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关于.NET Micro Framework

2006-11-24 00:05 429 查看
在过去几年里,Microsoft 为嵌入式领域提供了 XP Embedded 和 Windows CE 两种操作系统。它们已经成为了很多设备的平台,这些设备有PDA、智能手机、自动柜员机(ATM)和网络交换机等。Microsoft 推出的.NET Framework 把强大、可靠的托管代码从大型服务器扩展到了嵌入式设备。但是,依然有许多设备由于资源限制而无法支持这些平台。为了响应微型设备的市场需要,Microsoft 开发了一个叫Microsoft .NET Micro Framework. (.NET MF) 的新平台。.NET Micro Framework 定位于这个未开发的领域,向微型设备提供小巧、高效的.NET 运行时的实现。这带来的好处是,开发人员将能够使用同样的托管代码,使用同样的世界级的工具,继续参与到全世界最大的开发社区。

For years, Microsoft has had two offerings in the embedded space: XP Embedded and Windows CE. These operating systems have formed the platform for many successful devices, such as PDAs, Smart Phones, automatic teller machines, and network switching equipment. Microsoft introduced the .NET Framework, which brings the power and reliability of managed code to scale from large servers to embedded devices. However, many devices are still too small/resource constrained to support these platforms. To serve the market for even smaller devices, Microsoft has developed a new platform Microsoft .NET Micro Framework. (.NET MF). The .NET Micro Framework addresses this untapped area by providing a small, efficient implementation of the .NET runtime for smaller devices. This has great advantages to developers who can maintain the same managed code, use the same world class tools, and continue to participate in the world’s largest developer community. (Reference From: .NET MicroFramework White Paper)

Figure 1: Microsoft Embeded Products

Figure 2: The Basic Architecture for .NET MicroFramework

在今年的MEDC大会中有简单地介绍了.NET Micro Framework,当时我记得是用于机器人编程大赛,其他没有什么印象。

Daniel Moth 曾经对.NET Micro Framework 进行了一番介绍,列出了.NET MF 的主要特性。

现在已经有beta版的开发包了,但找不到从哪里下载,好像要通过SPOT(Smart Personal Objects Technology)邀请获得开发包。没有详细看Introducing the Microsoft .NET Micro Framework Platform,有时间再了解清楚。

另外,.NET MicroFramework 开发团队录制了一个webcast:Introduction to the .NET MicroFramework webcast,介绍了.NET MF 开发的工具和技术概貌。(我刚才尝试打开,可是看不到


Introducing the Microsoft .NET Micro Framework Platform
The Moth: .NET Micro Framework

Microsoft .NET Micro Framework White Paper
Microsoft .NET Micro Framework Product Sheet
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