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learn language Part-Two

2006-10-11 16:00 369 查看
1.You must have enjoyed yourself./Yes,and I took many pictures./Please let me see them.【你一定玩得很开心。/是的,我还照了好多照片。/让我看看。】
2.I would have had a much better holiday if I had stayed at home.【我要是呆在家里的话,假期会好过得多。】
3.Looking back on it,I think I shouldn't have given up the contest so easily.【回过头来看,我想我不应该如此轻易的放弃那次比赛。】
4.Excuse me,how can I get to the bus station?/It's just around the corner./Thank you for directions.【对不起,汽车站怎么走?/转弯就是。/感谢你为我指路。】
5.Would you open the door for me,please?/With pleasure./Would you mind opening the window?/Not at all.【你能替我开门吗?/乐意帮忙。/你介意开窗吗?/一点儿也不。】
6.Paul had to break the news of her friend's death to Paula.【鲍尔必须告诉Paula她朋友的死讯。】
7.We intend to have a ball at the amusement park today.【我们打算今天到游乐场玩个痛快。】
8.Just sit tight.The doctor will be with you in a minute.【耐心等一下,医生马上就来看你。】
9.In order to hold your reservation.I'll need a 10% down.【为了保留你预定的东西,我要先收10%的定金。】
10.You don't have to rub it in.I already feel bad enough a.【你不要火上浇油了,我已经够难过了。】
11.Whenever she was in a tight spot,she'd wirte to her father and he'd send her a check.【她一没钱了就写信给她的父亲,于是他就给她寄一张支票。】
12.I'm sorry,I have broken some cups.Let me pay for them./Oh,forget it,they were only very cheap ones.【对不起,我打碎了杯子,我赔。/哦,算了,都是些很便宜的杯子。】
13.I borrowed Peter's favorite pen and now I've lost it./If he finds out,he will really raise the roof.【我借了彼得最心爱的钢笔用,结果给他丢了。/他要是知道了,准会大发雷霆的。】
14.You can call in sick./She is my kind of girl./Don't let the cat out of the bag.,okay?【可以打电话请病假。/她是我喜欢的类型。/别泄漏了秘密,好吗?】
15.Quitting the job on such a position a serious decision to make.【从这样一个职业上辞职是个严肃的决定。】
16.Would you go to see the movie with me?/I'm really beat today.How about tomorrow?【和我一起去看电影好吗?/我今天实在太累了,明天好吗?】
17.Don't talk to him,he is out of sorts./Leave him alone,or he will blow your head off.【别跟他说话,他在发脾气。/别理他,不然他会砸碎你的头。】
18.Don't miss the boat !/It's a deal./It's just on paper./Keep up the good work./Great minds think alike.【不要错失良机!/一言为定。/那只是纸上谈兵。/再接再厉。/ 英雄所见略同。】
19.We will take a chance on the weather and have the party outdoors./The meeting will be held on time,rain or shine.【我们将冒天气的危险在室外聚会。/会议将如期召开,风雨无阻。】
20.Did you return the book to the library?/To tell you the truth,I've not had a chance to look at it.【你把那本书还了吗?/说实话,我还没时间读呢。】
21.Trick or treat!/Oh,you scared me!/Wishing you a happy Halloween!【不请吃糖就捣蛋!/噢,你吓了我一跳!/万圣节快乐!】
22.I'm so sorry for forgetting our appointment./Don't take it to heart.【非常抱歉,我忘记了我们的约会。/不要放在心上。】
23.Are you enjoying yourself?/Sure, I'm having a ball./I really appreciate your coming to see me.【玩得开心吗?/当然啦,我玩得高兴极了。/非常感谢你能来看我。】
24.I don't think I can do this./You can,Jason! Don't give up! I believe in you!【我觉得我做不到。/杰森,你行的!不要放弃!我相信你!】
25.Don't expect me to help you.My hands are quite full at this moment./You need a sense of urgency.【别指望我会帮助,我现在忙得很呢。/你需要有紧迫感。】
26.Don't be so fussy!/Don't count to me!/Don't fall for it!/Don't get me wrong!/Don't give me that!【别挑剔了!/别指望我!/不要上当!/别误会我!/少来这套!】
27.Something's come up in my company./To be a leader,you should know how to call the shots.【我的公司出了一点事。/作为领导,你应该知道怎么作决断。】
28.This is really hard.I want to stop./No,don't stop now!You're doing really well!【这好难喔,喔想停下来了。/别现在停下来!你做得非常好!】
29.I didn't see the sign./Money has been really tight lately……/I've had to many other expenses……【我没有看到标记。/最近手头有点紧……/我有太多其他的费用要付……】
30.That doesn't count ./We weren't playing for real./It's not my turn to……/I didn't know anything about it……【那不算!/我们不是玩真的。/这次不是轮到我……/我对此事一无所知……】
32.It's full of hot air.=Lots of talk and no action./You are out of line.=You are over doing it.【这士雷声大雨点小。/你太过分了。】
33.You quit the job?You are kidding./I'm not going to kid you.I'm serious.【你辞职了?你在说笑吧?/我不是跟你开玩笑的,我是严肃的。】
34.Happy anniversary! It's our tenth anniversary./Thanks for being in my life./Thanks for ten wonderful years.【结婚纪念日快乐!这是我们结婚10周年。/谢谢你陪我共度人生。/谢谢你你给了我美好的十年。】
35.Hi,Oscar.It looks like you had a haircut./You are very observant,I had my hair cut yesterday.【嗨,奥斯卡。看起来你好像剪头发了。/你很善于观察,我昨天剪发了。】
36.Break it up!I will not permit fighting in this classroom.【住手!我不准有人在这个教室里打架。】
37.Can you run that by again?I didn't quite understand you .【请说一遍好吗?最后一点我听不太懂。】
38.Don't cop-out on me now.You promised you'd go.【别想溜。你说过你会去的。】
39.I've had enough of your put-downs.You're not perfect.【我受够了你的羞辱,你也好不到哪里去。】
40.Please don't go to so much trouble.I don't want to put you out.【请不要费那么多工夫,我不想给你添麻烦。】
41.This is where we sing?These booths are so comfortable I think I could fall asleep!【我们是在这里唱?这些包厢好舒服喔,要我在里面睡觉都可以!】
42.Wow!That sounds like a great song./It was!It had a good beat that you could dance to and powerful lyrics.【哇!那听起来像是一首很棒的歌。/没错!他的节奏很强,你可以跟着跳舞,而且歌词也很有感染力。】
43.I'm exhausted./I've got my second wind./It's a shortcut./Be back in 30 minutes!/Let's grab a bite to eat.【我已筋疲力尽。/我的体力恢复了。/这是条近路。/一定要在三十分钟内回来。/我们赶紧吃点东西吧。】
44.From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving./I will be home for Thanksgiving so save a little turkey for me.【我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。/我会回家过感恩节,所以请留点火鸡给我。】
45.Get going./Pick up the pace./Put it in my hands./Anything you say./I can't carry a tune.【赶快动身吧。/快点。/交给我好了。/我听你的。/我五音不全。】
46.He wants to keep his position in the office.But none of his excuses hold water.【他想保住他在办公室的位置。但是他的理由都站不住脚。】
47.Some people always get cold feet when they go to a test ./I guess they are not well-prepared.【有些人去考试的时候,总是感到害怕。/我想这是因为他们没有做好充分准备吧。】
48.Are we still going on the business trip to New York next week?/I'm afraid it just went up in smoke.【我们下周去纽约出差吗?/恐怕已经泡汤了。】
49.It was definitely worth the wait./This food is out of this world!/Ahh……now this is what I call living!【这绝对值得等。/这食物真是只应天上有!/啊……这才叫生活嘛!】
50.That boy is seldom serious about anying.He's always clowning aroud.【这个男孩对任何事情都不认真,他总是胡闹。】
51.First come first served!/Get a move on!/Get off my back!/Give him the works!/Give me a hand.【先到先得!/快点吧!/不要嘲笑我!/给他点教训!/帮我一个忙!】
52.Do you have any apartments for rent right now?/What kind of apartments do you have?【你们现在有没有公寓要出租啊?/你们有什么样的公寓啊?】
53.I'd like to rent either a studio or one-bed room apartment.What's the rent on that?How much is the deposit?【我想租一间小套房或是有一房一厅的公寓。租金是多少?押金又是多少?】
54.Jack's gift of the gab helped him get a good job./Every month John salts away half of his salary.【杰克的口才使他得到了那份工作。/约翰每个月都要把他工资的一半存起来。】
55.She had few opportunities to give air to her comments on the management.【她很少有机会对管理上的问题发表自己的看法。】
56.Mary has a real hang-up about cats and doesn't like to in the same room with them .【玛丽对猫有一种摆脱不掉的厌烦,因此不愿意和猫呆在同一个房间。】
57.As a matter of fact.I prefer to stay home ./Sometimes I watch television to kill time.【事实上我宁愿呆在家。/我有时用看电视来消磨时间。】
58.It's only the third of the month and I've already finished my report ./WOW, things are really looking up for you.【刚刚到这个月的三号,我就把报告写好了耶。/哇,你确实有长进。】
59.His letter was full of soft soap./Her new novel made waves around the country.【他的信全都是恭维话。/她的新小说在全国引起轰动。】
60.In one ear,out the other ear./I'm spaced-out!/I couldn't reach him!/I cross my heart !/I'll check it out!【一耳进,一耳出!/我开小差了!/我联络不上他!/我发誓是真的!/我去看看!】
61.Betty is getting fatter and fatter.Why doesn't she try to lose some weight ?/I'm on a diet.【贝蒂越来越胖了,为什么不试着减减肥呢?/我正在减肥。】
62.Have a seat ./Just make yourself comfortable./Just make yourself at home.【请坐。/情随意,别拘束。/就当自己家,别客气。】 63.Everybody on campus is pumped up about Saturday's big game.The winning team will get the national title.【校园里大家都热切期望着星期六的大赛,赢的队伍将成为全国冠军。】
64.Whenever you tell Jonny some gossip,he's all ears.【每当你给琼尼说闲话时,他总是全神贯注。】
65.I can't tell you the information off the top of my head .I'll have to look it up.【我没办法告诉你这个消息,我得查一下。】
66.A stray cat was lurking outside the fish market and the owner yelled at it,"Get lost!"【一只野猫在卖鱼的市场前探头探脑,摊主对它大叫:“滚开!”】
67.I wouldn't be caught dead in that ugly outfit.【我才不要穿那样难看的衣服献丑呢!】
68.I have to take two part-time jobs at the same time to make to ends meet.【为了收支平衡,我不得不同时作两份兼职。】
69.Any man will be equal to the task , so long as he is careful. You should give it a try.【任何人都会胜任这个工作,只要他细心。你应该试一试。】
70.You've got great taste./It's just what I wanted!/You really know how to please a woman/man.【你的品味真好。/这正是我想要的!/你真懂得如何讨好女人/男人。】
71.You need to make a case for your suggestions before you can get them approved.【在你的建议得到批准之前,你必须提出充分的理由。】
72.Long time no see./It's been ages!/I missed you so much./I'm so glad you're back.【好久不见。/已经好多年了!/我好想你。/你回来我好高兴。】
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