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Installing V6.0.2 WebSphere Application Server on Solaris systems

2006-04-29 10:49 337 查看
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Installing V6.0.2 WebSphere Application Server on Solaris systems

Technote (FAQ)
The procedure for installing a WebSphere® Application Server product varies depending on your operating system and processor platform.V6.0 provides the following supportV6.0 supports 32-bit kernels on Solaris 8 , Solaris 9, and Solaris 10 operating systems on SPARC and UltraSPARC 60 platforms.V6.0 also provides 64-bit compatibility support for 64-bit kernels on Solaris 8 , Solaris 9, and Solaris 10 systems. The term 64-bit compatibility support means that the 32-bit WebSphere Application Server product is supported when installed on a platform using a 64-bit kernel. However, the 32-bit application server does not exploit the advantages offered by the 64-bit kernel.Download and install the appropriate V6.0.2 file for your Solaris operating system to upgrade a V6.0 installation to V6.0.2. Such V6.0.2 installations continue to provide 32-bit support for 32-bit kernels or 64-bit compatibility support for 64-bit kernels.
Locate your operating system and hardware platform to determine which compact disc or Passport Advantage download to use.
[align=center]Operating system[/align][align=center]Hardware bus/ chip[/align][align=center]Supporting media[/align][align=center]Maintenance package[/align]
[align=center]Solaris 8Solaris 9Solaris 10[/align][align=center]32-bit kernels[/align][align=center]V6.0 disc[/align][align=center]V6.0.2Refresh Pack 2 (RP2)[/align]
[align=center]Solaris 8Solaris 9Solaris 10[/align][align=center]32-bit application server in 64-bit compatibility support on 64-bit kernel[/align][align=center]V6.0 disc[/align][align=center]V6.0.2 / RP2[/align]
Obtain the compact discs in the product package by ordering the product.Alternatively, authorized customers can obtain the product image from the Passport Advantage site.Obtain the appropriate WebSphere Application Server 6.0 Refresh Pack 2 (V6.0.2) file. Download any of the following files to a temporary location and then unpack each file into the installation root directory of the appropriate product.WebSphere Application Server Express, Base, and Network Deployment filesUnpack the file into the installation root directory of the WebSphere Application Server product, as described in the installation procedure later in this document.
Download package identifierV6.0.2 file name
Application Server 6.0.0-WS-WAS-SolarisSparc-RP0000002.tar
Application Client filesUnpack the file into the installation root directory of the Application Client. Then use the Update Installer that is in the Application Client directory.
Download package identifierV6.0.2 file name
Application Client 6.0-WS-AppClient-SolarisSparc-RP0000002.tar
Files for Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application ServerUnpack the file into the installation root directory of the Web server plug-ins. Then use the Update Installer that is in the Web server plug-ins directory.
Download package identifierV6.0.2 file name
Plug-ins 6.0-WS-WASPlugIn-SolarisSparc-RP0000002.tar
IBM HTTP Server filesUnpack the file into the installation root directory of the IBM HTTP Server product. Then use the Update Installer that is in the IBM HTTP Server directory.
Download package identifierV6.0.2 file name
IBM HTTP Server 6.0-WS-WASIHS-SolarisSparc-RP0000002.tar
Edge Component files (Full installation images)Download the following files to a temporary location and then unpack the files. Launch the installer program to install the updated product. The files are full installation images and packages and are not maintenance packages that the Update Installer can install. See the Edge Components information center for detailed information about installation.
Download package identifierV6.0.2 file name
Edge Load Balancer ibmlb-sun.tar
Edge IPv6 Load Balancer ibmlbip6-sun.tar
Edge Caching Proxy cp_solaris.tar
Steps for installing V6.0.2Install the product from the appropriate compact disc or download image.You have very likely already installed the product and are updating an existing system.Run the backupConfig command to back up configuration files. See Backing up and restoring administrative configurations (trun_svr_conf_backup) in the online information center located at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/ws60help/index.jspIMPORTANT: Back up and delete any older copy of the Update Installer before downloading the current Update Installer. To use a newer version of the Update Installer, you must first remove the older version.Back up any files and subdirectories in the install_root/updateinstaller/maintenance directory, if necessary.Delete the install_root/updateinstaller/maintenance directory and all of its subdirectories.Verify required disk space, as described in the readme file for the maintenance package.For instance, the space requirements for V6.0.2 are specified in the readme file.After backing up the configuration and before installing V6.0.2, stop all Java processes that use the IBM Developer Kit that WebSphere Application Server provides to support the Java 2 SDK that IBM provides for WebSphere Application Server products running on Solaris systems.Stop all application server processes, the nodeagent process, the deployment manager process, and all server processes that belong to serviceable products, such as the IBM HTTP Server. Stop all Java processes, if necessary. The product might not continue to run successfully if you install V6.0.2 while a WebSphere Application Server-related Java process is running.Obtain the V6.0.2 downloadable package that you need from the product support Web site located at:http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=180&uid=swg24010069Download the package into a temporary disk location.Untar the package into the install_root directory. This process will unpack the downloaded package automatically into the install_root/updateinstaller directory and several subdirectories, including the maintenance subdirectory.For example, change directories to the installation_root directory of your product before issuing the tar command to extract the Update Installer and maintenance package. The tar command unpacks a TAR file into the current working directory. So change directories to the installation root directory to make it the working directory, as in the following example for a WebSphere Application Server product.
cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServertar -xvf /tmp/downloads/ 6.0.0-WS-WAS-SolarisSparc-RP0000002.tar
The V6.0.2 downloadable package contains both the Update Installer and the actual V6.0.2 maintenance package. The V6.0.2 Update Installer for WebSphere Software is in the install_root/updateinstaller directory.The maintenance package is in the install_root/updateinstaller/maintenance directory.
Check the Recommended updates page to see if the Update Installer has been updated since the V6.0.2 file was created.If so, download and unpack the new Update Installer into the installation root directory to replace the Update Installer files that are in V6.0.2.(Optional) Delete the TAR file if you need more space.Open a command shell window and change directories to the install_root/bin directory of the product that you are updating.
cd install_root/bin
Using the same command shell, source the setupCmdLine.sh command:
. ./setupCmdLine.sh
Using the same command shell, switch to the updateinstaller directory to clone the SDK to begin the update.
cd install_root/updateinstaller
Use the following command to clone the Java 2 Software Development Kit (SDK) that the product uses, so that you can update the original SDK when you install the maintenance package:
./update -silent -W relaunch.active=false
Using the same command shell, begin the update.
Use the following command to install the last maintenance package that you downloaded and unpacked:
./update -silent
The Update Installer wizard runs as a background process and does not display the graphical user interface when running in silent mode.Or, use the following command to specify a maintenance package to install:
./update -silent -W /maintenance.package=./maintenance/6.0.0-WS-WAS-SolarisSparc-RP0000002.pak
Or, issue the update command without a parameter to start the graphical user interface:
Refer to the install_root/updateinstaller/docs/readme_updateinstaller.html file for detailed information about using the update command.
Related information
Installing V6.0.2 WebSphere Application ServerInstalling the Express productInstalling the base productInstalling Network DeploymentRecommended updatesInstalling maintenance packages for ExpressInstalling maintenance packages for the base productInstalling maintenance packages for Network DeploymentSupported hardware and softwareRefresh Pack 2 downloads for Solaris
Cross Reference information
Application ServersWebSphere Application Server - ExpressInstall and migrationSolaris6.0.2Express
Application ServersIBM HTTP ServerInstallSolaris6.0.2
Application ServersWebSphere Edge ServerLoad BalancerSolaris6.0.2
Application ServersWebSphere Edge ServerCaching ProxySolaris6.0.2
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