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2006-07-08 13:32 281 查看
using System;
using System.IO;
// 构成链表的结点定义
public class Node
public Object data;
public Node next;

public Node( Object d )
data = d;
next = null;
public class List
// 用变量来实现表头
private Node Head = null;
private Node Tail = null;
private Node Pointer = null;
private int Length = 0;

public void deleteAll( )
Head = null;
Tail = null;
Pointer = null;
Length = 0;

//链表复位,使第一个结点 成为当前结点
public void reset( )
Pointer = null;

public bool isEmpty( )
return (Length == 0);

//判断当前结点是否 为最后一个结点
public bool isEnd( )
if (Length == 0)
throw new System.Exception( );
else if (Length == 1)
return true;
return (cursor( ) == Tail);

//返回当前结点的下一个结点的值, 并使其成为当前结点
public Object nextNode( )
if (Length == 1)
throw new System.Exception( );
else if (Length == 0)
throw new System.Exception( );
Node temp = cursor();
Pointer = temp;
if (temp != Tail)
return (temp.next.data);
throw new System.Exception( );

public Object currentNode( )
Node temp = cursor( );
return temp.data;

//在当前结点前插入一个结点, 并使其成为当前结点
public void insert( Object d )
Node e = new Node( d );
if (Length == 0)
Tail = e;
Head = e;
Node temp = cursor( );
e.next = temp;
if (Pointer == null)
Head = e;
Pointer.next = e;

public int size( )
return Length;

public Object remove( )
Object temp;
if (Length == 0)
throw new System.Exception( );
else if (Length == 1)
temp = Head.data;
deleteAll( );
Node cur = cursor( );
temp = cur.data;
if (cur == Head)
Head = cur.next;
else if (cur == Tail)
Pointer.next = null;
Tail = Pointer;
reset( );
Pointer.next = cur.next;
return temp;

private Node cursor( )
if (Head == null)
throw new System.Exception( );
else if (Pointer == null)
return Head;
return Pointer.next;

public static void Main( )
List a = new List();
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
a.insert( new IntPtr(i));
Console.WriteLine(a.currentNode( ));
while (!a.isEnd( ))
Console.WriteLine(a.nextNode( ));
while (!a.isEnd( ))
a.remove( );
a.remove( );
a.reset( );
if (a.isEmpty( ))
Console.WriteLine("There is no Node in List!");
Console.WriteLine("You can press return to quit!");
// 确保用户看清程序运行结果
Console.Read( );
catch (IOException e)

using System;
class Palindrome
public static void Main()
int num1 = 1285821;
int num2 = 412214;
int num3 = 1234567;

Show( num1 );
Show( num2 );
Show( num3 );
public static bool isPalin( int Val )
string s;
s = Val.ToString( );
char x,y;
bool flag = true;
for(int i = 0; i < s.Length / 2; i++)
x = s[i];
y = s[s.Length-1-i];
if( x != y ) //若不等,则该数不是回文数
flag = false;
return flag;
public static void Show( int Val )
if( isPalin( Val ) )
Console.WriteLine("{0}/t是回文数!", Val);
Console.WriteLine("{0}/t不是回文数!", Val);

using System;
public class HanoiTower
// 将n个盘从from柱移到to柱,以aux柱为辅助柱
public static void move(int n, char from, char to, char aux)
if (n == 1)
// 仅有一个盘时,直接从from柱移到to柱
Console.WriteLine("将 #1 盘从 {0} 移到 {1}", from, to );
// 将n - 1个盘从from柱移到aux柱,以to柱为辅助柱
move(n - 1, from, aux, to);
// 将最下的圆盘从from柱移到to柱
Console.WriteLine("将 #{0} 盘从 {1} 移到 {2}", n, from, to );
// 将n - 1个盘从aux柱移到to柱,以from柱为辅助柱
move(n - 1, aux, to, from);

public static void Main( )
// 将3个圆盘从A柱移到C柱,移动时利用B柱为辅助柱
move(3, 'A', 'C', 'B');
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