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2006-10-07 18:19 316 查看



# OOP here is much similar with OOP in Java

# interface definition

interface IOperations {

function plus();


# class definition

# visibilities of the members in a class: private protected public(default)

class Operations implements IOperations


private $Fa; # if with a visibility specified, do not use 'var', for example: private $a

private $Fb;

var $c;

public function __set($name, $value) { // __set is a setter for what isn't a field

switch ($name) {

case 'a':



case 'b':




echo "property $name doesn't exist ";



echo "Setter invoked: $name=$value ";


public function __get($name) { // __get is a getter for what isn't a field

echo "Getter invoked: property: $name ";

switch ($name) {

case 'a':

return $this->Fa;


case 'b':

return $this->Fb;






// function __class() is used to call a method which not exists, it

// could be used for declare overloaded functions

public function plus() {

# return $Fa+$Fb; <-- this is wrong!!!


return $this->c;


# constructor

# in php5, __construct() is the default

# for more compability with previous versions, Operations() is also a constructor,

# but Operations() is the second constructor

public function __construct($a, $b) {




echo "Constructor called! ";


# destructor

# destructor will be automatically called for example a variable is out of scope

public function __destruct() {

echo "Destructor called! ";



echo "Stage 1: ";

$objA=new Operations(3,4);

echo $objA->plus()." ";



echo $objA->plus()." ";

echo $objA->c." ";

if ( $objA instanceof IOperations ) echo "true "; else echo "false ";


echo " ";

# abstract class & inheritance

# a class with at least an abstract method is an abstract class, it cannot be instanced

abstract class ParentClass {

public function __construct() {

echo "ParentClass.__construct() ";


public abstract function saySomething();

public function sayHello() { // like Java, every method and field could be overriden

echo "ParentClass.sayHello() ";


public function __destruct() {

echo "ParentClass.__destruct() ";



class ChildClass extends ParentClass {

public function __construct() {

echo "ChildClass.__construct() ";


public function saySomething() {

echo "ChildClass.saySomething() ";


public final function sayHello() { // here, final is the same as Java

echo "ChildClass.sayHello() ";


public function __destruct() {

echo "ChildClass.__destruct() ";



echo "Stage 2: ";

$objB=new ChildClass();




echo " ";

# static in class:

# const field ( *** CONST ONLY *** )

# static method

class StaticThing {

const PI=3.14;

private function __construct() {

echo "StaticThing.__construct() ";


public function doSomething() {

echo "StaticThing.doSomething() ";


public static function getStaticThing() {

$object=new StaticThing();

return $object;


public function __destruct() {

echo "StaticThing.__destruct ";



echo "Stage 3: ";

// $objC=new StaticThing(); <-- IT's WRONG!

echo StaticThing::PI." ";


echo "The end! "

# P.S.

# function __autoload($name) is invoked automatically when you would access a undeclared class

# it's a function only, not a method

# example:

# function __autoload($name)

# {

# include_once $name.'.php';

# }

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