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信息安全策略之六:Router Security Policy

2006-11-06 13:59 405 查看




[align=center]Router Security Policy[/align]

1.0 Purpose
This document describes a required minimal security configuration for all routers and switches connecting to a production network or used in a production capacity at or on behalf of <Company Name>.

2.0 Scope
All routers and switches connected to <Company Name> production networks are affected. Routers and switches within internal, secured labs are not affected. Routers and switches within DMZ areas fall under the Internet DMZ Equipment Policy.

3.0 Policy
Every router must meet the following configuration standards:

1. No local user accounts are configured on the router. Routers must use TACACS+ for all user authentication.
2. The enable password on the router must be kept in a secure encrypted form. The router must have the enable password set to the current production router password from the router's support organization.
3. Disallow the following:
a. IP directed broadcasts
b. Incoming packets at the router sourced with invalid addresses such as RFC1918 address
c. TCP small services
d. UDP small services
e. All source routing
f. All web services running on router
4. Use corporate standardized SNMP community strings.
5. Access rules are to be added as business needs arise.
6. The router must be included in the corporate enterprise management system with a designated point of contact.
7. Each router must have the following statement posted in clear view:

"UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO THIS NETWORK DEVICE IS PROHIBITED. You must have explicit permission to access or configure this device. All activities performed on this device may be logged, and violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, and may be reported to law enforcement. There is no right to privacy on this device."

4.0 Enforcement
Any employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

5.0 Definitions
Terms Definitions
Production Network The "production network" is the network used in the daily business of <Company Name>. Any network connected to the corporate backbone, either directly or indirectly, which lacks an intervening firewall device. Any network whose impairment would result in direct loss of functionality to <Company Name> employees or impact their ability to do work.

Lab Network A "lab network" is defined as any network used for the purposes of testing, demonstrations, training, etc. Any network that is stand-alone or firewalled off from the production network(s) and whose impairment will not cause direct loss to <Company Name> nor affect the production network.

6.0 Revision History


1.0 目的
2.0 范围
此文档适用于连接到企业生产网络的所有路由器和交换机。不适用企业内部或安全实验室中的路由器和交换机。对于DMZ区之内的路由器和交换机应遵循“Internet DMZ 设备策略”。
3.0 策略
1. 路由器上不应配置本地用户账户。路由器必须使用TACACS+ 模型对所有用户进行认证。
2. 路由器的授权口令必须以安全的加密形式存放。路由器支持部门必须使用授权口令来设置当前工作路由器的口令。
3. 不允许下列行为:
1) IP定向广播
2) 路由器接受的IP包具有不合法的源地址,如RFC1918地址。
3) TCP的少量服务
4) UDP的少量服务
5) 所有的源路由
6) 运行在路由器上的所有web服务
4. 使用标准化的SNMP共同体字符串
5. 当业务需求增加时,需要增加访问规则。
6. 路由器必须包含在企业整体管理系统中,并指定特定的联系人(POC)
7. 每台路由器必须在显要位置贴有以下声明:
4.0 执行
5.0 定义

Production Network 生产网络
Lab Network 实验室网络
6.0 修订历史
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