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2006-08-11 15:49 363 查看
Resolving conflicts

What happens if we add Chewie to the list of Engineers?



├─船员 [允许:全部]

│ ├─Han

│ ├─Chewie [拒绝:发动机室]

│ └─Lando

├─乘客 [允许:休息室 ]

│ ├─绝地战士 [允许:驾驶室]

│ │ ├─Obi-wan

│ │ └─Luke [允许:武器室]

│ ├─R2D2 [允许:发动机室]

│ └─C3PO

└─工程师 [允许:发动机室,武器室]





This makes Chewie's access to the Engines ambiguous, because now there are two paths from the root of the tree to Chewie. If the ship's computer follows one path (along the "Crew" branch), the result is "DENY access to Engines." If it follows the other path (along the "Engineers" branch) then the result is "ALLOW access to Engines". So, is he allowed or denied?

phpGACL will warn you if you add or edit an multiply-grouped ARO in such a way that the access to an arbitrary ACO would be ambiguous. But it is up to you to resolve the conflict.

If we now asked phpGACL the question "Does Chewie have access to Engines?" the result returned is the result given by the last ACL entry to be modified (this is phpGACL's policy). In this case the result is ALLOW, because the "ALLOW: Engines, Guns" directive assigned to the Engineers Group is more recent than the "DENY: Engines" directive assigned to Chewie's Group.

When ambiguous access entries exist in the ACL, the ACL is said to be inconsistent. Inconsistent ACLs can be very dangerous, and you may unwittingly provide access to inappropriate people if you allow your ACL to remain in this state. When phpGACL warns you that the ACL is inconsistent, it is best to resolve the conflicts as soon as possible to regain consistency.

To resolve the conflict in this case, we could either:

Remove the "DENY: Engines" directive from Chewie's entry under the Crew Group.

Add a "DENY: Engines" directive to Chewie's entry under the Engineers Group.

Remove Chewie from the Engineers Group, since Han doesn't think him a worthy Engineer anyway.

Han chooses option 3, and removes Chewie from the Engineers list.


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