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As long as You Love Me

2006-04-24 21:09 288 查看
Although loneliness has alwaysbeen a friend of mine 虽然孤独感在我心头挥之不去,

I'm leaving my life in your hands 我还是愿意相信你。   

People say I'm crazy and that I am blind 人们笑我痴狂,  

Risking it all in a glance 毫不犹豫地赌上了所有感情。   

How you got me blind is still a mystery 不知道为什么我竟会对你如此痴迷,   

I can't get you out of my head 无时无刻不在想你。   

Don't care what is written in you history 不在乎你的过去,   

As long as you're here with me 只要你还跟我在一起。   

I don't care who you are 不在乎你是谁,   

Where you're from 从哪来,   

What you did 做过什么,   

As long as you love me 只要你爱我。   

Who you are 不在乎你是谁,   

Where you're from 从哪来,   

Don't care what you did 做过什么,  

 As long as you love me 只要你爱我。   

Every little thing that you have said and done 你的一颦一笑,   

Feels like it's deep within me 都深深印在我的脑海中。   

Doesn't really matter if you're on the run 即使你想逃开也无所谓,   

It seems like we're meant to be 好像我们命里注定就是要在一起。   

I've tried to hide it 我尽力把自己的感情隐藏起来,   

So that no one knows 不让别人知道,   

But I guess it shows 但是我想当你看着我的眼睛的时候,   

When you look in to my eyes 你就会看见我的无限深情。   

What you did 不在乎你做过什么,   

And where you're comin from 从哪来,   

I don't care, as long as you love me. 只要你爱我。


1. as long as,是一个连词短语,表示“以...为条件,如果”。例如:I will cooperate as long as I am notified on time. 只要及时告诉我,我就会合作。还有另外一个意思,既然,跟since差不多,比如说:As long as you've offered, I accept. 既然你已给我,我就接受。

  2. although或者though在做为连词的时候,都表示“虽然,尽管”,但一定要注意不要和but连用,因为在汉语中有虽然...但是...这个表达方法,所以很多人都容易弄混。但是though还可以作为副词,表示“然而,可是,不过”,在口语当中though经常被放在句子的后面,比如:It's hard work, I enjoy it, though. 这是件艰难的工作, 可是我还是喜欢它。


  3. risk, 冒险,风险,比较常用的短语就是take the risk (of/in doing something)。例如:He took a risk when he crossed the old bridge. 他冒险过这座旧桥。They took a risk in driving on, notwithstanding the storm. 尽管有暴风雨,他们还是冒险驾车赶路。risk还可以做动词,表示“冒...风险”。例如歌词中的risk it all,冒着很大的风险。例如: He risked his life when he saved the child from the fire. 他冒着生命危险把孩子从火中救出。还有一个短语也常用,就是be at risk, 有危险,例如:His life is at risk.他有生命危险。


  4. in a glance,一眨眼,立即,比喻行动很快。大家都知道glance有“一瞥, 匆匆一看” 的意思,既可以做动词,也能做名词。例如:She glance at the menu. 她粗略地看了一下菜单。I gave her a glance. 我看了她一眼。at a glance表示“看一眼;马上”。He saw at a glance that she was coming. 他一眼就看到她来了。at first glance这个词组表示“最初,乍一看”,例如:At first glance the plan seemed unworkable.乍一看这个计划好象不可行。


  5. get you out of my head 也可以说get you out of my mind,get out of something,逃避;避免;摆脱She tried to get out of helping her mother. 她尽量逃避帮她妈妈干活。It's hard to get out of an old habit. 旧习惯很难改掉。


  6. what is written in you history,你的历史记录了什么,也就是你的过去。history这个词有“往事,过去的事”的意思,例如:Their troubles are history now. 他们的麻烦已经过去了。还表示“一段有趣的过去”如:They live in a house with a history. 他们住的房子有一段有趣的历史。history还可以表示“经历”,例如:She told me her life history. 她告诉我她一生的经历。还有一个关于history的谚语,History repeats itself. 历史往往重演。


  7. feels like it's deep within me 省略的主语 it, 代替前面的 every little thing。


  8. on the run,逃走;躲藏;匆匆忙忙。He's always on the run. 他总是匆匆忙忙的。


  9. we are meant to be, 补全了就是we're meant to be together.我们注定是要在一起的。


  10. it shows,补充完整就是It shows my love。
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