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在EVC4 + SMARTPHONE 2003环境中使用设备进行调试报错问题。

2006-07-13 16:32 513 查看

2) 使用575手机与同步软件连接后,发现EVC报错"unable to load device side components",在platform magager中使用device进行测试,结果也是一样的。在论坛里搜了一下,感觉也有些人碰到类似问题,但好像是通过重装软件来解决的。

3) 在阅读SDK文档过程中一篇文档的标题为"Using the Development File Signing Tool"。在开头提到"

The security features of Smartphone devices make it necessary to sign certain files that are used to support the development and debugging process. During the installation of the Smartphone SDK, this process is performed automatically for the files that the device emulator uses. However, when you want to enable a real Smartphone device for testing and debugging, you will need to complete this file-signing process manually.

"。于是找到了答案。通过提到的SPDPS.EXE命令行工具,在575和手机连接后,执行spdps /create /device后正常了。

4) 这个问题困扰了好几天,在网上也没有找到直接的答案,发现静下心来读文档还是有收获的。
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