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2006-08-11 15:56 435 查看

Basic setup基本安装

Untar the distribution .tar.gz file into the root or a subdirectory of your web site. You might want to rename it to something more suitable.

Edit phpgacl/gacl.class.php using your favourite editor and set the db_type, db_host, db_user, db_password, and db_name you will be using.
你可以用你喜欢的编辑器来编辑phpgacl/gacl.class.php文件,并设置其中你将用到的 db_type, db_host, db_user, db_password和db_name变量。

Now edit phpgacl/admin/gacl_admin.inc.php to hold the same information. This file is used by the setup script as well as the ACL admin backend.

The reason for two files holding that (same) information, is that the core ACL library gacl.class.php is much smaller than the full-fledged API class, and there is no need to include all the code when you just want to call acl_check().

Create the database you specified in db_name on the server.

Surf to http://yoursite.net/phpgacl/setup.php. The required tables will be installed based on your choice of database. Don't be afraid of the truckload of output, if all goes well you will see only success messages.

Now follow the last advice shown on that screen and create the phpgacl/admin/smarty/templates_c directory. It must be writable by the user the webserver runs as. If you don't do this, you will not be able to use the CAL admin!

Click the link at the bottom of the successful setup page or surf to:http://yoursite.net/phpgacl/admin/acl_admin.php
点击成功安装页面底部的链接或直接在浏览器中输入网址: http://yoursite.net/phpgacl/admin/acl_admin.php

Advanced setup 高级安装
Reusing an already existing ADOdb installation

If you already have ADOdb installed you can get phpGACL to use this copy of ADOdb.

Edit phpgacl/gacl.class.php so that ADODB_DIR reflects the location of the ADOdb library in your path.
编辑 phpgacl/gacl.class.php文件,将ADODB_DIR变量设置为ADBdb库所在的目录。

Rename the phpgacl/adodb folder to something else like adodb_x and reload the phpgacl/admin/acl_admin.php page to ensure it still works.
将phpgacl/adodb目录重命名为其它名字如adodb_x,然后重新载入网页 phpgacl/admin/acl_admin.php,以确保其能正常工作。

Erase the adodb directory installed with phpGACL.

Reusing an already existing Smarty installation

If you already have Smarty installed you can get phpGACL to use this copy of Smarty.

Edit phpgacl/admin/gacl_admin.inc.php so that the variables $smarty_dir and $smarty_compile_dir reflect the location of the Smarty library in your path and the template_c directory you already use.
编辑 phpgacl/admin/gacl_admin.inc.php文件,以便变量$smarty_dir和 $smarty_compile_dir能指向已安装Smarty库所在位置,并且template_c目录你正在使用。
Move the templates directory that came with phpGACL to another directory (e.g. one level up). Adjust the $smarty_template_dir so it points to the new location. If you like you can move those templates to your existing templates folder, of course.

Rename the phpgacl/smarty folder to something else like smarty_x and reload the phpgacl/admin/acl_admin.php page to ensure it still works.
将 phpgacl/smarty目录重命名为其他名称(如smarty_x)并重新载入 phpgacl/admin/acl_admin.php页,以确保它能正常工作。

Erase the smarty directory installed with phpGACL.

How do I move the phpGACL files out of my website tree while leaving a link in the tree for administration?

Go to your website root.

Move the phpGACL directory to your includes directory and create a symlink to the admin directory where you want the admin tool to go. For example:
mv phpgacl/ /www/includes_directory
ln -s /www/includes_directory/phpgacl/admin/ gacl

Now surfing to http://yoursite.net/gacl/acl_admin.phpwill take you to the admin page. If it doesn't work, make sure your Webserver allows symbolic links in the website tree.


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