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2006-04-14 22:21 806 查看
You Asked (Jump to Tom's latest followup)


Can you give an example carried out in pro* c and  the same done in pl/sql, and
show us which is faster and why.

I guess pro*c also does array inserts which in pl/sql we call bulk binds. Which
of them is faster.

thank y

and we said...

I can show you code that will be faster in Pro*C then in PLSQL.

I can show the SAME EXACT code where PLSQL will be faster then Pro*C.

You have to consider where in the world the processing takes place.  Lets say
you have a very fast network and a super fast client.  Pro*C can easily pull the
data out of the database, over the network, work on it quickly and put it back
into the database.  It might be plsql here simply because it has a fast network
and a very fast machine to work on.

Now lets say the pro*c client is on a busy network and the client machine its
running on is very utilized (busy).  Now, PLSQL in the database -- since it
doesn't have the network overhead and perhaps the database is not as utilized --
beats the pants off of pro*c (or more specifically C).

The answer (as always) is -- it depends.  There is no cut and dry answer for

I personally prefer to put all data processing stuff in the database.  In that
fashion, I can do the processing from Pro*C, Java, Vb, SQLPlus -- whatever I
want.  If I find a bug in the processing, I can fix the stored procedure right
there and I don't have to track done all of the code that might have duplicated
this processing (and fix all of the copies).  If I want to tune it, I just get
the stored procedure out of the database -- tune it and put it back in.

So, neither is blanket "faster" then the other.  There are many reasons to put
the logic in the database and as long as it goes fast enough -- thats my

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Tom seems biased to PL/SQL November 10, 2004
Reviewer: Enrique Aviles from Orlando, FL

Just wanted to use this forum to share my opinion. I've read many answers to
many questions posted on this web site and it seems to me that Tom prefers
PL/SQL and doing "data processing" on the database than in Pro*C. My experience
has been just the opposite. I think that for most business applications, PL/SQL
is the language of choice. For heavy  batch processing (million of records) that
require complex data manipulation/processing with advanced data structures
(trees, hash tables, linked lists) Pro*C is the language of choice. I supported
an in-house developed system of a Microelectronics manufacturing company and I
can't even begin to imagine writing the batch programs in PL/SQL. At some point
we had to convert a 2000 PL/SQL script into a Pro*C program because of
performance issues. The script ran in 3 hours and the equivalent Pro*C program
ran in 15 minutes. All the underlying tables used in the script had the proper
indexes and all other stuff required for performance. Problem is that when you
need to query some tables millions or billions of times nothing beats loading
the data in memory and using the bsearch() function. If you can manage to have
most of your data loaded in memory and do all the calculations there, it will be
faster than database processing most of the time and you can easily do that with

My intention is not to bash Tom's opinions or experiences. He is certainly an
extremely competent and knowledgable Oracle professional. I just wanted to share
my experience which seems to be quite different from the usual answers presented
in this web site.

No, I have (written many many times) that I have a mantra, simply stated:

a) if you can do it in a single sql statement -- by all means, do it.
b) if you cannot, do it in as little plsql as possible
c) if plsql is not feasible or possible, use a little java
d) and if raw speed is what you need -- C

pretty much plain and simple.  I was a much much much better C programmer than a
plsql programmer when I started this long and winding road that is Oracle (heck,
I was a better Ada, PL/I, REXX programmer than a plsql programmer)

I've just found that time and time and tiiiiimmmmeeee again -- plsql wins.

But I've many cases (in effective Oracle by design, taking about DIY parallelism
for example) where I've dropped down to C.

You want an "unloader" for data?  I've three flavors:

a) plsql (slow but hey -- it works everywhere and may well be faster than fast

b) sqlplus (faster but not as fast as....)

c) pro*c

I will most heartily disagree with you on the loading into memory and using
bsearch(), i would have given the algorithms a look see and undoubtably (you can
so "on no you wouldn't" -- but I have yet to see opposite) have seen lots of
procedural code to simply "erase".

If all you have is a hammer (procedural mindset), the faster the language, the

If you really really know SQL, you have another tool ;)

But then again, I would also guess that the vast majority of people reading this
could no more write in C than I would propose to rewrite this site in Java.....
So there is that as well.

It is a fact that there are lots of languages.
They are just languages.
They are just tools.
And they are all useful in different places....

remember the closing statement above:

So, neither is blanket "faster" then the other.  There are many reasons to put

the logic in the database and as long as it goes fast enough -- thats my

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November 11, 2004
Reviewer: A reader

> For heavy  batch processing (million of records) that
require complex data manipulation/processing with advanced data structures
(trees, hash tables, linked lists) Pro*C is the language of choice

Could you please explain it a bit further?

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Mostly agree November 11, 2004
Reviewer: Enrique Aviles from Orlando, FL

>> "as long as it goes fast enough".

That is the crux of the situation. We needed the speed of C, that's why we had
to use Pro*C. We couldn't run our batch process in a timely manner at night just
using PL/SQL, that's where Pro*C made things possible.

>> "I will most heartily disagree with you on the loading
>> into memory and using bsearch(), i would have given the
>> algorithms a look see and undoubtably (you can
>> so "on no you wouldn't" -- but I have yet to see
>> opposite) have seen lots of procedural code to
>> simply "erase".

Not sure what you're saying here. Bottom line is that I can bet the farm on
bsearch(). If I need to run 10 million selects on a 500,000 row table I can do
it faster by loading the table in memory and doing the lookups using bsearch().
I've seen the benefits of this many, many times. Converting a loop with one or
more embedded selects into bsearch dramatically improves performance (of course,
if that's the only bottleneck in the program). There is no disk I/O, no database
interaction, no network traffic to worry about, just plain data in memory being
accessed by perhaps the fastest search algorithm available. It's hard to beat

what I'm saying is -- you bet the farm on bsearch and I'll beat it with SQL.

I would NOT dream of making 10 million "slow by slow" lookups -- that is my
point.  I would use the full power of SQL.

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November 11, 2004
Reviewer: Pavan from India


I don't know Pro*C much nor PL/SQL well but I can see that your argument is
"flawed". The poster asked which is fast and when.

Tom explained it by saying ... put everything in database .. if it doesn't work
go to pro*c.

In my opinion you are trying to generalize using one particular example

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Pro*C vs PL/SQL November 11, 2004
Reviewer: Zoran Martic from Dublin, Ireland - currently Alabama :)

Just to answer on the question about array inserts:

I was very surprised that until (that you have only on Windows and
Solaris 32 for now) if you need to use array (bulk) inserts with save exceptions
it is just not going to work because of 3 nasty bugs.
Even with 10g ( is not working. I did not realize that until a few
weeks ago while I wanted to test again the speed of array inserts with total
failing bulk insert for some customer.
I wanted to see why bulk inserts are that much slower when you have bad inserts
in the set and I wanted to confirm that fact through the PL/SQL first, but found
these nasty bugs and could not progress with PL/SQL even for testing.
That reveals me the fact about that a small majority of people doing bulk
inserts in PL/SQL.

Just to not talk without proves, bug numbers are:
3377931, 3566124, 2708874.
From the bug description for some it stated it is confirmed to be found in (for now all my databases are or Am I supposed to
revert it back now :)
Also fixed some other bugs we needed to fix.

Tom, please prove me wrong with this, because I was so dissapointing in this
particular case.
Also somebody said PL/SQL is using OCI interface (maybe UPI as Pro*C if anybody
out of that Oracle group knows exactly about UPI) and because of that in C-OCI
or Pro*C it is fixed first because it needs to be of the customer volume behind
at least array inserts in C world.

With Pro*C or C-OCI it works from 8i (cannot remember earlier, but could be in
earlier releases of OCI or Pro*C interface).

That means stright answer on your question about what is faster: PL/SQL or Pro*C
it works properly only in Pro*C or C-OCI that we are using if you want to handle
bulk exceptions :)
Oracle recommendation as the workaround in not using SAVE EXCEPTIONS in PL/SQL
is to not use SAVE EXCEPTIONS, that means if you have any bad insert in the
array insert you will need to stop processing and do whatever recovery in the
exception session.

Of course if you do not have any errors then PL/SQL will work just fine with
array inserts.

Tom, I like PL/SQL because it is so easy to develop and maintain, but in the
case as Enrique said where you need array processing capabilities faster is
going to be in Pro*C or even C-OCI.

Enrique, not sure that you ever used ASSOCIATIVE ARRRAYS in the PL/SQL.
I did the tests with it on 5M rows tables (around 300M of PGA space, that you
need to load) and associative arrays are this fast:
10g - 2M lookups per second
9i - 0.5 lookups per second

When you are looking into this you are seeing "crazy" Oracle algoritham to do
this. I tested many other fast memory lookups in C and they were not that fast.
Not sure about that bsearch (going to investigate) but it looks Oracle has the
"crazy" bsearch here.

But again you have the overhead to load the table in ASSOCIATIVE ARRAY in PL/SQL
at the beggining if the table is big (probably the same with doing that in

Of course I am doing as much possible in single SQL, but sometimes the business
logic is much more dynamic driven and it is crazy harder to do it with huge SQL
I already discussed this with Tom in some earlier thread.

That concludes that again dependant on all relevant requirements you will choose
one or other as Tom said.

But for the keeping this discussion to the point of the first question
Pro*C is for the moment more reliable or even the only working solution bearing
in mind that in PL/SQL you need to use Oracle workarounds for PL/SQL array
inserts if they work at all (for me even workarounds gave me internal errors
when using SAVE EXCEPTIONS).

At the end, thanks to Enrique who expressed the different view, in this case
probably correct one.
Without his input I will not be that intrigated to write my comments.


so, question, how do you do save exceptions in pro*c?

you are saying that without it working for you in plsql, plsql is not useful.
how do you do it in pro*c then?

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A few answers November 11, 2004
Reviewer: Enrique Aviles from Orlando, FL

Tom said: "what I'm saying is -- you bet the farm on bsearch and I'll beat it
with SQL."

With all due respect... I highly doubt it.

Pavan said: "In my opinion you are trying to generalize using one particular

Agreed. I should have not generalized with a trivial example as a table lookup.
My original post was motivated by the system I used to support. Maybe I should
have used that as a more general/comprehensive example.

Following that idea, Zoran hit the nail on the head when he said: "Of course I
am doing as much possible in single SQL, but sometimes the business logic is
much more dynamic driven and it is crazy harder to do it with huge SQL

That's closer to what I was trying to say. The planning system I supported was
very complex due to the nature of the business (microelectronics manufacturing).
The fabrication of integrated circuits is much more complex than building
refrigerators or chairs. The planning system had to calculate an optimal
delivery date for every order. The system had to consider the inventory
available to build a particular product (many parts with its own
characteristics), the factory capacity available (worldwide factories), all the
different ways a product could be built (think permutations), and come up with
the best date that the company could deliver the product. The memory map of such
system looked like an operating system. We had arrays, linked lists, trees, hash
tables and pointers galore. The system ran every night to see if it could
improve on the previous day's results (due to cancelled orders, which released
inventory/capacity and other factors). This is a system that I cannot even
imagine being written in SQL. There was too much data manipulation and too many
calculations to effectively do it in the database or with PL/SQL.

(with all due respect -- I do it all of the time, lookups are things databases
*sort of excel at*, especially when done properly.

give me alot of procedural code, let me turn it into set operations - and well,
there is a song out there "baby I'm amazed...")

You see, we have to agree to disagree on your point that doing it in sql is
crazy hard to do.

If you don't feel as comfortable in SQL as you do in C, sure -- but.... if you
do, then it is just a language after all.

Now, that aside, I've never said "all applications should be written in PLSQL".
I've given many examples where Pro*c is the tool of choice.  I've been known to
say "hey guess what, there are many languages out there -- use them when

I've never said "dont use c, dont use this, dont use that".

I've been known to say things like "this is faster than fast enough, use this,
it is easiest and most portable"

(and plsql table types -- indexed by binary_integer or indexed by varchar2() are
rather brutally efficient for doing lookups as well -- true plsql has no
pointers and such -- but in the hands of many, that is a good thing (tm))

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Pro*C vs PL/SQL November 12, 2004
Reviewer: Zoran Martic from Dublin, Ireland

Hi Tom,

You are correct about Pro*C. There is not save exception method there at all.

I extended my OCI behaviour to Pro*C by default assuming it is the similar.

I was wrong, that means SAVE EXCEPTIONS feature is only useful in OCI and not in
Pro*C and PL/SQL (is fixed in PL/SQL in, will be soon for all

Tom, I am not saying PL/SQL is useless because I like to do everything in PL/SQL
if possible. That is what I know better then C at the moment.
If you can overcome all PL/SQL bugs with array inserts then great, use PL/SQL.

Also, I agree that probably you can do almost everything in PL/SQL and SQL.
But the question was what is faster???
Neither of us concentrated on the exact question.

Because I did not test Pro*C against PL/SQL I cannot tell exactly.
I suppose that Oracle should have some test results????
Because Tom is in Oracle he can maybe share some or find them somewhere (of
course that it cannot apply to any scenario, but at least to get an idea).

Then I can say that probably for array (bulk insert) performance the difference
will be based on:
a) the networking with Pro*C
the networking overhead is something hard to find published in Oracle
b) where the source data is: in the table or the client side (sometimes you will
mix both Pro*C + PL/SQL for the best results)

If looking only the bulk inserts then hard to say.
Proabably to decide what is better for you it needs to be considered the whole
use-case scenario + who is going to do it.
If it is me that will be PL/SQL and not C :)

But again Enrique and me just wanted to talk about the things from the different


neither is 'faster'

neither is 'better'

neither is the 'single answer to all problems'

there are things that plsql is better at then C
there are things that C is better at then plsql

Me -- I do it in plsql pretty much, unless and until it

a) becomes too slow in plsql (doing things like file io, creating a "dump" file
is something C will/does blow plsql away in)

b) would be better solved in C due to some language feature (like the ability to
use a pointer)

I'll continue to reiterate my initial response above -- which is fair and
balanced and basically says (at the end of the day) "use common sense".

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What to use? November 12, 2004
Reviewer: Zoran Martic from Dublin, Ireland


I agree fully with you about using the most appropriate thing when needed.

I am not sure that anybody here did not agree with you in previous responses. We
just mentioned our experience with this thing.

At the end I have just expressed the problems with PL/SQL because of bugs
related to some aspects of array inserts while that thing is working with C-OCI
for a long time.

In PL/SQL is not yet fixed, even in 10g.

Would you confirm that PL/SQL is based on OCI, please?
Just curious, because you have SQL*Net waits while using PL/SQL :)


plsql is not based on oci directly -- no network layer needed.  a little lower
level than that

waits are a database thing -- oci, proc, plsql, vb, jdbc, they all have waits

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November 12, 2004
Reviewer: Enrique Aviles from Orlando, FL

Zoran wrote: "I am not sure that anybody here did not agree with you in previous
responses. We just mentioned our experience with this thing."

I could not have said it better myself.

I totally agree that PL/SQL, Pro*C, C or any other language are tools. Some of
them are better suited for a particular application or problem than others.

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memory usage, native compilation and experience November 12, 2004
Reviewer: Tim... from UK

Just a few points:

- Pulling everything back into arrays and processing it can use alot of memory
and result in you processing out-of-date data. I've seen it cause problems many

- The speed of procedural code can be improved using native compilation. Ease of
PL/SQL, speed of machine code. Best of both worlds ;-)

- I worked on real-time-control systems for a while. Some of the guys did
everything in Pro*C, I coded most of my stuff in PL/SQL. My code kicked butt and
everyone started to follow my lead. I'm not saying this is right for everyone,
but in my experience, if data is involved let the database do it...



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A matter of cost for me November 13, 2004
Reviewer: A reader from Sweden

I have some fairly heavy batch jobs in my programs and I could, of course, do it
the Tom way and put a lot of it in the db. But then, on the other hand, Oracle
is doing the processing and calculations and will quicker reach the state of
high load.

I could buy the license for another cpu, but this will double the cost of the
Oracle licenses and for an EE license and that hurts. Badly.

This is my pragmatic view of it. If Oracle was to drop the per CPU license to
strictly per USER I'd go with the Tom approach of putting as much in the db as
possible. Generally that really is the best way, I think.

Yes, I am aware of the new cheap ($150/user) license for small customers. Thank
you for that, Oracle, and I really mean it. As running a startup company I feel
a thousand times more safe basing my product on Oracle then an Open Source
project and still being competitive at pricing. Open Source is good, but you
cannot make volunteers get up in the middle of the night to fix an error if my
customers scream.

you will actually find in most cases that the more processing you do in SQL, the
less CPU/resources on the server you actually use.

Believe it.
Or not.

The guys who take the data OUT, massage it, put it back IN use more database
resources then the guys that just process it in place.

What really hurts is ongoing maintainence and development costs, badly.

We do USER based pricing as well.  have for a long long long time.

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A matter of cost for me November 13, 2004
Reviewer: A reader

Yes, but you can have different massages. I don't do a quick rub on the
shoulders and therefore I gain speed by doing it in C++.

On the other points I agree or stand corrected.

We have allready had one customer who turned us down of fear of costly oracle
consultants and products. They go with a mySql solution. If I can cut some price
by doing the above I will. But this situation, I guess, will change by you
(oracle) now started targeting small & midsize companies as well. I've even
tried Postgres as they have a pro*c-ish program, but it wont array read (I even
went through the source) and Postgres lacks a busload of other stuff. I feel
like I'm getting off topic now... Sorry.

Have a nice weekend, Tom!

you are an oracle consultant (apparently).  are you costly?  what did your
customer say when presented with actual live numbers, not FUD factors?

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A matter of cost for me November 13, 2004
Reviewer: A reader

I'm a developer of a program using Oracle as a database. The FUD numbers came
from the customer and we failed to convince them of otherwise.

Oracle has a reputation of being expensive and that reputation will not change
over night, even if you have lowered your prices. Sql server started out quite
cheap and has got a reputation as quite cheap, even if they are about same as
you are now. Just like Volvo still has a reputation of being a slow tank, even
if they nowdays are just like any other (european) car. Who do you think people
associate the monster in the sybase(?) ads with? Come on! Shoot back, you've got
some good ammo now. In know of several start-ups who stay away from Oracle
because they have illusions about the cost. It was f.ex by pure luck I found the
Oracle personal edition offer a year and a half ago, which I could do prototypes

Now I'll stop torturing you and the readers of asktom with my nonsense.

the prices where never higher than sqlserver's for equivalent software.
sqlserver always had a way of comparing their entry level with our enterprise

Sybase ads?  What sybase ads?

(gosh, tell them to goto Dell, I just did today, it was funny -- i wanted to by
myself a server to play with at home.  so after picking out the machine they
said "here is some software to buy":

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 w/5 CALS [$1,389 or $37/month1] Product details
Oracle 10g SE1 for Linux 5 Named Users [$745 or $20/month1] Product details
Oracle 10g SE1 for Windows 5 Named Users [$815 or $22/month1] Product details


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A matter of cost for me November 13, 2004
Reviewer: A reader

Sybase is running ads for their linux campaign:

You can see the ads if you f.ex reload freshmeat.net a couple of times. If you
read the highly intellectual comments on slashdot.org it also appears there from
time to time.

I found a small note about Oracle's $150/user offering in a computer magazine I
subscribe to. But is this enough to spread the word about it? Most start-ups
nowdays try to use good free libs & utils in their products to reduce time to
market and initial r&d cost and search sourceforge.net (& co) open source
portals frequently. Therefore I think it was a brilliant move of Sybase to put
their ads there.

As for the SS vs Oracle pricing, what I wrote is what I've heard from others,
including guys basing their software around SS. I'm a programmer and not very
excited about reading price charts. Few are, I guess.

Please feel free to remove my comments as they are likely not of any general

goto store.oracle.com and you can show how you can buy it for that....

funny -- start ups "write tons of code, taking months -- instead of paying a
couple of dollars for software that already does the basic things they need"

that is why "ebay" made it
and billions of others -- well -- did not.

I love your comments -- no problems here.  I want to push this discussion out.
Pricing, FUD, the whole thing -- it is not a "developer" issue, it is "lets find
out what is really true" thing....

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host structures for updates January 19, 2005
Reviewer: A reader


I would like to know if we can use host structure for updates, in the doc it
suggests this

You can use a C structure to contain host variables. You reference a structure
containing host variables in the INTO clause of a SELECT or a FETCH statement,
and in the VALUES list of an INSERT statement.

typedef struct
char  emp_name[11]; /* one greater than column length */
int   emp_number;
int   dept_number;
float salary;
} emp_record;
/* define a new structure of type "emp_record" */
emp_record new_employee;

strcpy(new_employee.emp_name, "CHEN");
new_employee.emp_number = 9876;
new_employee.dept_number = 20;
new_employee.salary = 4250.00;

EXEC SQL INSERT INTO emp (ename, empno, deptno, sal)
VALUES (:new_employee);

can we do this with UPDATES?

don't think so -- and don't think it makes sense..

what would it look like - you have to list the column names anyway -- because
you don't update all columns in the table generally (like the primary key for

so you would end up with:

update ( select c1, c2, c3, c4, ..... from t )
set RECORD = :x
where pk = :pk;

meaning -- you have to keep the PK separate from the record :x, it just doesnt
make sense (to me anyway)

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albert January 19, 2005
Reviewer: albert from china

Hi tom

you say you prefer to plsql rather than pro*C,
But I have a case in our Data Warehouse system as following:
1/ a source table "sales_source" with 30+ million records :

2/ and two Dimension tables
2.1/ the "Customer" table with 2+ million records:

2.2/ the "product" table with 2000 records:

3/ the target fact table "cube_sales" is

We want to transfer sales data from the source table to the target one,
meanwhile replacing the cust_id with a Surrogate key such that we could resolve
the "Slowly Changing Dimensions" problem.
Would you please show me a simple and effective PL/SQL solution to achive the
that ? I wonder if PL/SQL can be enough powerful to do faster lookup then pro*C

best regard

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too good answer April 12, 2005
Reviewer: Pradip Kr Das from India

It is so helpul that no word to say. Answer is very
clear and understanding.

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