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QTP sp等级历年的一些考试辅导题目!(分享)

2006-05-30 13:53 239 查看
各位想考QTP SP的朋友,我这里分享一些,去年的一些辅导题目,其中也有部分的考试题目。为了是让大家更了解这个考试的难度。
1. Which of the following can be parameterized?
-a.Input values
-b.Object properties
-c.QuickTest function
-d.a and b
-e.b and c
-f.All of the above
2.What is the Checkpoint Timeout Value?
-A checkpoint timeout value specifies the time interval (in seconds) during which QucikTest attempts to perform the checkpoint successfully.QuickTest continues to perform the checkpoint until it passes or until the timeout occurs.if the checkpoint does not pass before the timeout occurs,the checkpoint fails.
3.Name the six columns of the Keyword view?
4.Name the two run modes available in QuickTest Professional
-Normal and Fast
5.What information do you need when you select the Record and Run Setting – Record and run on these applications (opened when a session begins) ?
-Application details (name,location,any program arguments)
6.This QuickTest feature allows you select the appropriate add-ins to load with your test.
- Add-in Manager
7.True or False: When QuickTest Professional is connected to Quality Center, all automated assets(e.g. test,values) are stored in Quality Center.
8.How to set doubleclick support on Qtp?
-1.Go to Tools -> Web Event Recording Configuration.
-2.Click <Custom Settings>
-3.Expand the Standard Objects branch
-4.Select the object you want to configure
-5.Go to Event -> Add ->ondbclick. The event will be added to the list on the right.
-6.Select “if Handler” in the listen column.
-7.Select “Enabled” in the Record column.
-8.Click <OK> to close the dialogs.
9.Manually verifying that an order number was generated by an application and displayed on the GUI is automated in QuickTest using what feature?
-a checkpoint

Test Case:Create New Reservation
Application:Mercury Tours
Start page:Mercury Tours Home page
Step Description
- 1 Type ‘jojo’ in the User Name field.
- 2 Type ‘bean’ in the Password field.
- 3 Click Sign-in.The Flight Finder page appears.
- 4 Verify that the Number of Passengers field has a list of 1 through 4.
- 5 Select “2” for number of passengers.
- 6 Select ‘one way’ flight.
- 7 Select “San Francisco” from the Departing From field.
- 8 Specify a departing date using the On fields.
- 9 Select “Seattle” from the Arriving in field.
- 10 Specify a returning date using the Arriving in fields.
- 11 Select ‘Blue Skies’ from the Airline list.
- 12 Click Continue.The Select Flight page appears.
- 13 Select Continue.The Book a Flight page appears.
- 14 Type a name in the First Name Field.
- 15 Type a name in the Last Name Field.
- 16 Select a card from the Card Type list.
- 17 Type”0123456780765” in the Number field
- 18 Select ‘07’ for the month and ‘06’ for the year fields.
- 19 Click Secure Purchase.
- 20 Click Home.The Mercury Tours home page appears.

Test Case:Create New Reservation
- 1.What record and run setting did you select so that the test iterates starting at the home page?
- 2.What QuickTest feature did you use to automate step 4 in the test case? What properties did you select?
- 3.What QuickTest feature did you use to meet the requirement:”The test should iterate at least three times using different user names and passwords”
- 4.What planning considerations did you have to perform in order to meet the above listed requirement?
- 5.What QuickTest feature did you use to meet the requirement:”Each user should select a random number of tickets to purchase”
- 6.Discuss how you automated the requirement:”Each name used during sign-in should the be first name used when booking the ticket at the Book a Flight page.”
- 7.Challenge:What QuickTest feature did you use to meet the requirement:”All passwords should be encrypted”
- 1.Record and run test on any open Web browser
- 2.Standard checkpoint on the list item Number of Tickets
- Properties:items count,inner text,all items
- 3.Input parameter
- 4.Register at least three new users prior to creating the automated test in order to have
- Seed data in the database
- 5.Random parameter, range 1 and 4
- 6.The username is already an input parameter.Parameterize the step’passFirst0’under
- BookAFlight and use the parameter for username.
- 7.Challenge:From the DataTable,select the cell and perform a right mouse click.A
- Pop up window appears.Select Data>Encrypt

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