_after_op;

tw_pthread_mutex_lock (&(s->mutex));


value_after_op = s->v;

tw_pthread_mutex_unlock (&(s->mutex));

return (value_after_op);



* function returns the value of the semaphore at the time the

* critical section is accessed. obviously the value is not guarenteed

* after the function unlocks the critical section. provided only

* for casual debugging, a better approach is for the programmar to

* protect one semaphore with another and then check its value.

* an alternative is to simply record the value returned by semaphore_up

* or semaphore_down.




semaphore_value (Semaphore * s)


/**//* not for sync */

int value_after_op;

tw_pthread_mutex_lock (&(s->mutex));

value_after_op = s->v;

tw_pthread_mutex_unlock (&(s->mutex));

return (value_after_op);


/**//* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/**//* The following functions replace standard library functions in that */

/**//* they exit on any error returned from the system calls. Saves us */

/**//* from having to check each and every call above. */

/**//* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */


tw_pthread_mutex_unlock (pthread_mutex_t * m)


int return_value;

if ((return_value = pthread_mutex_unlock(m)) == -1)

do_error ("pthread_mutex_unlock");

return (return_value);



tw_pthread_mutex_lock (pthread_mutex_t * m)


int return_value;

if ((return_value = pthread_mutex_lock(m)) == -1)

do_error ("pthread_mutex_lock");

return (return_value);



tw_pthread_cond_wait (pthread_cond_t * c, pthread_mutex_t * m)


int return_value;

if ((return_value = pthread_cond_wait(c, m)) == -1)

do_error ("pthread_cond_wait");

return (return_value);



tw_pthread_cond_signal (pthread_cond_t * c)


int return_value;

if ((return_value = pthread_cond_signal(c)) == -1)

do_error ("pthread_cond_signal");

return (return_value);



* function just prints an error message and exits

* *



do_error (char *msg)


perror (msg);

exit (1);


4. Makefile:

all: hello2_static1 hello2_static2 Semaphore.o libSemaphore.a libSemaphore.so hello2_shared hello2_dynamic

#static linking program

#hello2_static1 and hello2_static2 are same

hello2_static1: hello2.c libSemaphore.a

gcc hello2.c -o hello2_static1 -lSemaphore -L. -lpthread

hello2_static2: hello2.c Semaphore.o

gcc hello2.c Semaphore.o -o hello2_static2 -lpthread

Semaphore.o: Semaphore.c

gcc -Wall -c Semaphore.c -o Semaphore.o

#create archive for object file

libSemaphore.a: Semaphore.o

ar rcs libSemaphore.a Semaphore.o

#linking with shared lib

#before executing: setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $PWD

hello2_shared: hello2.c libSemaphore.so

gcc hello2.c -o hello2_shared -lSemaphore -L. -lpthread

libSemaphore.so: Semaphore.c

gcc -fPIC -Wall -c Semaphore.c -o Semaphore_PIC.o

gcc -Wall -shared -Wl,-soname,libSemaphore.so.1 -o libSemaphore.so.1.0.0 Semaphore_PIC.o -lc

ln -s libSemaphore.so.1.0.0 libSemaphore.so.1

ln -s libSemaphore.so.1.0.0 libSemaphore.so

#create object with dynamic linking

hello2_dynamic: hello2_dl.c libSemaphore.so

gcc -Wall hello2_dl.c -ldl -o hello2_dynamic -lpthread


rm -rf hello2_static1 hello2_static2 Semaphore.o Semaphore_PIC.o libSemaphore.a libSemaphore.so libSemaphore.so.1 libSemaphore.so.1.0.0 hello2_shared hello2_dynamic

3 kinds of set searching path for shared libraries:
(2) add your serching path to /etc/ld.so.conf, then run ldconfig to update /etc/ld.so.cashe under root account
(3) put your shared libs ot /usr/lib, then create soname links to the specific libs, and run ldconfig under root account to update the cache

2 useful commands:
(1) "ldd" shows needed shared libraries for the file:
ldd hello2_static1 :
libpthread.so.0 => /lib/i686/libpthread.so.0 (0x40033000)
libc.so.6 => /lib/i686/libc.so.6 (0x40048000)
/lib/ld-linux.so.2 => /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x40000000)
ldd hello2_shared :
libSemaphore.so.1 => /rdhome/robin/programming/Linux_System_Analysis_And_Advanced_Programming_Tech/ch20/libSemaphore.so.1 (0x40018000)
libpthread.so.0 => /lib/i686/libpthread.so.0 (0x40036000)
libc.so.6 => /lib/i686/libc.so.6 (0x4004b000)
/lib/ld-linux.so.2 => /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x40000000)
ldd hello2_dynamic:
libdl.so.2 => /lib/libdl.so.2 (0x40033000)
libpthread.so.0 => /lib/i686/libpthread.so.0 (0x40037000)
libc.so.6 => /lib/i686/libc.so.6 (0x4004c000)
/lib/ld-linux.so.2 => /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x40000000)

(2) "nm" shows all symbols in the object
nm libSemaphore.a:
000002dc T do_error
U exit
00000000 t gcc2_compiled.
U perror
U pthread_cond_destroy
U pthread_cond_init
U pthread_cond_signal
U pthread_cond_wait
U pthread_mutex_destroy
U pthread_mutex_init
U pthread_mutex_lock
U pthread_mutex_unlock
0000017c T semaphore_decrement
00000068 T semaphore_destroy
00000114 T semaphore_down
00000000 T semaphore_init
000000c4 T semaphore_up
000001bc T semaphore_value
000002a4 T tw_pthread_cond_signal
00000268 T tw_pthread_cond_wait
00000230 T tw_pthread_mutex_lock
000001f8 T tw_pthread_mutex_unlock
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