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2006-05-04 10:11 232 查看
《编程之道》,一个酷爱东方哲学和练太极拳的老外写的书。作者是一位资深的程序设计师,从他的爱好和著作中 可以看得出作者的文化底蕴。而他现在从事的工作,是如何把最好的管理技术和高科技企业联系起来,而这种最好的“管理技术”的理念是“应用文化动力学”。他 模仿《道德经》、禅宗公案和古代寓言的形式写出了三本很有意思的书:《编程之道》《编程之禅》《计算机寓言-信息时代的启示》(《The Tao of Programming》《The Zen of Programming》《Computer Parables-Enlightenment in the Informating Age》).
Thus spake the master programmer:"When you have learned to snatch the error code from the trap frame, it will be time for you to leave."

Something mysterious is formed, born in the silent void. Waiting alone and unmoving, it is at once still and yet in constant motion. It is the source of all programs. I do not know its name, so I will call it the Tao of Programming.

The Tao of Programming flows far away and returns on the wind of morning.

Thus spake the master programmer:
"After three days without programming, life becomes meaningless."

Aware, like a fox crossing the water. Alert, like a general on the battlefield. Kind, like a hostess greeting her guests. Simple, like uncarved blocks of wood. Opaque, like black pools in darkened caves.


Grand Master Turing once dreamed that he was a machine. When he awoke he exclaimed:"I don't know whether I am Turing dreaming that I am a machine, or a machinedreaming that I am Turing!"

"What sort of programmers work for other companies? They behaved badly and were unconcerned with appearances. Their hair was long and unkempt and their clothes were wrinkled and old. They crashed out hospitality suites and they made rude noises during my presentation."
"Those programers live beyond the physical world. They consider life absurd,an accidental coincidence. They come and go without knowing limitations. Without a care, they live only for their programs. Why should they bother with social conventions?"
"They are alive within the Tao."



"That programmer has mastered the Tao. He has gone beyond the need for design; He has gone beyond the need for documentation; he no longer cares if anyone else sees his code.He has gone beyond the need for testing; each of his programs are perfect within themselves, serene and elegant, their purpose self-evident. Truly,he has entered the mystery of the Tao."


Price Wang's programmer was coding software. His fingers danced upon the keyboard. The program compiled without an error message, and the programran like a gentle wind.

Excellent!" the Price exclaimed, "Your technique is faultless!"

"Technique?" said the programmer, turning from his terminal, "What I follow is the Tao -- beyond all technique. When I first began to program I would see before me the whole program in one mass. After three years I no longer saw this mass. Instead, I used subroutines. But now I see nothing. My whole being exists in a formless void. My senses are idle.My spirit, free to work without a plan, follows its own instinct. In short,my program writes itself. True, sometimes there are difficult problems.I see them coming, I slow down, I watch silently. Then I change a single line of code and the difficulties vanish like puffs of idle smoke. I then compile the program. I sit still and let the joy of the work fill my being.I close my eyes for a moment and then log off."

" 技巧?",大师转过身说,"我所遵循的是道--它超乎所有的技巧。当我开始编程时我看到的是整个一大块的程序,三年后我看到的是子过程。现在我什么也看不 到了。我的整个存在是没有任何形式的虚无。我感觉很悠闲,总之,事实上是我的程序自己在写,有时我看到一些问题,我看到它们,就停下来静静地观察它们,然 后我改变了一行代码,难题就象一阵轻烟一样化为乌有。然后我编译程序。坐在那里享受工作的喜悦。闭了一会眼睛然后退出系统。"

Price Wang said, "Would that all of my programmers were as wise!"


A master programmer passed a novice programmer one day. The master noted the novice's preoccupation with a hand-held computer game. "Excuse me",he said, "may I examine it?"

The novice bolted to attention and handed the device to the master. "I see that the device claims to have three levels of play: Easy, Medium,and Hard", said the master. "Yet every such device has another level of play, where the device seeks not to conquer the human, nor to be conquered by the human."

"Pray, great master," implored the novice, "how does one find this mysterious setting?"
The master dropped the device to the ground and crushed it under foot.And suddenly the novice was enlightened.


Thus spake the master programmer: 编程大师如是说:

"Time for you to leave."
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