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c 语言中的字符串操作

2006-11-16 22:04 369 查看

6.1 串拷贝(strcpy)和内存拷贝(memcpy)有什么不同?它们适合于在哪种情况下使用?


#include <stdio. h>

#include <string. h>

typedef struct cust-str ...{

int id ;

char last_name [20] ;

char first_name[l5];


void main (void);

void main (void)


char * src_string = "This is the source string" ;

char dest_string[50];

CUSTREC src_cust;

CUSTREC dest_cust;

printf("Hello! I'm going to copy src_string into dest_string! ");

/ * Copy src_ string into dest-string. Notice that the destination

string is the first argument. Notice also that the strcpy()

function returns a pointer to the destination string. * /

printf("Done! dest_string is: %s " ,

strcpy(dest_string, src_string)) ;

printf("Encore! Let's copy one CUSTREC to another. ") ;

prinft("I'll copy src_cust into dest_cust. ");

/ * First, intialize the src_cust data members. * /

src_cust. id = 1 ;

strcpy(src_cust. last_name, "Strahan");

strcpy(src_cust. first_name, "Troy");

/ * Now, Use the memcpy() function to copy the src-cust structure to

the dest_cust structure. Notice that, just as with strcpy(), the

destination comes first. * /

memcpy(&dest_cust, &src_cust, sizeof(CUSTREC));

printf("Done! I just copied customer number # %d (%s %s). " ,

dest_cust. id, dest_cust. first_name, dest_cust. last_name) ;


6. 2怎样删去字符串尾部的空格?


#include <stdio. h>

# include <string. h>

void main (void);

char * rtrim(char * );

void main(void)


char * trail_str = "This string has trailing spaces in it";

/ * Show the status of the string before calling the rtrim()

function. * /

printf("Before calling rtrim(), trail_str is '%s' i" , trail_str);

print ("and has a length of %d. " , strlen (trail_str));

/ * Call the rtrimO function to remove the trailing blanks. * /

rtrim(trail_str) ;

/ * Show the status of the string

after calling the rtrim() function. * /

printf("After calling rttim(), trail_ str is '%s' ", trail _ str );

printf ("and has a length of %d. " , strlen(trail-str)) ;


/ * The rtrim() function removes trailing spaces from a string. * /.

char * rtrim(char * str)


int n = strlen(str)-1; / * Start at the character BEFORE

the null character (0). * /

while (n>0) / * Make sure we don't go out of hounds. . . * /


if ( * (str + n) 1 =' ') / * If we find a nonspace character: * /


* (str+n+1) = '' ; / * Put the null character at one

character past our current

position. * /

break ; / * Break out of the loop. * /


else / * Otherwise , keep moving backward in the string. * /.



return str; /**//*Return a pointer to the string*/


6.3 怎样删去字符串头部的空格?


#include <stdio. h>

#include <string. h>

void main(void);

char * ltrim (char * ) ;

char * rtrim(char * ) ;

void main (void)


char * lead_str = " This string has leading spaces in it. " ;,

/ * Show the status of the string before calling the Itrim()

function. * /

printf("Before calling Itrim(), lead-str is '%s' ", lead_str);

printf("and has a length of %d. " , strlen(lead_str));

/ * Call the Itrim() function to remove the leading blanks. * /.


/ * Show the status of the string

after calling the Itrim() function. * /

prinft("After calling Itrim(), lead_str is '%s' ", lead_str);

print("and has a length of %d. '' , strlen(lead-str)) ;


/ * The Itrim() function removes leading spaces from a string. * /

char * ltrim(char * str)


strrev(str) ; / * Call strrevO to reverse the string. * /

rtrim(str)). /**//* Call rtrimO to remvoe the "trailing" spaces.
* /

strrev(str); / * Restore the string's original order. * /

return str ; / * Return a pointer to the string. * /.


/ * The rtrim() function removes trailing spaces from a string. * /

char* rtrim(char* str)


int n = strlen (str)-l ; / * Start at the character BEFORE

the null character (
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