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RedBoot Command Summary

2006-06-15 17:01 501 查看

RedBoot Command Summary

Note: To execute a command, only the unique prefix of the command needs to be entered. For instance, the letter v can be entered to execute the version command, since it is the only command which begins with a v. In contrast, the letters ad are needed to execute the advanced command, since there are two other commands that begin with a, agent and async.
When a command requires the option enable or disable, only a unique prefix is required, for instance, e or d.

advancedStart default application
agent [enable|disable]Show/set SNMP agent enable
appsShow name and version of installed applications
async [enable|disable]Show/set async port enable
cfg [clear|factory]Show/clear static configuration
community [<community>|clear]Show/set SNMP community
contact [<contact>|clear]Show/set SNMP contact
default [application name]Show/set default application name
dhcp [enable|disable]Show/set DHCP enable
dns [dns server]Show/set DNS configuration
domain [domain name]Show/set DNS domain name
environment [<environment>|clear]Show/set application environment
exitExit RedBoot telnet session and reset
facility [facility]Show/set syslog facility
features [features]Show/set licensed features
ftp [ftp server]Show/set FTP configuration
help [-v] [command]Display help for RedBoot commands
heartbeat [enable|disable]Show/set heartbeat enable
host [host name]Show/set host name
idle [30-3600 seconds]Show/set telnet idle timeout
ip [addr [mask [gateway]]]Show/set IP address configuration
laygocfg [list] | [load [-h host][image]]List/load LayGO configuration files
license [license]Show/set PXS software license
location [<location>|clear]Show/set SNMP location
log [log server]Show/set Log configuration
logging [enable|disable]Show/set logging enable
macShow Ethernet MAC address
modelShow model number
monitor [enable|disable]Show/set monitor enable
ntp [ntp server]Show/set NTP configuration
options [<options>|clear]Show/set application options
password [password]Set/Delete password
ping >IP address>Send ICMP echo requests
rebootReboot the system to the default application
resetReset the system
revisionShow hardware revision
serialShow PXS serial number
smtp [smtp server]Show/set SMTP configuration
snmp [snmp server]Show/set SNMP configuration
standby [standby server]Show/set Standby configuration
tag [<tag>|clear]Show/set logging tag
telnet [disable|enable]Show/set RedBoot telnet server enable
tftp [tftp server]Show/set TFTP configuration
timeout [0 or 5-255 seconds]Show/set bootloader timeout
trap [disable|enable]Show/set SNMP trap enable
utc [offset]Show/set UTC offset
versionDisplay RedBoot version information
virtual [virtual server]Show/set Virtual configuration
web [enable|disable]Show/set HTTP server enable
RedBoot Support Commands
Note: The commands listed below should be used only on the instruction of Advanced Relay Technical Support. Improper use of these commands may render the PXS inoperable.

control [enable|disable]Show/set PXS control enable
debug [enable|disable]Show/set debug port enable
disableDisable default application loading
dump [-l <length>] -b <location>Hex dump a range of memory
file [start address]Show/set file system configuration
fis <command> (see table below)Manage images in FLASH
gdb [enable|disable]Show/set GDB enable
go [-w <timeout>] [entry]Execute code at a location
load [-r] [-v] [-h <host>] [-m <tftp|xmodem|ymodem>][-b <base address>] <file name>Load a file into RAM
The -r option loads a raw binary image
The -v option shows progress while loading
read [-w] <location>Read a memory location
write [-w] <location> <value>Write a memory location
run <image>Run an image from FLASH
RedBoot FIS Commands
Note: The commands listed below should be used only on the instruction of Advanced Relay Technical Support. Improper use of these commands may render the PXS inoperable.

fis create [-b <base>] [-l <image length>][-s <data length>] [-f <flash address>][-e <entry>] [-r <ram address>][-n] <name>Creates an image in FLASH from data in RAM
fis delete <name>Removes an image from FLASH
fis erase -f <flash address> -l <length>Erases an area of FLASH
fis freeShows which areas of FLASH are not in use
fis helpDisplays help for FIS commands
fis init [-f]Initializes FLASH
fis list [-c]List images in FLASH and information about them
The -c option displays image checksum instead of memory address
fis load [-b <base>] [-c] <name>Loads an image from FLASH to RAM
The -c option displays the image checksum
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