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To Be By Your Side 来到你身边

2006-07-26 11:01 246 查看
To Be By Your Side    来到你身边




Across the oceans, Across the seas,           穿越大洋,穿越海



Over forests of blackened trees.              飞过陰淡的森林



Through valleys so still we dare not breathe,穿过寂静得令人窒息的幽谷



To be by your side.                           来到你身边





Over the shifting desert plains,            飞越不断升高的广漠



Across mountains all in flames.             穿过火焰中的群山



Through howling winds and driving rains,    经历狂风骤雨



To be by your side.                         来到你身边





Every mile and every year,                  度过每一年,跨过每一英里



For every one a little tear.                只换来每个人的一点眼泪



I cannot explain this,                      我无法解释



Dear, I will not even try.                  亲爱的,我更不会尝试去解答





Into the night as the stars collide,        繁星闪烁的时候,飞向夜空



Across the bordersthat divide forests of stone standing petrified,




To be by your side.                          来到你身边





Every mile and every year,                  度过每一年,跨过每一英里



For every one a single tear.                只换来每个人的一点眼泪



I cannot explain this,                      我无法解释



Dear, I will not even try.                  亲爱的,我我更不会尝试去解答







For I know one thing,                       因为我知道



Love comes on a wing.                       爱称翅而来



For tonight I will be by your side.         今夜我会陪伴你



But tomorrow I will fly.                    但明天我会远去





From the deepest ocean To the highest peak, 从最深的海底到至高的山颠



Through the frontiers of your sleep.        穿过梦的边境



Into the valley where we dare not speak,    去到寂静禁语的山谷



To be by your side.                         来到你身边





Across the endless wilderness               穿越无垠的旷野



Where all the beasts bow down their heads.  所有的野兽都垂首的旷野



Darling I will never rest                   亲爱的,我不会停歇



Till I am by your side.                     直到伏于你脚下





Every mile and every year,                 度过每一年,跨过每一英里



Time and Distance disappear                时间与距离在消逝



I cannot explain this.                     我无法解释



Dear No, I will not even try.              不,亲爱的,我更不尝试去解答





For I know one thing,                      我只知道



Love comes on a wing                       爱乘翅而来



And tonight I will be by your side.        今夜我会陪伴你



But tomorrow I will fly away,              但明天我将远去



Love rises with the day                    爱随日东升



And tonight I may be by your side.         今夜我也许会在你身旁



But tomorrow I will fly,                   但明天我将远去



Tomorrow I will fly,



Tomorrow I will fly.  
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标签:  distance rest