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Agile Web Development with Rails 翻译(一)

2006-09-11 14:25 330 查看
Agile Web Development with Rails 翻译(一)

第一章 前言

Ruby on Rails 是个更易于开发,配置,和管理Web应用程序的框架。

class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :portfolio
has_one :project_manager
has_many :milestones
has_and_belongs_to_many :categories
validates_presence_of :name, :description
validates_acceptance_of :non_disclosure_agreement
validates_uniqueness_of :key
或者我们可以思考地观察它。Rails的设计由一组关键的概念来驱动着:DRY与配置约定(Convention over configuration)。DRV—系统内每个部分应该只在一个地方被表达。Rails使用强大的Ruby开始自己的生命。你会发现在Rails应用程序中少有重复;你在一个地方说你需要什么—这个地方通常由MVC体系来暗示。
配置约定也是至关重要的。它意味着Rails能判断出你的应用程序交织在一起的每个部分的缺省值。下面是约定,并且你可以用比使用XML配置的,典型的Java Web应用程序更少的代码来写一个Rails应用程序。如果你想覆写这些约定,Rails也可很容易地做到。

1. 可敏捷地进行Web开发。
2. 可以创建干净,整洁的Web页面。
3. 只关注于创建应用程序,而不是框架的什么东西。
4. 方便地管理应用程序的增长。
5. 可更大限度地满足客户的要求。
6. 内建的测试容易使用。
7. 立即反应:在浏览器上可编辑代码,及时刷新所有的更改。
8. 元程序(Metaprogramming)意味着我可以在真正的高级别上编程。
9. 代码产生器可让我们事半功倍。
10. 不需要XML!

1.1 Rails 是敏捷的

本书的标题是Agile Web Development with Rails。那么你可能会惊讶,我们没有明确地将Rails代码区分成X,Y,和Z部分。
让我们看看在Agile Manifesto网页上,有一组四个参数的状态值,就是下面敏捷开发的好处。
4、Responding to change over following a plan
Rails以这种方式鼓励消费者协作。当消费者看到Rails工程如何快速地响应修改时,他们开始相信我们可以完成他们想要的东西,而不只是它们要求的东西。Confrontations are replaced by “What if?” sessions.
That’s all tied back to the idea of being able to respond to change. The strong, almost obsessive, way that Rails honors the DRY principle means that changes to Rails applications impact a lot less code than the same changes would in other frameworks. And since Rails applications are written in Ruby, where concepts can be expressed accurately and concisely, changes tend to be localized and easy to write. The deep emphasis on both unit and functional testing, along with support for test fixtures and mock objects, gives developers the safety net they need when making those changes. With a good set of tests in place, changes are less nerve-wracking.
Rather than constantly trying to tie Rails processes to the agile principles, we’ve decided to let the framework speak for itself. 就像在此书读到的那样,在你脑中想像以这种方式开发你自己的Web应用程序:与你的客户工作在一起,并共同决定应该优先解决的问题。然后,你回过头来看参考资料,看Rails的基础结构如何可使你快速地解决你客户的问题。
One last point about agility and Rails: although it’s probably unprofessional to mention this, think how much fun the coding will be.

1.2 寻找你自己的学习方式

class SayController < ApplicationController
Turn to the cross-reference starting on page 512, look up the corresponding number, and you’ll find the name of the file containing that piece of code. If you’re reading the PDF version of this book, and if your PDF viewer supports hyperlinks, you can click on the marker in the margin and the code should appear in a browser window. Some browsers (such as Safari) will mistakenly try to interpret some of the templates as HTML. If this happens, view the source of the page to see the real source code.
Ruby 提示:
David 说...
现在和以后你会经常遇到David说…注释。David Heinemeier Hansson会给你一些Rails的具体特征的解说—基本原理,技巧,推荐,等等。
Joe 问...
Joe, 是个虚构的开发者,有时候会提出文章内我们谈到东西的一些问题,我们会试着回答这些问题。

Rails 的版本


1.3 感谢

This book turned out to be a massive undertaking. It would never have happened without an enormous amount of help from the Ruby and the Rails communities. It’s hard to list everyone who contributed, so if you helped out but your name doesn’t appear here, please know that it’s a simple oversight.
This book had an incredible group of reviewers—between them, they generated over 6 megabytes of comments. So, heartfelt thanks to
Alan Francis, Amy Hoy, Andreas Schwarz, Ben Galbraith, Bill Katz,

Dearmin, Chad Fowler, Curt Micol, David Rupp, David Vincelli,
Dion Almaer, Duane Johnson, Erik Hatcher, Glenn Vanderburg,
Gunther Schmidl, Henri ter Steeg, James Duncan Davidson,
Johannes Brodwall, John Harechmak, John Johnson, Justin Forder,
Justin Gehtland, Kim Shrier, Krishna

Dole, Leon Breedt,
Marcel Molina Jr., Michael Koziarski, Mike Clark, Miles K. Forrest,
Raymond Brigleb, Robert Rasmussen, Ryan Lowe, Sam Stephenson,
Scott Barron, Stefan Arentz, Steven Baker, Stian Grytøyr,
Tait Stevens, Thomas Fuchs, Tom Moertel, and Will Schenk.
Rails was evolving as the book was coming together. As a result, the good folks in the Rails core team spent many hours answering Dave’s questions and generally sympathizing. (They also spent many hours tormenting me by changing stuff I’d just documented, but we won’t go into that here.) A big thank you to
Jamis Buck (minam), Jeremy Kemper (bitsweat),
Marcel Molina Jr, (noradio), Nicholas Seckar (Ulysses),
Sam Stephenson (sam), Scott Barron (htonl),
Thomas Fuchs (madrobby), and Tobias Lütke (xal).
Nathan Colgate Clark responded to a plea on the Rails mailing list and produced the wonderful image we use for the David Says... boxes.
Justin Forder did a great job of fixing up Dave’s anemic style sheets for the Depot application.
Thousands of people participated in the beta program for this book. Thank you all for taking the chance. Hundreds of these people took time to enter comments and errata on what they read. This book is better for it.
Last, but by no means least, we’d like to thank the folks who contributed the specialized chapters to the book: Leon Breedt, Mike Clark, Thomas Fuchs, and Andreas Schwarz.

From Dave Thomas

My family hasn’t seen me for the last eight months. For their patience, support, and love, I’m forever grateful. Thank you Juliet, Zachary, and Henry.
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