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Build a mediawiki site on your own computer

2006-03-23 12:03 525 查看
This computer's operation system is Windows 2000 Pro. First, you should build the web serverice (apache+php) and the database (mysql) environment. The follows are the details what I did:

1. Install apache server

a) Download The version I used is apache_2.0.55-win32-x86-no_ssl

b) After completing installation, you should edit http.conf, which in the folder of apache home, to avoid collision other software like IE. Change the value of Listen to the number if you like, I change it to 8212. Ps, what we do is just a local test, it need not edit the IP address before the Listen port number.

c) Test. Restart the apache service. Enter http://localhost:8212 to your browser. If the test page displays, congratulations, install successful! If not, please turn to cmd shell and change directory to %apache_home%/bin, run these instructions: apache –k shutdown, apache –k install, apache –k start. (Ref)

2. Install php5 (on the manual way)

a) Download The version I used is php-5.1.2-Win32.

b) Unzip php-5.1.2-Win32.zip, the directory I release is E:/caoyi/php5, but you could release the package to any directory. Rename php.ini-recommended to php.ini (make a backup before doing so!).

c) Add php5 as a model to apache. Edit httpt.conf, add the following lines:
LoadModule php5_module "E:/caoyi/php5/php5apache2.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
PHPIniDir "E:/caoyi/php5"

d) Edit php.ini. Add these lines:
extension_dir = "E:/caoyi/php5/ext"

e) Test. The follow is my test page's code

echo "test";

Save it to E:/caoyi/site_php_test as index.php. Shutdown apache service, edit httpd.conf. Add the following lines:
Alias /homepage "E:/caoyi/site_php_test"
<Directory "E:/caoyi/site_php_test">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks –ExecCGI
DirectoryIndex index.php
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Sart apache service, input http://localhost:8212/homepage in your browser to see the test page.

3. Install MySql. The url for download is http://xbol.driversky.com/down/mysql-5.0.19-win32.zip. Using Windows Installer, only 'click next' needed.

4. Install media wikii

a) Download Theversion I used is mediawiki-1.5.7.

b) Unzip. I release it to E:/caoyi/wiki

c) Add these lines to <apache_home>/httpt.conf:
Alias /wiki "E:/caoyi/wiki"
<Directory "E:/caoyi/wiki">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks –ExecCGI
DirectoryIndex index.php
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

d) Input http://localhost:8212/wiki in your browser, click "Install", fill the blanks.

e) Move the <mediawiki_home>/conf/localsettings.php to its superdirectory.

f) Input http://localhost:8212/wiki in the browser, a personal wiki system birth.

Important Refences
Mediawiki的安装 (zh)
安装MediaWiki (zh)
PHP 手册(chm格式版本下载)(zh)
PHP Manual (en)
Apache HTTP Server 2.0 安装和配置记录 (zh)
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