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2006-08-11 15:56 302 查看
sing phpGACL in your application

Basic usage 基本用法

This example shows a basic example of using phpGACL in your code. It uses the ADOdb abstraction layer as well, and shows a simple way to validate a login attempt against a database.

// include basic ACL api


$gacl = new gacl(); $username = $db->quote($_POST['username']);

$password = $db->quote(md5($_POST['password']));

$sql = 'SELECT name FROM users WHERE name=';

$sql .= $username.' AND password='.$password;

$row = $db->GetRow($sql); if($gacl->acl_check('system','login','user',$row['name'])){

    $_SESSION['username'] = $row['name'];

     return true;


else return false;

As you can see there is only one call to acl_check() in this code. What does it do? Well, it checks the ARO object $row['name'] from the ARO section 'user' against the ACO object 'login' from the ACO section 'system'.


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